Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

And that scares the shit out of you doesn't it? Because you know that after 4 years of shoving the malaise of Biden blunder, and plunder on the country a tin can would win as long as its not a progressive....

I care less. The country loses either way. I've come to accept that.
Well, let's see...I guess I should walk around telling my granddaughter that she'll never be accepted until she has gender reassignment surgery, and that I am automatically a racist because I was born white?

My granddaughter is interracial btw.
I’m going to agree with you that the Dems focus on fringe issues is costing them, and they have left behind a large proportion of their support by excluding many.

How about Republicans legislating against free speech, disappearing lgbtq people in culture and education, also focusing on fringe causes? Opposing allow abortion even in the case of rape, severe fetal anomalies and unless the mothers life is in imminent danger?

Dems have two things against them in the midterms. The party in power always loses seats and the economy sucks. That sunk Trump as well. They running some good candidates as well and the Republicans are running some horrible ones.

It will come out to some aspect of these concerns:
gun violence

Those seem to consistently come in voter surveys.
You said that I was demonstrating "self unawareness".

Details, please.
From what I see in here, you complain about “the right” (whoever that is) using the exact things you yourself espouse and cheer on…

I highlighted 4 issues that voters will be taking to the polls, and you ignored those, only to make it about your own narcissism….THAT is typical of you Mac, and typical of your self unawareness…

It's easy to take positions you know are going nowhere..
Why do you suck? You harvested your way through ballots to plant an invalid in office two years ago. Inflation is climbing rapidly along with gas prices at the pump. Groceries expenses have tripled. You're fighting a proxy war with russia so you can keep the grifting till open in ukraine. You continue to shove your gender, trans, woke perversions onto the populace as you identify as a furry but cut your nuts off because you think you wanna be a female. You think you can get the country to rally around killing innocent babies since SC shut down RvW. Seriously, how tone deaf are y'all?
And that scares the shit out of you doesn't it? Because you know that after 4 years of shoving the malaise of Biden blunder, and plunder on the country a tin can would win as long as its not a progressive....
Unsubstantiated hyperbole is unpersuasive.
I’m going to agree with you that the Dems focus on fringe issues is costing them, and they have left behind a large proportion of their support by excluding many.
Maybe you've hit on something there. Dems are fractured along the lines of the complex questions of how to treat trans people and all the issues involving sexual identity while Repubs tend to be unified in their uninformed bigotry.
And that scares the shit out of you doesn't it? Because you know that after 4 years of shoving the malaise of Biden blunder, and plunder on the country a tin can would win as long as its not a progressive....
You mean like Biden was able to beat Trump after four years of blunder and plunder by the Trump crime family?
You mean like Biden was able to beat Trump after four years of blunder and plunder by the Trump crime family?
It's stunning how many times Trumpleton's accuse Dem pols of exactly what Repub pols have done.
From what I see in here, you complain about “the right” (whoever that is) using the exact things you yourself espouse and cheer on…

I highlighted 4 issues that voters will be taking to the polls, and you ignored those, only to make it about your own narcissism….THAT is typical of you Mac, and typical of your self unawareness…
I didn't read that post.

So that's it? That is your evidence that I lack self awareness?

Okay :laugh:
I’m going to agree with you that the Dems focus on fringe issues is costing them, and they have left behind a large proportion of their support by excluding many.

How about Republicans legislating against free speech, disappearing lgbtq people in culture and education, also focusing on fringe causes? Opposing allow abortion even in the case of rape, severe fetal anomalies and unless the mothers life is in imminent danger?

Dems have two things against them in the midterms. The party in power always loses seats and the economy sucks. That sunk Trump as well. They running some good candidates as well and the Republicans are running some horrible ones.

It will come out to some aspect of these concerns:
gun violence

Those seem to consistently come in voter surveys.
What exactly are the legislation against free speech you are speaking of...Republican's have been in the minority for 4 years now, so I am at a loss as to what exactly you are speaking of....No one want's to "disappear" LGBTQ people, rather that as a group that represents less than 1% of the country, their issues aren't a paramount concern....And, we'd rather they stopped trying to force their lifestyle on us....As for abortion, it is in the States hands where it should be...You want to kill babies up to and including the moment of birth pass an amendment...Until then it's NOT a right. period.

Good candidates vs. poor candidates is a matter of opinion...The fact is the candidates they are running seem to not be able to gauge the real issues, and therefore they will lose...

The issues you have listed are in the american mind, but you misgauge the importance...

I would say the issues are in this order

1. Economy
2. Gas price
3. Rights
4. Threat of Nucular war
10. abortion
It's stunning how many times Trumpleton's accuse Dem pols of exactly what Repub pols have done.
I know, they aren’t very original are they? It’s like they store up all their grudges and then project it on the new administration. Case in point, calling Dems/Biden a cult because Trumpism was called a cult. The shoe fits with Trump, but is laughable with Biden.
I know, they aren’t very original are they? It’s like they store up all their grudges and then project it on the new administration. Case in point, calling Dems/Biden a cult because Trumpism was called a cult. The shoe fits with Trump, but is laughable with Biden.
Yep, we are not going to agree politically, and that is what really irks you people....Because you demand fealty....
From what I see in here, you complain about “the right” (whoever that is) using the exact things you yourself espouse and cheer on…

I highlighted 4 issues that voters will be taking to the polls, and you ignored those, only to make it about your own narcissism….THAT is typical of you Mac, and typical of your self unawareness…
To show you how you don't understand virtually anything I say, here we go:

No pride in your country
Reality: Plenty of pride in my country, which is why I'm so concerned right now.

No religious grounding
Reality: I fully support freedom of religion. Just don't force your ersatz, supposed religious views on others. I'd say the same thing to a Muslim.

Ostracization of political opponents
Reality: Since my political opponents exist on both ends of the spectrum, I have disagreements with both ends. An obedient sheep like you wouldn't understand. And most of your posts are ostracization of political opponents, with plenty of personal insults. Talk about projection. Talk about self-unaware.

No exchange of ideas, just unquestioning followers
Reality: I think what we need is for both ends of our spectrum to get over themselves, and practice communication, collaboration, cooperation and innovation. Ideas coming from everywhere, the imagination flowing. Just like our Founders did. Exactly the opposite your post. Again, a sheep like you wouldn't understand. Because you're self-unaware.

So, four lies by you. You just make shit up about me to fit your twisted, ignorant view of me. This is why I don't bother.
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What exactly are the legislation against free speech you are speaking of...Republican's have been in the minority for 4 years now, so I am at a loss as to what exactly you are speaking of...

They are not a minority in many state houses and federal government is not the only source of legislation.

No one want's to "disappear" LGBTQ people, rather that as a group that represents less than 1% of the country, their issues aren't a paramount concern....
Legislation banning, even in non sexual ways, talking of non-hetero people and families, book bannings that target books far beyond those that are inappropriately graphic and target primarily black and lgbtq authors and characters; laws that impose restrictions on what can discussed or taught in higher e and private business’s. Sounds like attemting to erase them from the public sphere and redefine them as abnormal and dangerous. If they are just 1% of the population why are Republicans spending so energy on legislating against them and ginning up hate?

And, we'd rather they stopped trying to force their lifestyle on us....

How is anything “forced” on you?

As for abortion, it is in the States hands where it should be...You want to kill babies up to and including the moment of birth pass an amendment...Until then it's NOT a right. period.
And you want to kill women because what she carries is more important than her life and rape is a gift from God. Two can play the exaggeration game.

Good candidates vs. poor candidates is a matter of opinion...The fact is the candidates they are running seem to not be able to gauge the real issues, and therefore they will lose...

The issues you have listed are in the american mind, but you misgauge the importance...

I would say the issues are in this order

1. Economy
2. Gas price
3. Rights
4. Threat of Nucular war
10. abortion

I think that is YOUR priority, but is it America’s?

This what I posted 9/12

When I did a search for the past month, here is what I found:

Top 4 issues:

Gun Policy
With education and immigration following.

Abortion remains in the top tier but economy is by far the important. Your items fall below or are not even mentioned.
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Yep, we are not going to agree politically, and that is what really irks you people....Because you demand fealty....
*cough*. Your horde of RINO’s keeps expanding with each new refusal to offer fealty toTrump and The Big Lie, which has become the determiner of what is and is not a Republican. :lol:
How so? explain instead of your usual hit and run lie...

No pride in your country

Pride in one’s country means loving her, warts and all. It means acknowledging the wrongs and trying to right them, and celebrating what makes our country exceptional and worth fighting for. Republicans act like they have the copyright on patriotism, turning it into a cheap bumper sticker slogan defined by such things as where you put your hand during the Pledge of Allegiance, what you wear on your lapel, what religion you follow. To Republicans, pride in your country allows for no dissent, however respectful. That isn’t pride, which seeks to be inclusive. It’s pride cheapened into a set gestures, words and symbols that have turned patriotism into a commodity that can only be attained through a zero sum game.

Ostracization of political opponents
Demonizing the left, defining them as the enemy of the people instead of political opponents (thank you Mr. Gingrich), calling them pedophiles and pedo supporters, exiling those who refuse fealty into RINOdom

No exchange of ideas, just unquestioning followers
The Cult of Trump. The banishing of those who refuse to endorse the Big Lie. The acceptance of anything and everything Trump does as right and just, even now, when he is out of office. What exchange of ideas in a party where compromise is associated with appeasement?

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