black man arrestwd for painting blm in front of police station

go blue. take these savages down
What a dumb ass. That is a nice looking police station, paid for with tax dollars. Now they are going to have to replace the walk out front, due to his vandalism. The need to make sure he pays the bill of his criminal mischief. If it was his message, his thoughts,etc, I wonder why he didn't do it on the sidewalk in front of his house?
What a dumb ass. That is a nice looking police station, paid for with tax dollars. Now they are going to have to replace the walk out front, due to his vandalism. The need to make sure he pays the bill of his criminal mischief. If it was his message, his thoughts,etc, I wonder why he didn't do it on the sidewalk in front of his house?
how about not post his terrorisum at all
how about not post his terrorisum at all
Terrorism? No. Just dumbassery. Surely you are not weak enough to be terrorized by that moron. I am pretty sure, the St. Pete police have his little vandalizing ass under control. At court, I suspect he will get the bill for it.
Terrorism? No. Just dumbassery. Surely you are not weak enough to be terrorized by that moron. I am pretty sure, the St. Pete police have his little vandalizing ass under control. At court, I suspect he will get the bill for it.
anyone who supports blm is terrorist and racist crook.
Yeah, defacing public or private, or state, or federal property is a crime.

Fuck em.
anyone who supports blm is terrorist and racist crook.
I suspect the majority are like the republican supporting Putin, just useful idiots. Near the top, I suspect you are correct.
only libs support putin .= and biden,
Not on this board, FOX NEWS, or among trump surrogates. If trump says Putin a genius, that is good enough for them and a political opinion to adopt and support.
Not on this board, FOX NEWS, or among trump surrogates. If trump says Putin a genius, that is good enough for them and a political opinion to adopt and support.
what a vivid imagination you have. matter a fact dem are pissed and conservatives for backing the ukraine.
what a vivid imagination you have. matter a fact dem are pissed and conservatives for backing the ukraine.
I am one of the conservatives backing the President's conservative actions on Ukraine. I am against Putin in general, (as always), against his invasion of Ukraine, and against starting World War III. At the present time, Joe is doing a good job supporting my interests in the matter and so it NATO, as Ukraine is not a NATO country.
I am one of the conservatives backing the President's conservative actions on Ukraine. I am against Putin in general, (as always), against his invasion of Ukraine, and against starting World War III. At the present time, Joe is doing a good job supporting my interests in the matter and so it NATO, as Ukraine is not a NATO country.
you mean liberal . empty head has no idea what year he is in. he is no president at all.

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