Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer will get their $3.5T "infrastructure" bill


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Democrats are liars and looters.

(Bloomberg) -- Senate Democrats on the Budget Committee agreed to set a $3.5 trillion top-line spending level for a bill to carry most of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda into law without Republican support, bridging divisions -- for now -- among some party factions.
Democrats plan to pay for their proposals through large business and individual tax increases.

The latest plan proposed by Democrats is not about “infrastructure.” It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families.
They have included funding for Green New Deal programs, giveaways to big labor, and resources to support absurd liberal studies in this legislation under the guise of calling it “infrastructure.” This is despite the fact that less than 6% of this $2.3T bill actually funds the kind of surface transportation projects that members of both parties agree we need, while the vast majority of the bill is focused on Democrats’ dangerous policies.

Every time that the corrupt Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency they go on a greedy looting spree.
They did it when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton was elected, they did it when the tinhorn dictator Barry Obama was elected and now they are doing it again with Obama's puppet Pedo Joe.
In Left Wing economics the middle class taxpayers are the slaves and the ruling class are the slave masters.
They do not care about how much they spend because they just can load the debt on the backs of working people.
Liberals are not compassionate, they are greedy looters.
Always remember their motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Haven't you ever wondered how Dem politicians come to office broke but leave office multi millionaires?
I've noted this to those on both sides. If you don't want the other party running everything, run people that the people can support.
Democrats are liars and looters.

(Bloomberg) -- Senate Democrats on the Budget Committee agreed to set a $3.5 trillion top-line spending level for a bill to carry most of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda into law without Republican support, bridging divisions -- for now -- among some party factions.
Democrats plan to pay for their proposals through large business and individual tax increases.

The latest plan proposed by Democrats is not about “infrastructure.” It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families.
They have included funding for Green New Deal programs, giveaways to big labor, and resources to support absurd liberal studies in this legislation under the guise of calling it “infrastructure.” This is despite the fact that less than 6% of this $2.3T bill actually funds the kind of surface transportation projects that members of both parties agree we need, while the vast majority of the bill is focused on Democrats’ dangerous policies.

Every time that the corrupt Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency they go on a greedy looting spree.
They did it when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton was elected, they did it when the tinhorn dictator Barry Obama was elected and now they are doing it again with Obama's puppet Pedo Joe.
In Left Wing economics the middle class taxpayers are the slaves and the ruling class are the slave masters.
They do not care about how much they spend because they just can load the debt on the backs of working people.
Liberals are not compassionate, they are greedy looters.
Always remember their motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Haven't you ever wondered how Dem politicians come to office broke but leave office multi millionaires?
I remember how AOC was begging for an advance to pay her rent 2 1/2 years ago. Now she's a member of the international jet set. A regular 5 star con lady.
Democrats are liars and looters.

(Bloomberg) -- Senate Democrats on the Budget Committee agreed to set a $3.5 trillion top-line spending level for a bill to carry most of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda into law without Republican support, bridging divisions -- for now -- among some party factions.
Democrats plan to pay for their proposals through large business and individual tax increases.

The latest plan proposed by Democrats is not about “infrastructure.” It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families.
They have included funding for Green New Deal programs, giveaways to big labor, and resources to support absurd liberal studies in this legislation under the guise of calling it “infrastructure.” This is despite the fact that less than 6% of this $2.3T bill actually funds the kind of surface transportation projects that members of both parties agree we need, while the vast majority of the bill is focused on Democrats’ dangerous policies.

Every time that the corrupt Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency they go on a greedy looting spree.
They did it when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton was elected, they did it when the tinhorn dictator Barry Obama was elected and now they are doing it again with Obama's puppet Pedo Joe.
In Left Wing economics the middle class taxpayers are the slaves and the ruling class are the slave masters.
They do not care about how much they spend because they just can load the debt on the backs of working people.
Liberals are not compassionate, they are greedy looters.
Always remember their motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Haven't you ever wondered how Dem politicians come to office broke but leave office multi millionaires?
Why can't Hunter sell some more of his fabulous paintings to pay for it all:?

May democrats be damned to the furthest reaches of hell.

In fact, God may need to create a new hell just for them.

I picture a hell where they must send their kids to schools that slowly convert them to conservativism and force them to take shots that will genetically start to change them and transform them into conservatives. Then when they fully become conservative, try to kill themselves and their children but are unable to do so.


Oh, and it will be real hot as well.
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"The latest plan........ It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families."

Yup, fixing bridges and roads, dams and levees, expanding internet access, enhancing childcare options, improving schools........ALL of that has historically----hurt families.

You betcha.
"The latest plan........ It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families."

Yup, fixing bridges and roads, dams and levees, expanding internet access, enhancing childcare options, improving schools........ALL of that has historically----hurt families.

You betcha.
Perhaps you should look beyond the TITLE and take a moment to consider what's actually IN legislation as well as reflect on all the possible negative unintended consequences before jumping on board with these MONSTROUS vehicles of wasteful, special interest driven spending. If more people did maybe we wouldn't have all these bald faced attempts by our boys & girls in D.C. to loot the public for vote buying and patronage purposes, after all you're one of the people that's being robbed by these gangsters and you apparently don't even have an interest what's on the actual menu here.

This isn't an infrastructure bill, it's an attempt at a multi-trillion dollar heist of the citizenry taking place in plain view.
Democrats are liars and looters.

(Bloomberg) -- Senate Democrats on the Budget Committee agreed to set a $3.5 trillion top-line spending level for a bill to carry most of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda into law without Republican support, bridging divisions -- for now -- among some party factions.
Democrats plan to pay for their proposals through large business and individual tax increases.

The latest plan proposed by Democrats is not about “infrastructure.” It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families.
They have included funding for Green New Deal programs, giveaways to big labor, and resources to support absurd liberal studies in this legislation under the guise of calling it “infrastructure.” This is despite the fact that less than 6% of this $2.3T bill actually funds the kind of surface transportation projects that members of both parties agree we need, while the vast majority of the bill is focused on Democrats’ dangerous policies.

Every time that the corrupt Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency they go on a greedy looting spree.
They did it when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton was elected, they did it when the tinhorn dictator Barry Obama was elected and now they are doing it again with Obama's puppet Pedo Joe.
In Left Wing economics the middle class taxpayers are the slaves and the ruling class are the slave masters.
They do not care about how much they spend because they just can load the debt on the backs of working people.
Liberals are not compassionate, they are greedy looters.
Always remember their motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Haven't you ever wondered how Dem politicians come to office broke but leave office multi millionaires?
Ah, I hope it passes just to piss you republicans off lol
Democrats are liars and looters.

(Bloomberg) -- Senate Democrats on the Budget Committee agreed to set a $3.5 trillion top-line spending level for a bill to carry most of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda into law without Republican support, bridging divisions -- for now -- among some party factions.
Democrats plan to pay for their proposals through large business and individual tax increases.

The latest plan proposed by Democrats is not about “infrastructure.” It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families.
They have included funding for Green New Deal programs, giveaways to big labor, and resources to support absurd liberal studies in this legislation under the guise of calling it “infrastructure.” This is despite the fact that less than 6% of this $2.3T bill actually funds the kind of surface transportation projects that members of both parties agree we need, while the vast majority of the bill is focused on Democrats’ dangerous policies.

Every time that the corrupt Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency they go on a greedy looting spree.
They did it when the impeached rapist Bill Clinton was elected, they did it when the tinhorn dictator Barry Obama was elected and now they are doing it again with Obama's puppet Pedo Joe.
In Left Wing economics the middle class taxpayers are the slaves and the ruling class are the slave masters.
They do not care about how much they spend because they just can load the debt on the backs of working people.
Liberals are not compassionate, they are greedy looters.
Always remember their motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Haven't you ever wondered how Dem politicians come to office broke but leave office multi millionaires?
Ah, I hope it passes just to piss you republicans off lol
To see mushroom clouds on your cities......
"The latest plan........ It’s about their liberal priorities that will increase taxes, destroy jobs, weaken our economy, and hurt families."

Yup, fixing bridges and roads, dams and levees, expanding internet access, enhancing childcare options, improving schools........ALL of that has historically----hurt families.

You betcha.
The first year of Trump that was proposed. Remember. Shut down the racist highways and build highways around you. You are not needed.
I remember how AOC was begging for an advance to pay her rent 2 1/2 years ago. Now she's a member of the international jet set. A regular 5 star con lady.
She learned how from Trump. yes? Oh, I forgot. He was a Democrat all his life, the phony MF.
Yup, fixing bridges and roads, dams and levees, expanding internet access, enhancing childcare options, improving schools........ALL of that has historically----hurt families.

You betcha.
You have no idea what you are responding to. The roads and bridges are in the 1T dollar bill...not the 3.5 T dollar bill, which
is actually 5.5 T.

This is about the green energy shit. And Manchin will not vote for anything that will destroy his state. In the first 24 hours
he has already gone on record as opposing some of this stuff, and is on record that he will not do what was done last
time in reconcilliation, when Schumer cleared the slate of everything so Manchin could vote for it.

So this 3.5 trillion del has got a lot standing in front of it and Pelosi has already stated that she won't vote for the first
one until the 3.5 T deal passes the Senate.

The Senate is now gone until mid-September. That gives the Senate about 3 months to get something done, because
when the calendar switches to 2022, nothing of this sort has a chance of passing anywhere...not during an election

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