Biden-Harris Presidency Guilty Of Massive Child-Abuse


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Thousands of Children are being dumped on our doorstep thanks to President Biden-Harris.

They are such nice people and so who cares that children are being dumped at the border in a massive human-trafficking scheme that was encouraged by their reckless rhetoric and their indifference. It is a huge humanitarian disaster, but they're such nice people, so the evil that they are responsible for can go on being ignored. Just remember Jan 6th. Forget about what the Biden-Harris administration has done and what they refuse to do.

The wall is racist and xenophobic...but packing children into tents like sardines is okay because nice people are running things now. They're not racist...and that makes their incompetence okay.

So now it is Biden's fault for what someone does or doesn't do with their children? I did notice a lack of accusation when the same thing happened to Trump.
i wonder how many scum demonRATS would ship their children over to another country....after all, you shit stains are for illegals coming into AMERICA
The stuttering fuck molested his daughter in the shower.... read her diary if you need proof. Google "Was I raped? I'm not sure, but there was definitely trauma" + Ashley Biden

Get accustomed to your life being cheap. Like a marxist drone existing at the whim of the state. It's not like life will suddenly become precious to a soulless fucking animal like that.
Dumb F**k. What can you expect when you put a lot of teens with raging hormones together with pedophile caregivers, separating them from their families. These kids have families and the parents who sent these kids here alone or with human smugglers should be held accountable also. This is a f**king disaster that cannot easily be fixed as we see the children that Trump impounded cannot find parents because they do not want to be found when they know we will take care of their kids. This should be an impeachable offense.
Dumb F**k. What can you expect when you put a lot of teens with raging hormones together with pedophile caregivers, separating them from their families. These kids have families and the parents who sent these kids here alone or with human smugglers should be held accountable also. This is a f**king disaster that cannot easily be fixed as we see the children that Trump impounded cannot find parents because they do not want to be found when they know we will take care of their kids. This should be an impeachable offense.

"Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them."
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”–George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.
The stuttering fuck molested his daughter in the shower.... read her diary if you need proof. Google "Was I raped? I'm not sure, but there was definitely trauma" + Ashley Biden

Get accustomed to your life being cheap. Like a marxist drone existing at the whim of the state. It's not like life will suddenly become precious to a soulless fucking animal like that.
FAKE NEWS>>>>> Misbar's investigation found that this source is highly questionable. For an anonymous whistleblower to be credible, the publication must also be credible. In this regard, the National File fails.
The stuttering fuck molested his daughter in the shower.... read her diary if you need proof. Google "Was I raped? I'm not sure, but there was definitely trauma" + Ashley Biden

Get accustomed to your life being cheap. Like a marxist drone existing at the whim of the state. It's not like life will suddenly become precious to a soulless fucking animal like that.
FAKE NEWS>>>>> Misbar's investigation found that this source is highly questionable. For an anonymous whistleblower to be credible, the publication must also be credible. In this regard, the National File fails.
Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.
Dumb F**k. What can you expect when you put a lot of teens with raging hormones together with pedophile caregivers, separating them from their families. These kids have families and the parents who sent these kids here alone or with human smugglers should be held accountable also. This is a f**king disaster that cannot easily be fixed as we see the children that Trump impounded cannot find parents because they do not want to be found when they know we will take care of their kids. This should be an impeachable offense.
Wall will be finished. The Trump family is laughing their arses off.
So now it is Biden's fault for what someone does or doesn't do with their children? I did notice a lack of accusation when the same thing happened to Trump.
Yep--he is rewarding these monsters hence why they are abusing their kids in order to get US freebies.
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Thousands of Children are being dumped on our doorstep thanks to President Biden-Harris.

They are such nice people and so who cares that children are being dumped at the border in a massive human-trafficking scheme that was encouraged by their reckless rhetoric and their indifference. It is a huge humanitarian disaster, but they're such nice people, so the evil that they are responsible for can go on being ignored. Just remember Jan 6th. Forget about what the Biden-Harris administration has done and what they refuse to do.

The wall is racist and xenophobic...but packing children into tents like sardines is okay because nice people are running things now. They're not racist...and that makes their incompetence okay.

They make our nation look stupid.

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