Biden Asks Supreme Court to Cancel Asylum, Border Wall Arguments


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
All you fuckers who voted for Biden are about to have open borders. And how is that good for your family? You really are stupid.

President Joe Biden's administration on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel upcoming oral arguments and delay further action in two pending appeals that were filed by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump over U.S.-Mexico border wall funding and the so-called "remain in Mexico" asylum policy.

The court is scheduled to hear arguments in the two cases on Feb. 22 and March 1, respectively.

The Biden administration has already announced plans to discontinue construction of the border wall and suspend the asylum program. That action potentially makes the cases moot.

All you fuckers who voted for Biden are about to have open borders. And how is that good for your family? You really are stupid.

President Joe Biden's administration on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel upcoming oral arguments and delay further action in two pending appeals that were filed by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump over U.S.-Mexico border wall funding and the so-called "remain in Mexico" asylum policy.
The court is scheduled to hear arguments in the two cases on Feb. 22 and March 1, respectively.
The Biden administration has already announced plans to discontinue construction of the border wall and suspend the asylum program. That action potentially makes the cases moot.

No. We aren't having open borders. That's your fear mongering rhetoric.
All you fuckers who voted for Biden are about to have open borders. And how is that good for your family? You really are stupid.

President Joe Biden's administration on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel upcoming oral arguments and delay further action in two pending appeals that were filed by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump over U.S.-Mexico border wall funding and the so-called "remain in Mexico" asylum policy.
The court is scheduled to hear arguments in the two cases on Feb. 22 and March 1, respectively.
The Biden administration has already announced plans to discontinue construction of the border wall and suspend the asylum program. That action potentially makes the cases moot.

Liberals love people who are more miserable than they are.
Thank God, Trump tilted SCOTUS
But who's going to argue for them now? Can the Court rule on a case without oral arguments? Just askin'.


Good grief. They have zero rights
By 'them' I meant the cases.

If you're in the USA illegally or planning on to come here? Zero rights. If your parents were illegal and spawned you? Zero rights

I'm tired of paying for illegals, you should be also
Thank God, Trump tilted SCOTUS
But who's going to argue for them now? Can the Court rule on a case without oral arguments? Just askin'.


Good grief. They have zero rights
By 'them' I meant the cases.

If you're in the USA illegally or planning on to come here? Zero rights. If your parents were illegal and spawned you? Zero rights

I'm tired of paying for illegals, you should be also
Never mind. Maybe someone else will be able to answer my procedural question.
Thank God, Trump tilted SCOTUS
But who's going to argue for them now? Can the Court rule on a case without oral arguments? Just askin'.


Good grief. They have zero rights
By 'them' I meant the cases.

If you're in the USA illegally or planning on to come here? Zero rights. If your parents were illegal and spawned you? Zero rights

I'm tired of paying for illegals, you should be also
Never mind. Maybe someone else will be able to answer my procedural question.

Good luck and I really don't care. Go bake cookies or something, anyone right of center recognizes you for what you are..

There lies your problem....we all know.

Left loons are so transparent....and utterly stupid
The Democrat Party has not been able to win the majority of white voters in a presidential election since Jimmy Carter.
They need replacement Voters for the white liberals who are dying out due their regressive life styles.
Also Biden is pandering to the Racist Latino Nationalist who brag about changing America into a Latino country.

If you're in the USA illegally or planning on to come here? Zero rights. If your parents were illegal and spawned you? Zero rights

I'm tired of paying for illegals, you should be also
YOU...are no one., What you are "tired of" matters to one
All you fuckers who voted for Biden are about to have open borders. And how is that good for your family? You really are stupid.

President Joe Biden's administration on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel upcoming oral arguments and delay further action in two pending appeals that were filed by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump over U.S.-Mexico border wall funding and the so-called "remain in Mexico" asylum policy.
The court is scheduled to hear arguments in the two cases on Feb. 22 and March 1, respectively.
The Biden administration has already announced plans to discontinue construction of the border wall and suspend the asylum program. That action potentially makes the cases moot.

One must remember that the "America Project" was an experiment based upon peaceful coexistence between rational people through constitutionally guaranteed individual Liberty. Remember though a somewhat doubtful Ben Franklin replied to a well established Philadelphia socialite named Elizabeth Willing Powel's question when she asked Ben: "Well Doctor what did we get a republic or a monarchy?" That reply Ben gave to Elizabeth was short & to the point: " A republic, if you can keep it."

America was @ her high point @ the end of August 1945 & started her ebb towards collapse from then on. The co$t of WW2 bankrupted America(& Russia as well). Taking on the "world Cop" program after WW2 was the final nail in America's coffin. More nations have collapsed to internal strife than to a foreign invading military force. That is not accurate so let me rephrase that one: Internal strife has LED to the foreign military conquest of the VAST majority of nations that have collapsed throughout the worlds recorded history. This problem of internal strife has been researched clear back to the Akkadian empire(ancient Mesopotamia era). What you are witnessing in America today is just reruns of ALL the collapsing-collapsed empires before the Pax Americana program came into existence.
All you fuckers who voted for Biden are about to have open borders. And how is that good for your family? You really are stupid.

President Joe Biden's administration on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel upcoming oral arguments and delay further action in two pending appeals that were filed by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump over U.S.-Mexico border wall funding and the so-called "remain in Mexico" asylum policy.
The court is scheduled to hear arguments in the two cases on Feb. 22 and March 1, respectively.
The Biden administration has already announced plans to discontinue construction of the border wall and suspend the asylum program. That action potentially makes the cases moot.

No. We aren't having open borders. That's your fear mongering rhetoric.
That’s because it would hurt your business as a coyote.
Expect 'Catch and Release' to return, perhaps with a newer, shinier name. That is an open borders policy.
No. We aren't having open borders. That's your fear mongering rhetoric.

Yes, we will have open borders.

That we will. Biden stopped construction on the wall, hand cuffed ICE and got rid of the rules Trump put in place for asylum seekers.

That man is a flaming idiot and we tax payers will pay for his fucking stupidity.
No. We aren't having open borders. That's your fear mongering rhetoric.

Yes, we will have open borders.

That we will. Biden stopped construction on the wall, hand cuffed ICE and got rid of the rules Trump put in place for asylum seekers.

That man is a flaming idiot and we tax payers will pay for his fucking stupidity.

Voters overwhelmingly disapproved of Trump's border and immigration policies. Trump and supporters like you are the fascist idiots.
The Democrat Party has not been able to win the majority of white voters in a presidential election since Jimmy Carter.
They need replacement Voters for the white liberals who are dying out due their regressive life styles.
Also Biden is pandering to the Racist Latino Nationalist who brag about changing America into a Latino country.

View attachment 451722

Democrats are making gains in the suburbs. That is why Biden narrowly won Georgia and Arizona while Biden shaved another point and a half off of the Republican margin in Texas.
The Democrat Party has not been able to win the majority of white voters in a presidential election since Jimmy Carter.
They need replacement Voters for the white liberals who are dying out due their regressive life styles.
Also Biden is pandering to the Racist Latino Nationalist who brag about changing America into a Latino country.

View attachment 451722

Democrats are making gains in the suburbs. That is why Biden narrowly won Georgia and Arizona while Biden shaved another point and a half off of the Republican margin in Texas.
Biden stole this election with mail-in fraud.

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