At the end of the day Kamala is just Biden 2.0


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
The linked article by Miranda Devine pulls together a lot of the stuff we've all been talking about this past week as Kamala's media blitz seems to be sinking her in the polls. And Miranda brings up the interesting point we've all been hinting about that Biden and Harris are each oither's worst nightmare.

It has been obvious that Biden has been tying Kamala tightly to him. He was specific that Kamala has been in on and has signed off on every decision in the last four years. So much for Kamala's snarky assertion that she is the candidate of change and 'she isn't Joe Biden.' She didn't help herself any when she said clearly on The View that she couldn't think of anything she would have done differenly than Biden.

Then the day he crashed the White House press briefing was at the precise time that she was about to make a presentation in Detroit to take credit for the strike ending. Biden got the live media coverage and she didn't. And Biden has sided with DeSantis in the Harris/DeSantis feud.

So is he getting even with her for the ruthless way he was forced to give up his campaign and the fact Kamala is downplaying him and distancing herself from him on the campaign trail? It sure is beginning to look that way.

Miranda Davis spins another theory too. The theory is that maybe Dr. Jill and Joe have figured out that Harris has been sabotaging him for some time and working with the people who effected the coup. No clear evidence is offered for this but it is interesting to think about. And it would explain why the Bidens are becoming more determined to get in the way. You couldn't really blame them.

All in all it is interesting to watch. Due to an empty vessel Kamala Harris who is nowhere near as crafty as an Obama or sharp as a Bill Clinton or even on a level with Joe Biden, it appears that there are cracks developing in the formerly solid one note, one voice monolithic Democrat party.

And the Republicans are hanging in there pretty solidly in the MAGA vision.

The next three and a half weeks may be pretty interesting.

Kamala Harris is pushing herself as the ‘change candidate’ – but it’s clear she’s just Biden 2.0
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True, but the Dem cabal view Biden telling the truth as a betrayal. The Dem regime has been working overtime trying to convince the American people that she had nothing whatsoever to do with the last 3.5 year disaster.
You know, I think Jill and Joe might be to the point they don't care what the regime thinks anymore. :)
I think Biden was stunned by the betrayal and public humiliation.
I think you're right. And after he was the dutiful little soldier saying all the right things at the convention, the more he thought about it, the more he and Jill thought about it, the anger and sense of betrayal began to set in. And she still has all her marbles and probably started connecting some dots.
She's a DUMB version of Biden. The woman can't even speak let alone lead. She berates her staff. She has no ideas. She lies intentionally so she has no character. She's so pathetic even Democrats didn't want her in 2020 and she had to quit before the first primary vote.
Well, he's dumb too, so she is a DUMBER version.
She makes Biden seem coherent and awesome.. 😀😀

And that’s almost impossible. 😀😀
I was surprised that Joe has not been annoying me lately. For sure I don't think the country is in any shape to handle another four years of a Biden Administration, but I found Joe rather likable in his last two or three appearances. Kamala not so much.
The linked article by Miranda Devine pulls together a lot of the stuff we've all been talking about this past week as Kamala's media blitz seems to be sinking her in the polls. And Miranda brings up the interesting point we've all been hinting about that Biden and Harris are each oither's worst nightmare.

It has been obvious that Biden has been tying Kamala tightly to him. He was specific that Kamala has been in on and has signed off on every decision in the last four years. So much for Kamala's snarky assertion that she is the candidate of change and 'she isn't Joe Biden.' She didn't help herself any when she said clearly on The View that she couldn't think of anything she would have done differenly than Biden.

Then the day he crashed the White House press briefing was at the precise time that she was about to make a presentation in Detroit to take credit for the strike ending. Biden got the live media coverage and she didn't. And Biden has sided with DeSantis in the Harris/DeSantis feud.

So is he getting even with her for the ruthless way he was forced to give up his campaign and the fact Kamala is downplaying him and distancing herself from him on the campaign trail? It sure is beginning to look that way.

Miranda Davis spins another theory too. The theory is that maybe Dr. Jill and Joe have figured out that Harris has been sabotaging him for some time and working with the people who effected the coup. No clear evidence is offered for this but it is interesting to think about. And it would explain why the Bidens are becoming more determined to get in the way. You couldn't really blame them.

All in all it is interesting to watch. Due to an empty vessel Kamala Harris who is nowhere near as crafty as an Obama or sharp as a Bill Clinton or even on a level with Joe Biden, it appears that there are cracks developing in the formerly solid one note, one voice monolithic Democrat party.

And the Republicans are hanging in there pretty solidly in the MAGA vision.

The next three and a half weeks may be pretty interesting.

Kamala Harris is pushing herself as the ‘change candidate’ – but it’s clear she’s just Biden 2.0
harris is worse than biden
The linked article by Miranda Devine pulls together a lot of the stuff we've all been talking about this past week as Kamala's media blitz seems to be sinking her in the polls. And Miranda brings up the interesting point we've all been hinting about that Biden and Harris are each oither's worst nightmare.

It has been obvious that Biden has been tying Kamala tightly to him. He was specific that Kamala has been in on and has signed off on every decision in the last four years. So much for Kamala's snarky assertion that she is the candidate of change and 'she isn't Joe Biden.' She didn't help herself any when she said clearly on The View that she couldn't think of anything she would have done differenly than Biden.

Then the day he crashed the White House press briefing was at the precise time that she was about to make a presentation in Detroit to take credit for the strike ending. Biden got the live media coverage and she didn't. And Biden has sided with DeSantis in the Harris/DeSantis feud.

So is he getting even with her for the ruthless way he was forced to give up his campaign and the fact Kamala is downplaying him and distancing herself from him on the campaign trail? It sure is beginning to look that way.

Miranda Davis spins another theory too. The theory is that maybe Dr. Jill and Joe have figured out that Harris has been sabotaging him for some time and working with the people who effected the coup. No clear evidence is offered for this but it is interesting to think about. And it would explain why the Bidens are becoming more determined to get in the way. You couldn't really blame them.

All in all it is interesting to watch. Due to an empty vessel Kamala Harris who is nowhere near as crafty as an Obama or sharp as a Bill Clinton or even on a level with Joe Biden, it appears that there are cracks developing in the formerly solid one note, one voice monolithic Democrat party.

And the Republicans are hanging in there pretty solidly in the MAGA vision.

The next three and a half weeks may be pretty interesting.

Kamala Harris is pushing herself as the ‘change candidate’ – but it’s clear she’s just Biden 2.0
She admits she wouldn't do one thing differently.
harris is worse than biden
Yes by far because she can be so toxic while he rarely gets to that point. Of course Joe is so mentally handicapped by his dementia we're dealing with two different phenomena here. Joe is incapable of understanding how to govern these days and Kamala simply doesn't have a clue. Not only is she totally clueless in how to do much of anything, she is completely incapable of speaking extemporaneously in any kind of coherent matter. Slow thinking, slow on the uptake, and not able to memorize well. And even when she does manage to think up something new on the fly--her 'job' at McDonalds for instance--she isn't able to realize things like that can be easily fact checked. And she doesn't have dementia for an excuse.

All very poor and even dangerous attributes for a President of the United States.

What she has in common with Biden is both are total puppets of whatever deep state regime is actually running the country. And both have been fully compliant with that Marxist agenda.
She admits she wouldn't do one thing differently.
That's what she said on The View when asked what she would have done differently. Otherwise she is parroting a lot of Trump's more popular policy initiatives having seemingly had this miraculous change of heart since she became a candidate in July. Anybody who believes she actually means those policy initiatives though is most likely less intelligent than she is.
That's what she said on The View when asked what she would have done differently. Otherwise she is parroting a lot of Trump's more popular policy initiatives having seemingly had this miraculous change of heart since she became a candidate in July. Anybody who believes she actually means those policy initiatives though is most likely less intelligent than she is.
I thought it was funny when Walz said he was against the electoral college (which the battleground states like) and Harris had to come out and say that is not her position. Of course she doesn't want to piss off anyone in the battleground states before the election. But, you know darned well that if she wins she would totally support getting rid of the electoral college, just as Walz said.
I thought it was funny when Walz said he was against the electoral college (which the battleground states like) and Harris had to come out and say that is not her position. Of course she doesn't want to piss off anyone in the battleground states before the election. But, you know darned well that if she wins she would totally support getting rid of the electoral college, just as Walz said.
Yup. And would go back to defunding police, gun confiscation, banning fracking and all the other things she seemingly flip flopped on for political expediency during the campaign. She can't bring herself to say any of the illegals will be deported though.

She is and will be Biden 2.0 only probably less competent.

I think it was yesterday I saw a clip that she actually said nobody has done more to secure the border than she has. ?! This after all the effort the media and talking heads made to distance her from the 'border czar' label that tied her to a VERY unpopular open border policy. I wish I could remember where I saw it so I could post it. Google isn't showing it at least yet. If I find it I will post it.

On the other hand the Trump ads are pretty specific. (And accurate)
It has occurred to me that a deep state who have programmed Joe and Kamala so tightly for the last four years have apparently given her some very bad advice. Or else she is just too incompetent to follow their marching orders as well as Joe did.

But as out of touch as she is with what is important to real Americans, perhaps her programmers also missed the mark which brought about the bad advice? If so, I hope they keep that up.

But bottom line, I think most intelligent people sense phony when they see and hear it. Joe Biden was blatantly dishonest at times re his bio, track record, consequences or whatever, but we all knew he was too far gone mentally to even understand he was being dishonest.

Kamala is not too far gone mentally to understand what is and is not true. And she definitely comes across as phony. Nevertheless her programmers are not likely to change their spots should she be elected, so we can be pretty certain so far as policy and concepts go, we get Biden 2.0 along with all the bad that goes with that.

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