Blacks Have Only Themselves To Blame For This


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I remember the riots in 64' and 68'. I was there.
I remember the Rodney King riots.
Now riots aren't about injustice but about grabbing some free sneakers at the Nike store.
Amazing that Nike spokesperson Colin Kaepernick is backing the "protesters" who are breaking into Nike stores all over the country.
Kind of ironic.

Blacks have historically been their own worst enemy.
As they escalate the violence the push back will grow.
What will they do then?
Blame it on NeoNazis?

This is just another phase of the Democrat Party's plans to transform America into an 3rd world shithole.....just like the places so many have tried to escape from.

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Let's be fair to the ethnicity under consideration.

They did not ask to come here.

They were put on floating concentration camps and forced to come here.

Once here, they were bred to increase their population so that there would be plenty of free laborers.

The United States of America is simply reaping what our Founding Fathers sowed.

It is a tragedy for everyone concerned.
lenny lenny lenny - you have to distinguish between protesting & rioting. they are not interchangeable.
Let's be fair to the ethnicity under consideration.

They did not ask to come here.

They were put on floating concentration camps and forced to come here.

Once here, they were bred to increase their population so that there would be plenty of free laborers.

The United States of America is simply reaping what our Founding Fathers sowed.

It is a tragedy for everyone concerned.
Hate to tell you this.....but they were the lucky ones.
That ones that were left behind have been thru Hell.
You could say the same for all those poor working class white rednecks whose red state lives suck. It's quite reasonable in your view to blame all their problems on democrats 100s of miles away in DC when the same old conservative assholes have been running their shitty flyover states forever.

i was wondering when soros' name would be invoked. lol....

good boy, lenny. you never disappoint. but let me fill you in:

it's 2020. & soros didn't make them thar FOUR sadistic cops kill mr. floyd over a fake $20; that he may or may not have even known about at the time.
if you are gonna blame ol' george, at least show a link that's little more current, m'K?

i wonder how much the long hair in the video gets paid for his opinions? & by whom.
Let's be fair to the ethnicity under consideration.

They did not ask to come here.

They were put on floating concentration camps and forced to come here.

Once here, they were bred to increase their population so that there would be plenty of free laborers.

The United States of America is simply reaping what our Founding Fathers sowed.

It is a tragedy for everyone concerned.

i was wondering when soros' name would be invoked. lol....

good boy, lenny. you never disappoint. but let me fill you in:

it's 2020. & soros didn't make them thar FOUR sadistic cops kill mr. floyd over a fake $20; that he may or may not have even known about at the time.
if you are gonna blame ol' george, at least show a link that's little more current, m'K?

i wonder how much the long hair in the video gets paid for his opinions? & by whom.

There are a bit bigger problems now than a dead criminal.
You could say the same for all those poor working class white rednecks whose red state lives suck. It's quite reasonable in your view to blame all their problems on democrats 100s of miles away in DC when the same old conservative assholes have been running their shitty flyover states forever.
That makes no sense. While you Bluestaters are burning yourselves out of your homes and your businesses we're in flyover country drinking a beer watching it on TV.

i was wondering when soros' name would be invoked. lol....

good boy, lenny. you never disappoint. but let me fill you in:

it's 2020. & soros didn't make them thar FOUR sadistic cops kill mr. floyd over a fake $20; that he may or may not have even known about at the time.
if you are gonna blame ol' george, at least show a link that's little more current, m'K?

i wonder how much the long hair in the video gets paid for his opinions? & by whom.

There are a bit bigger problems now than a dead criminal.

yep.... that would be that the murderous thug wearing the badge &how his equally sadistic minions haven't been charged appropriately.
I was wondering why nothing has been said much about Baltimore... More than likely nobody has rebuilt shit since the Freddie Gray Memorial Riots... But alas not everyone has learned their lesson...
You fuck with fire and you get burnt...


i was wondering when soros' name would be invoked. lol....

good boy, lenny. you never disappoint. but let me fill you in:

it's 2020. & soros didn't make them thar FOUR sadistic cops kill mr. floyd over a fake $20; that he may or may not have even known about at the time.
if you are gonna blame ol' george, at least show a link that's little more current, m'K?

i wonder how much the long hair in the video gets paid for his opinions? & by whom.

There are a bit bigger problems now than a dead criminal.

yep.... that would be that the murderous thug wearing the badge &how his equally sadistic minions haven't been charged appropriately.

That would be the fucking RIOTS, you clueless moron.

i was wondering when soros' name would be invoked. lol....

good boy, lenny. you never disappoint. but let me fill you in:

it's 2020. & soros didn't make them thar FOUR sadistic cops kill mr. floyd over a fake $20; that he may or may not have even known about at the time.
if you are gonna blame ol' george, at least show a link that's little more current, m'K?

i wonder how much the long hair in the video gets paid for his opinions? & by whom.

There are a bit bigger problems now than a dead criminal.

yep.... that would be that the murderous thug wearing the badge &how his equally sadistic minions haven't been charged appropriately.

That would be the fucking RIOTS, you clueless moron.

oooOOOooo ... you used some caps to drive a pointless point.

those fucking riots won't stop until all the pigs are charged. & charged with 2nd degree murder. 1st degree is probably a stretch, but not all info has been gathered, yet. 3rd degree carries a sentence of probation to 25 years. hopefully all will serve prison time - & no protective custody status. let all 4 stay in the GP.

they will have karma knocking soon enough.

i was wondering when soros' name would be invoked. lol....

good boy, lenny. you never disappoint. but let me fill you in:

it's 2020. & soros didn't make them thar FOUR sadistic cops kill mr. floyd over a fake $20; that he may or may not have even known about at the time.
if you are gonna blame ol' george, at least show a link that's little more current, m'K?

i wonder how much the long hair in the video gets paid for his opinions? & by whom.

There are a bit bigger problems now than a dead criminal.

yep.... that would be that the murderous thug wearing the badge &how his equally sadistic minions haven't been charged appropriately.

That would be the fucking RIOTS, you clueless moron.

oooOOOooo ... you used some caps to drive a pointless point.

those fucking riots won't stop until all the pigs are charged. & charged with 2nd degree murder. 1st degree is probably a stretch, but not all info has been gathered, yet. 3rd degree carries a sentence of probation to 25 years. hopefully all will serve prison time - & no protective custody status. let all 4 stay in the GP.

they will have karma knocking soon enough.

The riots have nothing to do with the cop at this point. It is just savages acting like savages.

Diversity and socialism sure works.

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