Biden To Republicans: “Are You Saying That We’d Rather Have Lower Gas Prices in America Than Putin’s Iron Fist in Europe?” (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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I would have to say yes! $88 Billion can buy a lotta gas...and complete a southern border wall.

the fact that Biden basically questioned the patriotism of poor and middle class Americans complaining about his inept leadership is disgusting and sadly not surprising .... basically Biden told Americans to shut up and suffer .
Europe has far more economic and military potential than Russia. THey don't need US.

They might WANT US to do all the work, but that is just them being fat and lazy.
The Europeans don't seem to be very bothered by Putin
They sure aren't. They just had a bunch of excess weapons, weapon systems, troop carrying vehicle, they decided to donate to Ukraine on a lark, along with upping contributions to NATO and holding multination military exercises in tactics and command and control, while moving troops to Eastern NATO countrie because they thought their troops would like to travel this year. :auiqs.jpg:
They sure aren't. They just had a bunch of excess weapons, weapon systems, troop carrying vehicle, they decided to donate to Ukraine on a lark, along with upping contributions to NATO and holding multination military exercises in tactics and command and control, while moving troops to Eastern NATO countrie because they thought their troops would like to travel this year. :auiqs.jpg:
thank goodness Trump pressured NATO to spend more on defense .
They sure aren't. They just had a bunch of excess weapons, weapon systems, troop carrying vehicle, they decided to donate to Ukraine on a lark, along with upping contributions to NATO and holding multination military exercises in tactics and command and control, while moving troops to Eastern NATO countrie because they thought their troops would like to travel this year. :auiqs.jpg:
that is not nearly enough
that is weak
I would have to say yes! $56 Billion can buy a lotta gas...and complete a southern border wall.

The war between Ukraine and Russia is their problem.

For Biden to harm the interests of the American people, in order to support one side in that war, is outright malfeasance.
The U.S. has given more to Ukraine than the entire EU combined. While letting our own country go straight to hell. Over something we have no business getting involved in.

Think $54 billion could help out OUR country?
But, how will politicians money launder the $54 Billion into their own pockets without foreign aid?

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