" Bag Man " ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
The Movie based around an upcoming book written by
Master Storyteller of Lies and Misinformation ... Miss Rachel
Maddow.Who announced her hiatus yesterday until april.
April better watch out because as sure God made little Green
apples,The Mad Cow lady who could never be considered even a
Bag Lady due to her v fever-pitch hatred of Honesty and fair play.
Even Appple Annie { Bette Davis } in the 60's stylized *movie who played a virtual Bag Lady was worlds apart,far more
Lady-like and gracious than this Maddow thing.
Who delights { constanly smirking} when in the throes of
trying to Make Criminal anyone of importance in her field of
Dreams { Republican members }.Of course it helps to make a
movie with Liberal New York city types like Ben Stiller and Lorne Michaels.
Maybe Dork head Howard Stern could showcase his New Yorker
style tap dancing skills.All that would be needed is some New Yorker
modern jew and a violin.
And of course plenty of Whoopie cushions and distractions as if
Master humorous Moviemaker Mel Brooks was on hand as
technical adviser.Not even begging the question but wondering just
who would Play Richard Nixon's V.P. { Spiro Agnew } the latest target
of the Mad Cow.
I mean,talk about a truly Innocuous Politician.But never fear ...
The Mad Cow has energy and the will to portray anyone of the
Opposing Political Party as she see's fit.That's how she gets a paycheck.
Until recently.Because she's been Found Out.Not merely 6 ways to
Sunday and back.But to the core.As rotten a human apple as they come.
However need not fear.There is Irony in this Maddow.She was introduced
and given her first gig at MSNBC on - Tucker - { 2005 }.
His 11 pm est hour long show which focused on Politics
and curent events.Starting off each hour with a 10 minute debate
over said current events or politics.Maddow being used to play
or bark-out her role as Devils Advocate.
Tucker has developed and heightened his skills at being fair,honest
and a truly concerned American.
Maddow ? Let's just say What is ... Is.
" It all depends on what the meaning of the word " is " is. "
Almost famous last words.
What's Maddow's excuse.
She being relegated to Less than IS.

* a Runyonesque stylized movie :
- Pocketful of Miracles -
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My beef with Bag Lady is simple.Like Dennis Prager uses
as his guiding light.Prager believes that " clarity " is of
utmost import.He had to remind a caller and his audience
that he doesn't " Lie " Like never.Being a devout teacher and
disciple of Judaism.A Caller was challenging Prager about
a comment he made and suggesting he's not being Truthful.
Caller was trying to prove that Prager Lied.Prager was polite
as always and proved his points and finished with letting the
caller go because of insufferable accusations.
Maddow is obvioulsy educated.Attended Oxford as
Americas First Lesbian Rhodes Scholar.But then Bill Clinton
also was a Rhodes Scholar.So much for abiding Truth and
being a Rhodes Scholar.General Wesley Clark a Clinton
confidant who ran for President years ago is another
shady truth-teller.He too was a Rhodes Scholar.
One huge dynamic area that seperates Conservatives
from Leftist is the area of Truth.Leftists like [ The Young Turks }
just don't give a fuck.They bend over backwards to twist the
truth in order to make for their Trotskyite ways.
Joseph Stalin once had a big argument over use of the word
{ Fascist } by Leon Trotsky.It may have been the beginnings of
- Ten Days That Shook the World -
" A new humanity will be born of this war . "
If only humanity understood the value of Truth.
" The Left Does Not Value Truth ".
Such is the state of affairs in this Country.The Left and
MSM are using " Misinformation " as a way to Deflect and
transform away from just being truthful.
But that vehicle { the use of Lying as if Truth-telling }
has been used-up.
The Populace has finally wised -up.
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BTW ... Leon Trotsky { Lev Davidovich Bronstein }
could not have been more wrong or less truthful when
he made this statement.
" Old age is the most unexpected of all the
things that happen to a man . " {
Diary in Exile } 1935
See how lying operates.
I always thought her schoolboy haircut went well with her Adam's Apple.
Be careful with " always thought ".I was taught
growing up that the U.S. of A. would always be
Strong,free and Brave.The exact opposite has happened
in barely a year.
Be extra careful what you wish for.
If Rod Serling was around he'd have a :

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