Biggest successes and failures of the Trump Administration


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

Building a Conservative Court
Massive Tax cuts
First Step Act
Space Force
ISIS/Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi


Failed to replace ACA
Charlottesville/George Floyd
US Reputation around the world
The Economy
Catching COVID

Trump's biggest accomplishments and failures from his 1-term presidency
Last edited:
Sowing discord
attacking democracy
weakening NATO
splitting our alliances
embracing dictators and authoritarians
amassing huge new debt
weakening the US military
Letting a deadly virus run free in America

Oh, wait - I misread that. I thought it said 'Putin's biggest successes of the Trump administration'.

History will ultimately judge the Trump era as we see the long term impacts of his presidency

Building a Conservative Court
Massive Tax cuts
First Step Act
Space Force
ISIS/Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi


Failed to replace ACA
Charlottesville/George Floyd
US Reputation around the world
The Economy
Catching COVID

Trump's biggest accomplishments and failures from his 1-term presidency
He has zero items on his schedule right now. What the fuck and who is running the country?

Trump checked out in the leadership department months ago

Building a Conservative Court
Massive Tax cuts
First Step Act
Space Force
ISIS/Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi


Failed to replace ACA
Charlottesville/George Floyd
US Reputation around the world
The Economy
Catching COVID

Trump's biggest accomplishments and failures from his 1-term presidency
He has zero items on his schedule right now. What the fuck and who is running the country?

Trump checked out in the leadership department months ago
He should resign immediately for further dereliction of duty.

Building a Conservative Court
Massive Tax cuts
First Step Act
Space Force
ISIS/Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Peace in the middle east....removed the unconstitutional mandate in Obama care and streamlined the whole thing so it will work...removed thousands of do nothing good stupid regulations and got us a vaccine in record time by paving the way and undoing stupid regulations at the FDA....he brought thousands of good paying jobs to the inner cities by cracking down on cheap China goods...brought our companies home that are deemed as a national security company like our drug manufacturers steel and other products essential for national security...where Obama and Biden just chased them away with over regulation and taxes....
I could go on and other president has worked as hard as Trump has worked for us...the American people....and that's why the left hates him....they want us poor and dependant on them for everything....that is what the new lies about more covid cases is all about.....they want us frightened and sheep like....stupid damn liberals....

Building a Conservative Court
Massive Tax cuts
First Step Act
Space Force
ISIS/Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Peace in the middle east....removed the unconstitutional mandate in Obama care and streamlined the whole thing so it will work...removed thousands of do nothing good stupid regulations and got us a vaccine in record time by paving the way and undoing stupid regulations at the FDA....he brought thousands of good paying jobs to the inner cities by cracking down on cheap China goods...brought our companies home that are deemed as a national security company like our drug manufacturers steel and other products essential for national security...where Obama and Biden just chased them away with over regulation and taxes....
I could go on and other president has worked as hard as Trump has worked for us...the American people....and that's why the left hates him....they want us poor and dependant on them for everything....that is what the new lies about more covid cases is all about.....they want us frightened and sheep like....stupid damn liberals....
Peace in the Middle East that ignores Palestine is not peace
Obama care is still going strong
Manufacturing jobs have decreased under Trump
Trade war increased prices on US Consumers

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