Battery-free noise cancellation!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Noisy flight?

Screaming kid in seat behind you?

OK, you could deal with that with a spendy leather & metal battery powered set of noise-cancelling earphones. But the batteries always seem to die mid-flight and the little brat takes the cue and ups the volume.

But a British company has solved the problem with an inexpensive and entirely battery-free set:


OK, they're not very stylish but they have proven incredibly effective and are remarkably inexpensive. Look for them on places like Amazon or Walmart's retail sites. Typical price? Under £10 or about $13 US but the shipping can be a tad expensive.

How do they do it at the price? Look closely. These earphones are made entirely of concrete. No electronics to eat up batteries or need constant recharging. The weight is around 10.6 pounds, hence the shipping cost. Wear 'em as long as you can bear and, no matter how much your neck might ache it'll still hurt less than listening to the little shit screaming in your ear.

These hit the market today, April 1st!
Batteries aren't required for noise canceling headphones. A couple of capacitors and diodes could smooth an ac signal effectively enough for that, but who wants an extension cord on their headphones?
Batteries aren't required for noise canceling headphones. A couple of capacitors and diodes could smooth an ac signal effectively enough for that, but who wants an extension cord on their headphones?

Also one can find some affordable noise isolating headphones that are lightweight and portable. These days one can view online and get great deals on the products. Also with so many options available on the market, one can make a choice based on his specific requirements.

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