Assault a teacher, get more time


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Can you give us a link to this story? Thanks.-EZ

A "teacher" crime.
Man convicted in Georgia yesterday mandatory five year sentence for striking a teacher.
What he did was wrong and I would have convicted him also.
If he hit any other person he would have received probation.
Where is the outrage to this?
I take it you object to special sentencing laws for certain government professions such as teacher or police officer. The rationale is that by making harder sentences for assaulting these people that people will not do the crime which is true. This has to make you think for one minute about how much the state is interested in protecting you because if giving harder time for assaulting a cop or a teacher deters crime then why not impose the same sentence when anyone else is assaulted? I would think they would want to do this if they were interested in protecting your life.

BTW, they never impose these kind of special sentences for private sphere professions like clergy, CircleK clerk (they get robbed a lot don't they), pizza delivery driver, and etc. Its only for government positions that they do this. Is this the government community instinct to protect its own from the people.

That has got to make you think about the nature of government officials.
Being a teacher, cop, or judge can be dangerous biz. And only cops carry protection. More assaults, thefts, and drug deals happen in a school than any other building. When was the last time someone at your workplace was hit? At my job it's several a year. It doesn't matter if its a deterrent or not. Its a message that some understand the dangers. And guess what? We can't hit back.
Being a teacher, cop, or judge can be dangerous biz. And only cops carry protection. More assaults, thefts, and drug deals happen in a school than any other building. When was the last time someone at your workplace was hit? At my job it's several a year. It doesn't matter if its a deterrent or not. Its a message that some understand the dangers. And guess what? We can't hit back.

I don't know if you meant that towards me but I was pointing out that if the logic is that a more severe punishment deters these things then why wouldn't they inflict the same punishment for everyone. Don't they want to stop the same crime that can happen against a cop or teacher as they do with everyone else?
I don't know about other states but in NJ, simple assault is automatically bumped up to aggravated. A bartender can hit back - a teacher can not. The silliness of it is that in NJ, if you are a minor, there are little or no consequences. I had a desk thrown at me and the kid got probation. And even though he violated his probation several times, it wasn't until he was caught with a gun that he was finally sent away FOR ONE WEEK. I wouldve loved for that terror to be locked up for five years.

Teachers get sent to hospitals just for enforcing rules which is part of their job. Can't think of any other profession where that happens.
Aggravated assault is a serious crime. Though honestly, I think it can get rather extreme sometimes

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