Big SCOTUS Decisions This Week

You are obviously a poorly adjusted heterosexual based on your reply. Sad to be you. Get some professional help.
If you think you're a cat then people know that you're insane. If you think you're Napoleon then people know that you're insane. If you think that you're an alien from the planet Tralfamadore then people know that you're insane. But somehow if you think you're the opposite sex of what you are then people who disagree must be insane.
If you think you're a cat then people know that you're insane. If you think you're Napoleon then people know that you're insane. If you think that you're an alien from the planet Tralfamadore then people know that you're insane. But somehow if you think you're the opposite sex of what you are then people who disagree must be insane.
No, you're simply misguided or willfully ignorant. Sex is determined by the physical universe
Gender is only limited by one's mind. It is a function of mental cognition.
No, you're simply misguided or willfully ignorant. Sex is determined by the physical universe
Gender is only limited by one's mind. It is a function of mental cognition.
How is that different from believing that you're Elmer Fudd when you aren't?
How is that different from believing that you're Elmer Fudd when you aren't?
I can only guess you are a rare exception and you cannot use your brain. How can life exist at all ? And you want to denegate the beauty of all the variety it exists in. Not logical at all. No sense in it.
I can only guess you are a rare exception and you cannot use your brain. How can life exist at all ? And you want to denegate the beauty of all the variety it exists in. Not logical at all. No sense in it.
Denying reality is not beautiful.
Denying reality is not beautiful.
The mind determines what reality exists. You are a fool if you cannot understand that. People are not crazy just because they are different from you, that's reality. No two people in this world see reality exactly the same way. People have altered their bodies throughout history in cultural practices. Tattoos, male and female circumcisions, body piercings. I may not care for any of it but I don't disagree with anyone about their right to do as they please in their lives and it must be beautiful to them
Also most of this world's human population believe in some type of religion ; shall we call them ugly or crazy to define their reality by that. Of course not. It just doesn't make sense and it's wrong for us to judge others. That's the only objection we should beaking.
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The mind determines what reality exists. You are a fool if you cannot understand that. People are not crazy just because they are different from you, that's reality. No two people in this world see reality exactly the same way. People have altered their bodies throughout history in cultural practices. Tattoos, male and female circumcisions, body piercings. I may not care for any of it but I don't disagree with anyone about their right to do as they please in their lives and it must be beautiful to them
Also most of this world's human population believe in some type of religion ; shall we call them ugly or crazy to define their reality by that. Of course not. It just doesn't make sense and it's wrong for us to judge others. That's the only objection we should beaking.
People are crazy if they think they are something that they're not. Even crazier if they cut off their dicks and think it makes them women.
People are crazy if they think they are something that they're not. Even crazier if they cut off their dicks and think it makes them women.
Did you know that all fetuses before 10 weeks old are female. ( It's the reason men have tits ). An extra shot of testrogen about week 11 makes some of the embryos into males. Also, in the case of males transitioning to females the person's penis is not cut off. It is slit down the middle and the bulbospongiosus x 2 and ischiocavernosus x 2 are removed and the rest are pushed back in to go a vagina.. Males wnd females are not tjat much different. Thus one keeps all that very sensitive and enjoyable part of the genitalia. Again, it doesn't matter what you or I think about it, it isn't our lives to judge. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just when you think you've heard it all something new comes along
Ain't life grand !
Did you know that all fetuses before 10 weeks old are female. ( It's the reason men have tits ). An extra shot of testrogen about week 11 makes some of the embryos into males. Also, in the case of males transitioning to females the person's penis is not cut off. It is slit down the middle and the bulbospongiosus x 2 and ischiocavernosus x 2 are removed and the rest are pushed back in to go a vagina.. Males wnd females are not tjat much different. Thus one keeps all that very sensitive and enjoyable part of the genitalia. Again, it doesn't matter what you or I think about it, it isn't our lives to judge. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just when you think you've heard it all something new comes along
Ain't life grand !
Cutting your dick in half is insane too and still doesn't make you a woman. Having hormone imbalances doesn't change your sex.
Cutting your dick in half is insane too and still doesn't make you a woman. Having hormone imbalances doesn't change your sex.
And I believe you really believe that. Fine. But don't judge others who believe differently. It's their lives, not your's. I would never want that either. I take it back, I had a friend who died horribly from Cancer down there. If I ever devoted Cancer down there I ' d change in a heartbeat. Otherwise no .
And I believe you really believe that. Fine. But don't judge others who believe differently. It's their lives, not your's. I would never want that either. I take it back, I had a friend who died horribly from Cancer down there. If I ever devoted Cancer down there I ' d change in a heartbeat. Otherwise no .
Being forced to removed a diseased or injured body part is not the same as choosing to remove or mutilate a healthy body part because you suffer from a delusion. Agreeing with people's delusions is psychological abuse.
Being forced to removed a diseased or injured body part is not the same as choosing to remove or mutilate a healthy body part because you suffer from a delusion. Agreeing with people's delusions is psychological abuse.
Unless by doing so you actually endanger the person's life. That has been proven over and over again in these cases. That's why the American Medical Association supports current transgender therapy. What you are arguing does more damage than good. And if you understood the true nature of our lives here in this world you would never support this hateful rhetoric.
Unless by doing so you actually endanger the person's life. That has been proven over and over again in these cases. That's why the American Medical Association supports current transgender therapy. What you are arguing does more damage than good. And if you understood the true nature of our lives here in this world you would never support this hateful rhetoric.
Doctors recommend against supporting people's delusions for every delusion except transgenderism. Over the past several years the AMA has become highly politicized. They've drunk the Cultural Marxist Flavor Aid.
Doctors recommend against supporting people's delusions for every delusion except transgenderism. Over the past several years the AMA has become highly politicized. They've drunk the Cultural Marxist Flavor Aid.
LOL , thanks for the laugh. Sorry, doctors are professionals, they go with the FACTS. Years and years of research have proven that these individuals cannot alter their mindset and to attempt to do so would cause irreparable harm. Candidates for transgender therapy undergo rigorous physical, emotional and mental testing to make sure it's the right fit. Often taking two to five years. None of this is done lightly.
LOL , thanks for the laugh. Sorry, doctors are professionals, they go with the FACTS. Years and years of research have proven that these individuals cannot alter their mindset and to attempt to do so would cause irreparable harm. Candidates for transgender therapy undergo rigorous physical, emotional and mental testing to make sure it's the right fit. Often taking two to five years. None of this is done lightly.
So the proper treatment for someone who thinks that spiders are crawling all over his body is to tell him that spiders are crawling all over his body?
So the proper treatment for someone who thinks that spiders are crawling all over his body is to tell him that spiders are crawling all over his body?
Not likely, inappropriate comparison. No one believes they're a spider or wants spiders crawling all over them. Good night, tired of answering ignorant questions.
How is that different from believing that you're Elmer Fudd when you aren't?
You cannot be something else or someone else in the end you can only be yourself. That is what these people are trying to do but every nosey body in the world is at odds with them. Why ? Pure ignorance.

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