Biden Lies to the People of Maui

Mom and Dad go to what remains of their home to find the charred body of their dead son. He died hugging the family dog. The two burned alive.

Maui, East Palestine, forgotten because they do not kickback like Ukraine. Which American city will be next?

So if Trump would have been president this fire wouldn't have taken place, is that what you are telling us?
So if Trump would have been president this fire wouldn't have taken place, is that what you are telling us?
Nope. California has the same disastrous policies and had them when Trump was president. Hawaii might also have had the two fuckwads who made things so much worse.

What should be done is immediately fire the two fuckwads and take them into custody. Pack up a ton of supplies, corral the best forensic investigators and the milktoast attorney General and go to Hawaii looking for heads to roll.
Here's the most comprehensive report on the Maui fire that I've seen so far. I don't normally post long videos because people don't have time to watch them, but this video by a YouTuber called Hustle Bitch reveals LOTS of pretty shocking information. 28 minutes if you have some free time:

So if Trump would have been president this fire wouldn't have taken place, is that what you are telling us?
Hawaii is Prog expanded to the rafters. Perhaps some infrastructure work with reality would have reduced the chances of what happened. From the standards of Progs alone, the Southwest part of our nation would be doling out a gallon a water a day to each person living there. It would be like water stations set up for it. Like some dystopian sci fi movie.

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