Black Criminals Across The US And Other Related News


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It seems like we have a serious race problem in this country.

Miami has been infested with Hoodrats during Spring Break week.
It seems that instead of college kids blowing off steam....Miami has been swamped with kids who may or may not even be students, who refuse to wear masks and aren't using proper social-distancing. It looks more like a riot instead of a normal spring break.

In SF 3 black suspects beat an Asian-American and robbed him. This was before Democrats in congress decided to make this an issue over the Atlanta massage-parlor shootings.

The latest incident is the two Black teenagers that murdered an Uber driver attempting to steal is car:

Yes folks.....they aren't doing this because we just don't understand "Their Blackness". They're doing this because they're feeling emboldened by the current political climate.

It seems like we have a serious race problem in this country.

Miami has been infested with Hoodrats during Spring Break week.
It seems that instead of college kids blowing off steam....Miami has been swamped with kids who may or may not even be students, who refuse to wear masks and aren't using proper social-distancing. It looks more like a riot instead of a normal spring break.

In SF 3 black suspects beat an Asian-American and robbed him. This was before Democrats in congress decided to make this an issue over the Atlanta massage-parlor shootings.

The latest incident is the two Black teenagers that murdered an Uber driver attempting to steal is car:

Yes folks.....they aren't doing this because we just don't understand "Their Blackness". They're doing this because they're feeling emboldened by the current political climate.

Youz is racist!
It seems like we have a serious race problem in this country.

Miami has been infested with Hoodrats during Spring Break week.
It seems that instead of college kids blowing off steam....Miami has been swamped with kids who may or may not even be students, who refuse to wear masks and aren't using proper social-distancing. It looks more like a riot instead of a normal spring break.

In SF 3 black suspects beat an Asian-American and robbed him. This was before Democrats in congress decided to make this an issue over the Atlanta massage-parlor shootings.

The latest incident is the two Black teenagers that murdered an Uber driver attempting to steal is car:

Yes folks.....they aren't doing this because we just don't understand "Their Blackness". They're doing this because they're feeling emboldened by the current political climate.

LOLOL. This is great. Miami is a shit hole in disguise. I hope they wreck the GD place.LOLOL
Black Georgia Lawmaker guilty of insurrection....?


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It seems like we have a serious race problem in this country.

Miami has been infested with Hoodrats during Spring Break week.
It seems that instead of college kids blowing off steam....Miami has been swamped with kids who may or may not even be students, who refuse to wear masks and aren't using proper social-distancing. It looks more like a riot instead of a normal spring break.

In SF 3 black suspects beat an Asian-American and robbed him. This was before Democrats in congress decided to make this an issue over the Atlanta massage-parlor shootings.

The latest incident is the two Black teenagers that murdered an Uber driver attempting to steal is car:

Yes folks.....they aren't doing this because we just don't understand "Their Blackness". They're doing this because they're feeling emboldened by the current political climate.

They've been completely emboldened now. Kramalot Harris will bail em out for anther round.
Obviously this is different.
So what has changed?

Easy - BlackLivesMatter. And all of the deceit, violence, rioting, looting, murder, assault and vandalism that came with it.
It is a disease that has spread all over the country. It is not, or ever was about equality or racism. It is about lawlessness, anarchy and getting what's mine.
It seems like we have a serious race problem in this country.

Miami has been infested with Hoodrats during Spring Break week.
It seems that instead of college kids blowing off steam....Miami has been swamped with kids who may or may not even be students, who refuse to wear masks and aren't using proper social-distancing. It looks more like a riot instead of a normal spring break.

In SF 3 black suspects beat an Asian-American and robbed him. This was before Democrats in congress decided to make this an issue over the Atlanta massage-parlor shootings.

The latest incident is the two Black teenagers that murdered an Uber driver attempting to steal is car:

Yes folks.....they aren't doing this because we just don't understand "Their Blackness". They're doing this because they're feeling emboldened by the current political climate.

Off topic.

See the chick in the vid bottom left. That is the perfect 2 hand grabbing ass ain't it????

Men are such fucking pigs eh?

Honestly I don't think their intent was to trap anyone. It is clear from videos out there, that a whole section of the "protestors" were headed straight to the store. Obviously they didn't decide to take a shopping break. I believe they were headed there to trash and loot the place.
Who knew that Miami was the preferred destination for Negro college students on Spring break? I thought it was Virginia Beach.
Abraham Lincoln (before he was President) opined that the two largest ethnicities (at that time) were simply incompatible. He suggested that one of them move to the Caribbean islands. (He may have later changed his opinion when he became President.)

This is 2021. Of course, neither group is going to move to the Caribbean.

But there have been interesting calls for one of them to return to the South in huge numbers. Then they could dominate the states and send many Reps & Senators to D.C.

I think that many people in the North would enthusiastically support such a move.

Then maybe the South could become a safe zone for one group, and the North, a safe zone for the other group.

A win-win for everyone.

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