Biden's Elocution Teacher.....Revealed


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!

He probably sniffed her hair so many times she went balder than a Bell Pepper
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!

Lazy Joe suffers dyslexia and needs speaking help. Everything he reads is backwards. :heehee:

Perhaps you'd like to see how well your ....'damaged'.....candidate, has learned.

Here’s the ‘word salad’ President:

"...when they need to ...when they need to dis.....when they need to ah....when they ding the national guard.....we're gonna ....we're gonna depose....the.....we're gonna enforce the....excuse me, employ.....the reconfect act....go out there and dictate companies build and do....but if it waits, it takes a long time....."

Al Sharpton must be his elocution teacher.

BTW....the journalist asking the question then asked if she could pose the question to the vice-president elect so as to get a coherent answer......what does that tell you?

This is your man.
The man you Democrats put in office: says "I don't know what I'm signing.....' but signs it anyway.



I've seen your posts, so I understand why you'd be attracted to Quid Pro Joe.
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!

Lazy Joe suffers dyslexia and needs speaking help. Everything he reads is backwards.

Well......look how much he's learned from Ms. South Carolina!
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!

Today, she is a proud Republican
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!

Covfefe you say...
Many have wondered what ever happened to the beautiful Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina from 2007.

It has been revealed that she landed a job helping hapless Joe work on his extemporaneous speaking skills.

You may recall her answer to the map question....

And she is sooooo proud of Joe's progress!

I saw that and felt really bad for her. Its not easy being on stage and trying to think on your feet. Im glad no one took a video of me. I was asked a Q by the Emcee i wont repeat here and blurted out an answer that was stupendously idiotic and as i walked off stage i was thinking i hope no one i know that doesnt like me will ever see this. As fas as Biden is concerned its clear why his handlers only let him answer Q's that they have already planted.
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