Barack Obama should be dragged out of office NOW!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2013
Lousy fucking criminal!

Just before election, Obama doubles down on illegal immigrant fly-in program

In an attempt to curb the ongoing surge of Central American illegal aliens crossing over our southern border, the Obama DHS yesterday announced the dramatic expansion of a 2014 program that puts so-called “refugees” from high-crime regions onto commercial airliners and brings them here directly to live and work. The initial surge, first reported on over the summer of 2014 and involving mostly unaccompanied alien minors (UAM) from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, caused outrage among the American public after apprehended minors began telling border patrol agents they were lured into making the dangerous journey by Obama’s apparent promise of amnesty—Indeed, statistics show the surge starting directly after his 2012 DACA decree which granted self-described “dreamers” deportation deferrals and work permits.

At the time, the embarrassed Obama Administration’s reaction was twofold (although neither involved actual enforcement of our immigration laws): 1) characterize the minors as “refugees” who were escaping a “surge” of drug-related violence back home; and 2) bring down the surge-figures by simply saving the minors the dangerous trip (and smuggler’s fees) and fly them here directly. It’s that strategy which Obama’s implementing again, but this time on a bigger scale.

Just before election, Obama doubles down on illegal immigrant fly-in program
So if Obama’s DHS officials know most UAMs will get rejected from CAM under US refugee law, why are they bothering? Why not just refer to CAM as solely a parole program? It’s likely the political usefulness of the word “refugee” itself. The emotive term fulfils the crucial element of emotional blackmail which the president is always eager to employ when imposing his open-borders experiment on the American people.

And remember folks, Hillary wants to increase the # of refugees brought to the U.S. by over 500%!

Only an utter imbecile would vote for Hillary.
So if Obama’s DHS officials know most UAMs will get rejected from CAM under US refugee law, why are they bothering? Why not just refer to CAM as solely a parole program? It’s likely the political usefulness of the word “refugee” itself. The emotive term fulfils the crucial element of emotional blackmail which the president is always eager to employ when imposing his open-borders experiment on the American people.

And remember folks, Hillary wants to increase the # of refugees brought to the U.S. by over 500%!

Only an utter imbecile would vote for Hillary.

Country is full of 'em...........and a fair amount are newcomers.
So if Obama’s DHS officials know most UAMs will get rejected from CAM under US refugee law, why are they bothering? Why not just refer to CAM as solely a parole program? It’s likely the political usefulness of the word “refugee” itself. The emotive term fulfils the crucial element of emotional blackmail which the president is always eager to employ when imposing his open-borders experiment on the American people.

And remember folks, Hillary wants to increase the # of refugees brought to the U.S. by over 500%!

Only an utter imbecile would vote for Hillary.

Country is full of 'em...........and a fair amount are newcomers.

And as long as we keep sending Dimocrats to state and federal offices, it will get worse and worse, until America is the worlds largest third-world welfare state.
The uneducated homelanders in Germany were the first to buy into Hitler's propaganda against the Jews.

Hitler described the Jews as external parasites who were aided by internal liberal traitors who lacked pride in German superiority and respect for German laws.
The uneducated homelanders in Germany were the first to buy into Hitler's propaganda against the Jews.

Hitler described the Jews as external parasites who were aided by internal liberal traitors who lacked pride in German superiority and respect for German laws.

Which has what to do with illegal aliens?
The uneducated homelanders in Germany were the first to buy into Hitler's propaganda against the Jews.

Hitler described the Jews as external parasites who were aided by internal liberal traitors who lacked pride in German superiority and respect for German laws.

Have you looked around your own country lately ?
The uneducated homelanders in Germany were the first to buy into Hitler's propaganda against the Jews.

Hitler described the Jews as external parasites who were aided by internal liberal traitors who lacked pride in German superiority and respect for German laws.

What are you saying?..........that they didn't go to Hahvared?.........:alirulz:
Back when we asked the world to send us their tired and hungry people we didn't have a welfare program they had to work when they got all they have to do is support Dems. sickening...

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