Biden Team Told CDC to 'Hold off' on Announcing New Guidelines


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Never let a good crisis go to waste is alive and well in Traitor Joes©™.

We reported on Wednesday that the CDC was about to release guidelines suggesting that fully vaccinated people could gather in small groups indoors, another indication of a movement back to normality.

But apparently, that was too much for the Biden team, according to Politico. The White House has intervened and has told the CDC to “hold off on releasing” their announcement, without any declared reason as to why.
After a series of meetings and calls with senior officials on the White House’s Covid-19 task force and the Department of Health and Human Services over the last two days, the CDC was told to “hold off on releasing” the recommendations, one of those sources said.
One official suggested that the guidelines were still being finalized. The CDC had prepared them over the past few weeks and a draft had already been circulated, the plan being to sign off on them on Wednesday.
Now, after the White House intervention, the CDC has announced things are not finalized.
Does it have anything to do with the fact that Biden and the Democrats have a huge pork-zilla relief bill that they still want to get passed and if things appear too normal too fast, it might be harder to get it passed?
Some saw politics all over the move.


....what HASN'T he done that is fkd up???....he acts like he's a Banana Republic dictator
If you watch videos of that guy it's clear he's being led around.
He's not our president.
Somebody else is telling him how to talk, how to shit, how to walk, where to walk........but at least Trump is gone.
If vaccinated people cannot gather with other vaccinated people exactly WTF good is the vaccine again.

What a ridiculous joke.

They've spent the last couple/few months telling everyone to line up for their super-duper safe and effective vaccine so we can get back to normal, and now there is a hesitance for those people to gather in groups. M'kay.

Ummm, fuck you. In about 100 different ways.
Never let a good crisis go to waste is alive and well in Traitor Joes©™.

We reported on Wednesday that the CDC was about to release guidelines suggesting that fully vaccinated people could gather in small groups indoors, another indication of a movement back to normality.

But apparently, that was too much for the Biden team, according to Politico. The White House has intervened and has told the CDC to “hold off on releasing” their announcement, without any declared reason as to why.
After a series of meetings and calls with senior officials on the White House’s Covid-19 task force and the Department of Health and Human Services over the last two days, the CDC was told to “hold off on releasing” the recommendations, one of those sources said.
One official suggested that the guidelines were still being finalized. The CDC had prepared them over the past few weeks and a draft had already been circulated, the plan being to sign off on them on Wednesday.
Now, after the White House intervention, the CDC has announced things are not finalized.
Does it have anything to do with the fact that Biden and the Democrats have a huge pork-zilla relief bill that they still want to get passed and if things appear too normal too fast, it might be harder to get it passed?
Some saw politics all over the move.


WA emperor Jay Inslee is doing the same thing. Covid cases have dropped like a stone after a 4 month lockdown, he "allowed" the state to move to phase two a couple of weeks ago. He has had over 3 months to figure out what phase 3 looks like but he STILL has no plan. I think he is waiting for Gavin Newsom or the CDC to tell him what the "NEW SCIENCE" says. This incompetent bastard needs to be recalled along with the rest of the WA state legislature.
Geez, a few weeks in and the Biden Admin is politicized the CDC....

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