Biden and his cabal of America hating lefties dismantling the barriers in Texas that are ment to secure the border.

How 80% or more of the country is not up in arms about this is beyond me. National protests should be occurring but are not.

Biden is threatening the very existence of this nation.

Not a follower of his, but he is absolutely right on this. Joe's border policy is absolute shit. The US government actually cutting the wire to let migrants come in, somewhere other than a port of entry? Amazing!

How 80% or more of the country is not up in arms about this is beyond me. National protests should be occurring but are not.

Biden is threatening the very existence of this nation.

Yep....the baby-f**ker in the White House wants more fresh meat.
Obama is helping him get them here....but Obama is trying to destroy America by bringing 20-30 yr old Muslim males here from all over the planet to destroy our society.
Obama probably wants to go back and live in Kenya or somewhere where he can get blowjobs from kids and be left alone. He doesn't give a shit about us.



Now who talks like that?
What's wrong? Why are you so upset? The use of those words were originally used to smear and spread fear mongering lies by the Democrat Progressive Socialists of America (aka CPUSA)
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From what I understand of it a judge enjoined the feds from removing the TX placed wire so they lift it with fork loaders instead of removing it.

I love the BP to death but property crimes can be met with lethal force in TX....Just sayin'.

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