Biden's $450,000 Illegal Compensation Based On Lies - Biden Is The Only President Responsible For Children Being 'GONE'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trumpā€™s U.S. Immigration Policy was a ā€˜Zero Toleranceā€™ policy, the goal of which was to prosecute every case that is brought to usā€. Under the Trump administrationā€™s new enforcement policy, every migrant who crosses the border illegally ā€“ even those seeking asylum in the US ā€“ is subject to criminal prosecution.

Adults illegally crossing into the United States were arrested and placed in federal jail. US Law states children cannot be held in a federal jail, so they were taken from their parents and placed in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

Almost 2,000 children have been separated from their families at the US southern border over a six-week period during a crackdown on illegal entries, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

After being separated from their parents, the children ā€“ some as young as 18 months ā€“ are then treated as ā€œunaccompanied alien childrenā€, a category which exists primarily to serve children who voluntarily arrive at the border on their own.

Unaccompanied alien children are placed in the custody of ORR within 72 hours of being apprehended by border agents. They then wait, in government-run facilities, for weeks or months while agency officials search for relatives or sponsors to care for the child while their immigration case is pending.

In 2018 Democrats and their surrogate propaganda media released photos of unaccompanied children cramped in cages and declared this was going on under President Trump. Not long after the LIE was exposed, and the truth came out that these photos had been taken under President Obamaā€™s Presidency.


President Biden recently declared, after lying, that he supports giving illegals separated under Trump $450,000 because the Trump administration separated illegals from children, at which point their kids were ā€œGONEā€¦.GONE!ā€



Unaccompanied children under President Trump were handed over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) no longer than 72 hours after being separated from their parents.


Unaccompanied Children were /are packed into cages. Cages designed to hold 25-30 children were packed with as many as 70+. Children were so crowded they have to take turns sleeping on the floor.


After 72 hours unaccompanied children are transferred to ORR where they stay in government-run facilities while the US government searches for relatives or sponsors.

- Their kids arenā€™t GONE! Thatā€™s what happens under the Biden Administration.


- Biden refused to allow reporters, cameras, or visitors to see what he was doing to these kids. It was several DEMOCRATS who smuggled cameras into one of Bidenā€™s facilities and showed Americans the inhumane treatment they were forced to endure.

- Unaccompanied children under Biden have been packed into over-crowded cages in facilities that lacked supervision because Biden had limited the number of US Border Patrol Agents available to provide sufficient oversight. Within these cages, after 8 out of 10 of these children suffered physical and sexual abuse from the Cartels and coyotes who smuggled them, some of the children were physically and sexually abused by other unaccompanied children.

- These children reportedly had insufficient food.

- At times no potable / useable water.

- The children were held in the cages for longer than US law allows. It was reported that children were loaded up and kept on busses for as long as 3 days while the Biden administration decided where to traffick and dump them.

- The Biden administration has made no effort to find unaccompanied childrenā€™s families ā€“ The Biden administration has secretly / quietly trafficked them all over the United States and just DUMPED THEM in communities without notifying local / state officials they are coming.

What President Biden and his administration has done to illegal unaccompanied children is inhumane and far worse than how they were treated under president Trump.

Why are families being separated at the US border?
When Peter Doocy asked him about this the other day, Biden first blamed Doocy and Fox News for spreading "Garbage". Apparently he wasn't briefed (reading isn't his strong suit) that the Wall Street Journal ran the COMPLETELY FACTUAL STORY. The next day, Brainless Brandon does a 180 and of course blames Trump for the "need" to compensate the illegal immigrant families. And of course, the price tag in unknown and if this becomes law it will become yet another tax money giveaway with every illegal and his cousin claiming their piece of the pie. How does any American support Biden and the Democratic Party?
When Peter Doocy asked him about this the other day, Biden first blamed Doocy and Fox News for spreading "Garbage". Apparently he wasn't briefed (reading isn't his strong suit) that the Wall Street Journal ran the COMPLETELY FACTUAL STORY. The next day, Brainless Brandon does a 180 and of course blames Trump for the "need" to compensate the illegal immigrant families. And of course, the price tag in unknown and if this becomes law it will become yet another tax money giveaway with every illegal and his cousin claiming their piece of the pie. How does any American support Biden and the Democratic Party?
Is there any way to reward them with an original Hunter Biden painting (estimated value $500 million)?????
Another reason adults were being separated from children was there was noisy ofknowing if the adults were actually family members, Cartel members, coyotes, or mules.

In several cases the latter turned out your the case. Again, the Trump administration acted to protect un-acompanied children...

Unlike the Biden administration that incentivised poor famlies to basically 'sell' their childrento Cartels and coyotes, entrusting them to get the children yo the U.S., only to have 80% physically and sexually abused and some left gor dead along the way....

...then once I Biden Admin custody have them crammed into cages where they were barely fed, watered, further physically and sexually abused, nd subjected to COVID-19...if they didn't already have it, before being shipped all over the country in the dead of night and DUMPED with no attempt to locate parents or family members for them.

If anyone should be paying illegals money it should be Biden....fromthemillions / billions he took from the CCP and Russia....or from the $500,000 in back taxes from money he tried but failed to hide.
Bidumb = dumbass
..totally fkd up the border--and then that bitch and the dems try to blame it on Mr Trump--they are double dumbass jackasses
It's funny how that stuttering shit clown barks at us about "the kid is gone!!!" about the same we find out he showered with his 11-year old daughter.

The hypocrisy is mind-numbing.
President Trumpā€™s U.S. Immigration Policy was a ā€˜Zero Toleranceā€™ policy, the goal of which was to prosecute every case that is brought to usā€. Under the Trump administrationā€™s new enforcement policy, every migrant who crosses the border illegally ā€“ even those seeking asylum in the US ā€“ is subject to criminal prosecution.

Adults illegally crossing into the United States were arrested and placed in federal jail. US Law states children cannot be held in a federal jail, so they were taken from their parents and placed in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

Almost 2,000 children have been separated from their families at the US southern border over a six-week period during a crackdown on illegal entries, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

After being separated from their parents, the children ā€“ some as young as 18 months ā€“ are then treated as ā€œunaccompanied alien childrenā€, a category which exists primarily to serve children who voluntarily arrive at the border on their own.

Unaccompanied alien children are placed in the custody of ORR within 72 hours of being apprehended by border agents. They then wait, in government-run facilities, for weeks or months while agency officials search for relatives or sponsors to care for the child while their immigration case is pending.

In 2018 Democrats and their surrogate propaganda media released photos of unaccompanied children cramped in cages and declared this was going on under President Trump. Not long after the LIE was exposed, and the truth came out that these photos had been taken under President Obamaā€™s Presidency.


President Biden recently declared, after lying, that he supports giving illegals separated under Trump $450,000 because the Trump administration separated illegals from children, at which point their kids were ā€œGONEā€¦.GONE!ā€



Unaccompanied children under President Trump were handed over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) no longer than 72 hours after being separated from their parents.


Unaccompanied Children were /are packed into cages. Cages designed to hold 25-30 children were packed with as many as 70+. Children were so crowded they have to take turns sleeping on the floor.


After 72 hours unaccompanied children are transferred to ORR where they stay in government-run facilities while the US government searches for relatives or sponsors.

- Their kids arenā€™t GONE! Thatā€™s what happens under the Biden Administration.


- Biden refused to allow reporters, cameras, or visitors to see what he was doing to these kids. It was several DEMOCRATS who smuggled cameras into one of Bidenā€™s facilities and showed Americans the inhumane treatment they were forced to endure.

- Unaccompanied children under Biden have been packed into over-crowded cages in facilities that lacked supervision because Biden had limited the number of US Border Patrol Agents available to provide sufficient oversight. Within these cages, after 8 out of 10 of these children suffered physical and sexual abuse from the Cartels and coyotes who smuggled them, some of the children were physically and sexually abused by other unaccompanied children.

- These children reportedly had insufficient food.

- At times no potable / useable water.

- The children were held in the cages for longer than US law allows. It was reported that children were loaded up and kept on busses for as long as 3 days while the Biden administration decided where to traffick and dump them.

- The Biden administration has made no effort to find unaccompanied childrenā€™s families ā€“ The Biden administration has secretly / quietly trafficked them all over the United States and just DUMPED THEM in communities without notifying local / state officials they are coming.

What President Biden and his administration has done to illegal unaccompanied children is inhumane and far worse than how they were treated under president Trump.

Why are families being separated at the US border?
If you break the law and put your children in harm's way does the government reward you with a half a million dollars.

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