Battered by U.S. Sanctions, Iran Finds a Lifeline in Domestic Economy


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
TEHRAN—Swaths of the Iranian economy are retooling in response to more than two years of U.S. sanctions, finding pockets of resilience in the country’s large domestic economy.

Iranian companies are increasingly producing the sorts of goods that Iran had long imported from abroad, while smaller, growing companies have picked up hiring. According to Iranian government statistics, Iran’s non-oil industry’s gross revenues have grown 83% in the past couple of years, overtaking the sanctions-battered energy sector’s.

Iran’s central-bank governor in December said the country’s economy grew by 1.3% from March to mid-September, largely driven by domestic manufacturing.

I am wary of this article because it's by the WaPo and they, like all other US media, presents Ian as being completely shut off from the rest of the world. It's not. They have other things going on.

The Iranian Mullahs were dancing in the streets when they realized that the scheme to get Sleepy Joe installed as US Autocrat was being realized.
Probably. I just don't think that the US Sanctions have done the damage that they are attempting to claim that it has.
TEHRAN—Swaths of the Iranian economy are retooling in response to more than two years of U.S. sanctions, finding pockets of resilience in the country’s large domestic economy.

Iranian companies are increasingly producing the sorts of goods that Iran had long imported from abroad, while smaller, growing companies have picked up hiring. According to Iranian government statistics, Iran’s non-oil industry’s gross revenues have grown 83% in the past couple of years, overtaking the sanctions-battered energy sector’s.

Iran’s central-bank governor in December said the country’s economy grew by 1.3% from March to mid-September, largely driven by domestic manufacturing.

I am wary of this article because it's by the WaPo and they, like all other US media, presents Ian as being completely shut off from the rest of the world. It's not. They have other things going on.

Would you like Daddy to explain why Iran's economy is suddenly being retooled?

I would garner that the reason is huge zero interest loans being given them by Russia and in particular, China.

Iran, Russia, and China have no doubt figured out who the next US President is going to be. They're all banking on the prediction that not only US sanctions will be removed under Biden, but they also won't be punished for exporting their style of terrorism to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

You know damned well those Iranian weapons production companies are jumping up and down, given the probability of a weakened US, and the money China and Russia are pumping into their economy.

Even the Israelis have figured out what going to happen. I would look for more Mossad assassinations of top Iranian military personnel, as well as well as sabotage to Iran's nuclear facilities and weapons-manufacturing sector in the near future.
TEHRAN—Swaths of the Iranian economy are retooling in response to more than two years of U.S. sanctions, finding pockets of resilience in the country’s large domestic economy.

Iranian companies are increasingly producing the sorts of goods that Iran had long imported from abroad, while smaller, growing companies have picked up hiring. According to Iranian government statistics, Iran’s non-oil industry’s gross revenues have grown 83% in the past couple of years, overtaking the sanctions-battered energy sector’s.

Iran’s central-bank governor in December said the country’s economy grew by 1.3% from March to mid-September, largely driven by domestic manufacturing.

I am wary of this article because it's by the WaPo and they, like all other US media, presents Ian as being completely shut off from the rest of the world. It's not. They have other things going on.

Would you like Daddy to explain why Iran's economy is suddenly being retooled?

I would garner that the reason is huge zero interest loans being given them by Russia and in particular, China.

Iran, Russia, and China have no doubt figured out who the next US President is going to be. They're all banking on the prediction that not only US sanctions will be removed under Biden, but they also won't be punished for exporting their style of terrorism to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

You know damned well those Iranian weapons production companies are jumping up and down, given the probability of a weakened US, and the money China and Russia are pumping into their economy.
Is the international bully in fear of response?
TEHRAN—Swaths of the Iranian economy are retooling in response to more than two years of U.S. sanctions, finding pockets of resilience in the country’s large domestic economy.

Iranian companies are increasingly producing the sorts of goods that Iran had long imported from abroad, while smaller, growing companies have picked up hiring. According to Iranian government statistics, Iran’s non-oil industry’s gross revenues have grown 83% in the past couple of years, overtaking the sanctions-battered energy sector’s.

Iran’s central-bank governor in December said the country’s economy grew by 1.3% from March to mid-September, largely driven by domestic manufacturing.

I am wary of this article because it's by the WaPo and they, like all other US media, presents Ian as being completely shut off from the rest of the world. It's not. They have other things going on.

Would you like Daddy to explain why Iran's economy is suddenly being retooled?

I would garner that the reason is huge zero interest loans being given them by Russia and in particular, China.

Iran, Russia, and China have no doubt figured out who the next US President is going to be. They're all banking on the prediction that not only US sanctions will be removed under Biden, but they also won't be punished for exporting their style of terrorism to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

You know damned well those Iranian weapons production companies are jumping up and down, given the probability of a weakened US, and the money China and Russia are pumping into their economy.
Is the international bully in fear of response?

Do you mean an Iranian response of killing more Americans in the Middle East and supplying Hamas with more missiles with which to strike Iran?

I don't welcome that, but I do welcome how it will show the country just how weak a President Biden would be.

I want that motherfucker to fail and if it means more Coalition soldier's lives lost in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, so be it. I'm not responsible for that because I don't make US policy. I voted for the other guy. The guy who was on track to straighten that clusterfuck up.
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TEHRAN—Swaths of the Iranian economy are retooling in response to more than two years of U.S. sanctions, finding pockets of resilience in the country’s large domestic economy.

Iranian companies are increasingly producing the sorts of goods that Iran had long imported from abroad, while smaller, growing companies have picked up hiring. According to Iranian government statistics, Iran’s non-oil industry’s gross revenues have grown 83% in the past couple of years, overtaking the sanctions-battered energy sector’s.

Iran’s central-bank governor in December said the country’s economy grew by 1.3% from March to mid-September, largely driven by domestic manufacturing.

I am wary of this article because it's by the WaPo and they, like all other US media, presents Ian as being completely shut off from the rest of the world. It's not. They have other things going on.

Would you like Daddy to explain why Iran's economy is suddenly being retooled?

I would garner that the reason is huge zero interest loans being given them by Russia and in particular, China.

Iran, Russia, and China have no doubt figured out who the next US President is going to be. They're all banking on the prediction that not only US sanctions will be removed under Biden, but they also won't be punished for exporting their style of terrorism to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

You know damned well those Iranian weapons production companies are jumping up and down, given the probability of a weakened US, and the money China and Russia are pumping into their economy.
Is the international bully in fear of response?

Do you mean an Iranian response of killing more Americans in the Middle East and supplying Hamas with more missiles with which to strike Iran?

I don't welcome that, but I do welcome how it will show the country just how weak a President Biden would be.

I want that motherfucker to fail and if it means more American soldier's lives lost, so be it.
They need to figure out how to avoid bombing each other. It can´t be that difficult. Iran is allegedly supplying Hamas with rockets, but they are making their own. Who is supplying Israel with rockets?
There is no way to get it right for everyone. The few Jews have only a small country, let them have the whole, no Palestine. In exchange, Israel would accept its neighbors sovereignty.
TEHRAN—Swaths of the Iranian economy are retooling in response to more than two years of U.S. sanctions, finding pockets of resilience in the country’s large domestic economy.

Iranian companies are increasingly producing the sorts of goods that Iran had long imported from abroad, while smaller, growing companies have picked up hiring. According to Iranian government statistics, Iran’s non-oil industry’s gross revenues have grown 83% in the past couple of years, overtaking the sanctions-battered energy sector’s.

Iran’s central-bank governor in December said the country’s economy grew by 1.3% from March to mid-September, largely driven by domestic manufacturing.

I am wary of this article because it's by the WaPo and they, like all other US media, presents Ian as being completely shut off from the rest of the world. It's not. They have other things going on.

Would you like Daddy to explain why Iran's economy is suddenly being retooled?

I would garner that the reason is huge zero interest loans being given them by Russia and in particular, China.

Iran, Russia, and China have no doubt figured out who the next US President is going to be. They're all banking on the prediction that not only US sanctions will be removed under Biden, but they also won't be punished for exporting their style of terrorism to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

You know damned well those Iranian weapons production companies are jumping up and down, given the probability of a weakened US, and the money China and Russia are pumping into their economy.

Even the Israelis have figured out what going to happen. I would look for more Mossad assassinations of top Iranian military personnel, as well as well as sabotage to Iran's nuclear facilities and weapons-manufacturing sector in the near future.

Would you like Disir to smack you upside your head for asking a question in such a disturbing manner?

Not just that but they have had trade with other nation states. In the first article there is a showcase of a couple of domestic companies. I think that is what precipitated the second article.
The WP story doesn’t show anything really new. The Iranian economy has been devastated and the political regime remains extraordinarily repressive.

Longterm U.S. policies, especially the Trump policy tearing up already negotiated international agreements (and imposing secondary sanctions against all foreign companies that trade with Iran) have only reinforced the Iranian hardliner’s vice-like grip over society. They have fully discredited the reform faction among Iran’s political elite. But 83 million Iranians are not going to simply cease living!

The country is torn internally and suffering terribly, but no popular uprising is likely to succeed while full scale domestic repression continues. The U.S. sanctions and Trump-ordered assassination of national hero General Suleimani have given the Islamic authorities a perfect excuse to maintain and strengthen their crackdown on all dissent. Forty years of sanctions against Iran have been no more “successful” than sixty years of sanctions against Cuba.

It is true that the WP article points to an important historical fact: imposed “free market” foreign trade generally destroys local industry and agriculture in underdeveloped countries, and forced isolation can sometimes bring them back — a bit.

Oil-rich (or mineral-rich) underdeveloped countries tend to become subordinate to imperialism via bribery of corrupt national oligarchs. Alternatively they may develop semi-independent dictatorships that destroy any possibility of democratic development. What is needed is a strong historically rooted anti-imperialist leadership, like the nationalist Mossadegh tried to provide. But this is almost impossible to develop out of thin air. The Mullahs had a base in society and now unfortunately their political dictatorship is entrenched. Oil and mineral riches have never allowed for a wholesome development of underdeveloped societies, but always attract disruptive foreign forces. This is the “curse of oil.”

The Iranians need to free themselves both from the reactionary Mullahs and from imperialist sanctions, but that is not made easy by United States policy, nor by the mutual hatred of the ruling regimes in Teheran and D.C.

This terrible “Covid Christmas” could have been a perfect time to make a humanitarian gesture of friendship to the long-suffering Iranian people — by unilaterally loosening sanctions. Of course Trump is too locked into his own obsessions to build bridges to anybody. He is determined to do no favors to anybody this Christmas, except perhaps pass a last parting gift to Netanyahu. Trump has recently increased sanctions, hoping to make it more difficult for his successor to alter the unbalanced U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf region.

Not a very “Merry Christmas” in the Middle East ...

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