Are Democrats turning against Hillary Clinton?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
With Hillary's support weakening do we really want her gone? She might be easier to beat than a Biden, Warren ticket, although to see her indicted would be nice..

With the specter of Vice President Joe Biden jumping into the 2016 race for the White House, some prominent figures in the Democratic party seem less sure of Hillary Clinton's chances at clinching the party's nomination.

Notable Democrat California Gov. Jerry Brown weighed in Sunday on the possibility of Biden's run, saying if he were in the vice president's position, he would give "very serious consideration" to the 2016 contest.

"All I can say is, if I were Hillary, I would say [to Biden], 'Don't jump in,'" Brown told NBC News. "If I were Joe Biden, I'd probably give it very serious consideration."

Joe Biden's political star has risen in recent weeks, with his national poll numbers climbing despite his unofficial status as a potential candidate. In a move that could signal more earnest consideration of a run, Biden this weekend met privately with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive policy leader of the Democratic party. Brown, who once made a bid for the Oval Office in 1992 against Bill Clinton, added that his own personal experience has shown him presidential politics are "uncertain."

When asked if he expects Hillary Clinton to win the Democratic nomination, Brown responded, "I don't make these expectations. I've been around politics long enough to know things are uncertain. I don't know. I think she's a good person. She's got a lot of experience, but the vagaries of politics are such, I think expectations are worth about that."

The two-time California governor also expressed concern for how Clinton's brewing email controversy could impact her run, calling the issue a "vampire" haunting her campaign.

Election 2016: Are Democrats turning against Hillary Clinton?
Obama is riding Hillary dirty like he rode Jack Ryan! Obama wants his mindless Renfield Joe Biden as the nominee.

That's got to be the case. Hillary is dying from a thousand cuts, put out slowly by this administration.
Hillary needs to come forward and expose Obama's support for Jihad including running arms through Benghazi to Al Qaeda, turning Iraq over to ISIS. She's out of time and options
Hillary needs to come forward and expose Obama's support for Jihad including running arms through Benghazi to Al Qaeda, turning Iraq over to ISIS. She's out of time and options

That's not going to happen, she's all tied up in Obama's crap, plus the Obama lovers would turn against her.
Let's practice that....
Hillary needs to come forward and expose Obama's support for Jihad including running arms through Benghazi to Al Qaeda, turning Iraq over to ISIS. She's out of time and options

That's not going to happen, she's all tied up in Obama's crap, plus the Obama lovers would turn against her.

They're already against her, she's not getting the nomination and she has no agreement that Obama will stop after she drops out, she needs to go nuclear
The voters are turning even if the wonks refuse. Sanders is drawing quite well and is close to Hillary in numbers.
Obama should be getting ready to do that final yank on the carpet anytime now.
Hillary needs to come forward and expose Obama's support for Jihad including running arms through Benghazi to Al Qaeda, turning Iraq over to ISIS. She's out of time and options

That's not going to happen, she's all tied up in Obama's crap, plus the Obama lovers would turn against her.

They're already against her, she's not getting the nomination and she has no agreement that Obama will stop after she drops out, she needs to go nuclear
"If I burn, Mr obama, you burn with me."

Apologies to Hunger Games
Hillary needs to come forward and expose Obama's support for Jihad including running arms through Benghazi to Al Qaeda, turning Iraq over to ISIS. She's out of time and options

That's not going to happen, she's all tied up in Obama's crap, plus the Obama lovers would turn against her.

They're already against her, she's not getting the nomination and she has no agreement that Obama will stop after she drops out, she needs to go nuclear
She NEEDS to do a John Dean and roll on Obama AND Holder.
The voters are turning even if the wonks refuse. Sanders is drawing quite well and is close to Hillary in numbers.
Obama should be getting ready to do that final yank on the carpet anytime now.

"With whom do think Obama would rather be shaking hands with, as the new president elect of the United states? Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden his vice president?" I say the latter. Mark Steyn's question... I thought it a good one.:smile:
Hillary needs to come forward and expose Obama's support for Jihad including running arms through Benghazi to Al Qaeda, turning Iraq over to ISIS. She's out of time and options

That's not going to happen, she's all tied up in Obama's crap, plus the Obama lovers would turn against her.

They're already against her, she's not getting the nomination and she has no agreement that Obama will stop after she drops out, she needs to go nuclear
"If I burn, Mr obama, you burn with me."

Apologies to Hunger Games

Yup. She's totally fucked if she keeps quiet

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