At what point will the DNC finally fall apart?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I just have to wonder. The DNC is nothing more than a gaggle of US enemies working to destroy the country. I'm not sure why, or for that matter if it's even true that the jewish community is largely aligned with the DNC but I know that for years they were, sent their kids to red diaper baby camps and generally supported marxism as if the bolsheviks embraced the yids after WW2. That whole relationship seems pretty convoluted. I have read some books though and it seems a lot of jews embraced marxism out of a sense of guilt or some other illogical conclusions going far back into 1900's political philosophy.

Maybe someone can clear some of this shit up for me too...

Are there people on the forum that actually live in Israel, understand the politics of the country and or that of the jews here domestically? Last I looked, there were no gay parades in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Is that because the muslim arabs would lose their shit and blow things up or because they'd be stoned to death by rabbis?

Knowing how the DNC is embracing mooselimbs that loathe gays, despise jews and pretty much every white person on earth, how are they able to keep all these jabbering retards contained? At some point it seems the DNC is going to have to sacrifice their rich gay donors, because the rich jewish donors don't care about them, the mooselimbs want to kill them all, and the rest of the country is just sick of hearing about them. Then of course there are the rich white donors who buy democrook political whores who protect then from paying the tax rates the DNC pretends to support in order to keep queen antifa's turd minions at bay.

They can't play all these insane fuckheads together against the sane population forever. Something has to break here.

Not any time soon. Infighting is fairly normal for them. You should be wondering what the GOP is going to end up being after they purge everyone with a lick of sense.

I just have to wonder. The DNC is nothing more than a gaggle of US enemies working to destroy the country. I'm not sure why, or for that matter if it's even true that the jewish community is largely aligned with the DNC but I know that for years they were, sent their kids to red diaper baby camps and generally supported marxism as if the bolsheviks embraced the yids after WW2. That whole relationship seems pretty convoluted. I have read some books though and it seems a lot of jews embraced marxism out of a sense of guilt or some other illogical conclusions going far back into 1900's political philosophy.

Maybe someone can clear some of this shit up for me too...

Are there people on the forum that actually live in Israel, understand the politics of the country and or that of the jews here domestically? Last I looked, there were no gay parades in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Is that because the muslim arabs would lose their shit and blow things up or because they'd be stoned to death by rabbis?

Knowing how the DNC is embracing mooselimbs that loathe gays, despise jews and pretty much every white person on earth, how are they able to keep all these jabbering retards contained? At some point it seems the DNC is going to have to sacrifice their rich gay donors, because the rich jewish donors don't care about them, the mooselimbs want to kill them all, and the rest of the country is just sick of hearing about them. Then of course there are the rich white donors who buy democrook political whores who protect then from paying the tax rates the DNC pretends to support in order to keep queen antifa's turd minions at bay.

They can't play all these insane fuckheads together against the sane population forever. Something has to break here.


That's why they call the DNC the "big tent." It's an amalgamation of groups that are otherwise completely at odds, aside from the one common thread that the Democrats use to keep them politically unified -- "victim" status. That's why identity politics dominates on the left.

I'm not sure why, or for that matter if it's even true that the jewish community is largely aligned with the DNC but I know that for years they were, sent their kids to red diaper baby camps and generally supported marxism as if the bolsheviks embraced the yids after WW2.

Yes, I know not all Trump cultists are antisemites like this poster.

However, they do all refuse to call out the very numerous antisemites and white supremacists among them. That's because such scum makes up about a third of the GOP. Republicans can't afford to renounce them. They don't want to directly endorse them either, so they take a middle route of just pretending not to see it.

What sucks for them is that everyone else _does_ see it.

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