Assange is a Piece of Crap LIAR


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Assange said he would turn himself in if Chelsea Manning wasn't granted clemency... well Obama did that and now Assange is back tracking saying it wasn't what he meant and that it wasn't enough. All you dumb fucks out there that worship this piece of shit need to take a look in the mirror and realize he is lying garbage...

""There's no question that what President Obama did is not what Assange was seeking," said Barry Pollack, who represents the WikiLeaks chief in the United States. "Mr. Assange was saying that Chelsea should never have been prosecuted, never have been sentenced to decades in prison, and should have been released immediately."

Melinda Taylor, who also represents Assange, agreed, saying in an email that clemency was "far short of what Mr. Assange asked for and what Ms. Manning deserved (which is to be pardoned and freed immediately)."

Neither supplied any evidence that Assange had used the words "immediate" or "pardon" in relation to his extradition offer, but Pollack said it was clear that was what Assange meant — noting that the Australian computer expert had previously pushed for Manning's pardon."

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange retreats from extradition pledge

You fucks just keep following and looking up to this guy... you are the ones that have to live with yourselves.
He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
Funny; I didn't hear the lefties squeal about Palin's e-mail hacking.

Though the emails show Palin complaining about the media, they also show her proactively anticipating inquiries on matters of substance.

Palin emails: No bombshells

Hypocritical assholes!! But what do you know; nothing that equates to anything CLOSE to illegal.

Funny; I didn't hear the lefties squeal about Palin's e-mail hacking.

Though the emails show Palin complaining about the media, they also show her proactively anticipating inquiries on matters of substance.

Palin emails: No bombshells

Hypocritical assholes!! But what do you know; nothing that equates to anything CLOSE to illegal.

Palin is a national embarrassment

Funny; I didn't hear the lefties squeal about Palin's e-mail hacking.

Though the emails show Palin complaining about the media, they also show her proactively anticipating inquiries on matters of substance.

Palin emails: No bombshells

Hypocritical assholes!! But what do you know; nothing that equates to anything CLOSE to illegal.


Palin is a drunken trailer park trash brawler. She's not good for anything but a laugh anyway.
Funny; I didn't hear the lefties squeal about Palin's e-mail hacking.

Though the emails show Palin complaining about the media, they also show her proactively anticipating inquiries on matters of substance.

Palin emails: No bombshells

Hypocritical assholes!! But what do you know; nothing that equates to anything CLOSE to illegal.


Palin is a drunken trailer park trash brawler. She's not good for anything but a laugh anyway.

Compared to Hillary she's an Angel!!


He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
Their is no Democrat Party to expose,there is a Democratic Party that was exposed...
Are there more sentenced to decades for telling the truth? Wow, I am impressed! 35 years the prison punk for telling the truth! Land of the free, ect, ect.
He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
And now the online leakers will go after Trump.
He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
And now the online leakers will go after Trump.

They've tried. Evidently they got THREE pages. Greg
Anonymous says they will make him "regret" his presidency.

Anonymous to Trump: You will ‘regret’ the next ... - NBC News
Hacking collective tells Trump to watch his ... Anonymous to Trump: You Will ‘Regret’ the Next ... him last year when he was a candidate for President of the .
He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
And now the online leakers will go after Trump.

They've tried. Evidently they got THREE pages. Greg
Anonymous says they will make him "regret" his presidency.

Anonymous to Trump: You will ‘regret’ the next ... - NBC News
Hacking collective tells Trump to watch his ... Anonymous to Trump: You Will ‘Regret’ the Next ... him last year when he was a candidate for President of the .

You can only hope so.
He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
And now the online leakers will go after Trump.

They've tried. Evidently they got THREE pages. Greg
Anonymous says they will make him "regret" his presidency.

Anonymous to Trump: You will ‘regret’ the next ... - NBC News
Hacking collective tells Trump to watch his ... Anonymous to Trump: You Will ‘Regret’ the Next ... him last year when he was a candidate for President of the .

So the bloke has the courage to stare down some hackers. No big deal, Jake. I would expect that.

He is a piece of shit, never claimed otherwise. It was fun watching one piece of shit expose the pieces of shit called the Democrat Party though.
And now the online leakers will go after Trump.

They've tried. Evidently they got THREE pages. Greg
Anonymous says they will make him "regret" his presidency.

Anonymous to Trump: You will ‘regret’ the next ... - NBC News
Hacking collective tells Trump to watch his ... Anonymous to Trump: You Will ‘Regret’ the Next ... him last year when he was a candidate for President of the .

So the bloke has the courage to stare down some hackers. No big deal, Jake. I would expect that. Greg
You will not get what you expect.

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