Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots - Conservative News Outlet (
15 Jan 2021

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s discord shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.
Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.
“It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week.
Yet, in footage streamed to followers on his discord server, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window.
“If we don’t get in, we’re going to burn this shit down,” he gloats. “Let’s go! This shit’s ours. Fuck yeah. I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this shit. We did this shit together.”
“I didn’t know I hit it [the window] that hard. No one got that on camera,” he continues. “Fuck the blue! Fuck the blue!”

This footage comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons.
Moments after near Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!”
“You were right! We did it,” she boasts.
“Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”
While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a ‘big camera’ at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.
“It’s all fake,” he explains. “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today,” he says. “I was wearing a Trump hat at the last Trump rally, at that Trump rally during the daytime because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.
“Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time,” he continues. “‘Yeah I’m just a journalist. I am just recording. I’ve got my camera on my shoulder.’ Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here.”
Sullivan’s Insurgence USA, which describes itself as “the revolution,” hosted a “Kick These Fascists out of DC” on Jan. 6, around the same time a pro-Trump rally was slated near the National Mall.
The mainstream media refuses to report this fact. The FBI continues to ignore this fact, too

Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol - YouTube

“The phonies were pretending to be Deplorable Patriots.” Let’s push it. Pay for ads if the networks refuse to air this story.
Why hasn't this guy been arrested and interrogated to get the others involved.... John Sullivan and the other roaches need to be considered terrorists. If he was prsent and instigated the damages at the Capital Building surely like the roaches they are there were hundreds involved.
However, we all know that he's one of the protected classes.
This is PROVING both CNN and Antifa were inside the Capitol stoking the riot.
The is a typical type of Flase Flag tactic of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left
Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots - Conservative News Outlet (
15 Jan 2021

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s discord shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.
Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.
“It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week.
Yet, in footage streamed to followers on his discord server, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window.
“If we don’t get in, we’re going to burn this shit down,” he gloats. “Let’s go! This shit’s ours. Fuck yeah. I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this shit. We did this shit together.”
“I didn’t know I hit it [the window] that hard. No one got that on camera,” he continues. “Fuck the blue! Fuck the blue!”

This footage comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons.
Moments after near Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!”
“You were right! We did it,” she boasts.
“Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”
While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a ‘big camera’ at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.
“It’s all fake,” he explains. “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today,” he says. “I was wearing a Trump hat at the last Trump rally, at that Trump rally during the daytime because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.
“Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time,” he continues. “‘Yeah I’m just a journalist. I am just recording. I’ve got my camera on my shoulder.’ Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here.”
Sullivan’s Insurgence USA, which describes itself as “the revolution,” hosted a “Kick These Fascists out of DC” on Jan. 6, around the same time a pro-Trump rally was slated near the National Mall.
The mainstream media refuses to report this fact. The FBI continues to ignore this fact, too

“The phonies were pretending to be Deplorable Patriots.” Let’s push it. Pay for ads if the networks refuse to air this story.
Why hasn't this guy been arrested and interrogated to get the others involved.... John Sullivan and the other roaches need to be considered terrorists. If he was prsent and instigated the damages at the Capital Building surely like the roaches they are there were hundreds involved.
However, we all know that he's one of the protected classes.
This is PROVING both CNN and Antifa were inside the Capitol stoking the riot.
The is a typical type of Flase Flag tactic of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left
It was mostly Antifa that stormed the Capital
Too bad they did not burn it to ash
Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots - Conservative News Outlet (
15 Jan 2021

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s discord shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.
Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.
“It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week.
Yet, in footage streamed to followers on his discord server, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window.
“If we don’t get in, we’re going to burn this shit down,” he gloats. “Let’s go! This shit’s ours. Fuck yeah. I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this shit. We did this shit together.”
“I didn’t know I hit it [the window] that hard. No one got that on camera,” he continues. “Fuck the blue! Fuck the blue!”

This footage comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons.
Moments after near Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!”
“You were right! We did it,” she boasts.
“Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”
While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a ‘big camera’ at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.
“It’s all fake,” he explains. “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today,” he says. “I was wearing a Trump hat at the last Trump rally, at that Trump rally during the daytime because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.
“Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time,” he continues. “‘Yeah I’m just a journalist. I am just recording. I’ve got my camera on my shoulder.’ Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here.”
Sullivan’s Insurgence USA, which describes itself as “the revolution,” hosted a “Kick These Fascists out of DC” on Jan. 6, around the same time a pro-Trump rally was slated near the National Mall.
The mainstream media refuses to report this fact. The FBI continues to ignore this fact, too

“The phonies were pretending to be Deplorable Patriots.” Let’s push it. Pay for ads if the networks refuse to air this story.
Why hasn't this guy been arrested and interrogated to get the others involved.... John Sullivan and the other roaches need to be considered terrorists. If he was prsent and instigated the damages at the Capital Building surely like the roaches they are there were hundreds involved.
However, we all know that he's one of the protected classes.
This is PROVING both CNN and Antifa were inside the Capitol stoking the riot.
The is a typical type of Flase Flag tactic of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left
It was mostly Antifa that stormed the Capital
Too bad they did not burn it to ash
See thats where I think they totally went wrong to ....they should of started dragging mofos out to lamp posts and started stringing em up

I'm just saying

Thiers 20,000 troops in DC
Youre in the middle of a coup back by the military...for the moment ......and take a wild guess who the threat to our democWacy is.....

You have the fbi breathing fire down patriots necks ...its gonna get real bad soon

The entire establishment will be looking to smash us and the normies ...its a coming...

Take 5 with ya See em in hell


This is a bad dude

As DC BLM journalist @blackhousenew explained to me, Sullivan has been banished by activist communities across the country. He's considered a dangerous provocateur & is the subject of deep suspicion. This thread details some of his history..

Citizen free press has bunch of stuff up

Blm even hates him...dudes a bad dude
John Sullivan, a.k.a. Jayden X, is a civil rights activist and crowdfunded video journalist. On January 6th, he donned a bulletproof vest and embedded himself in the masses that President Trump had incited to storm the Capitol. Sullivan scrambled up scaffolding and repeatedly weaved through a crush of rioters to record clashes between the mob and law enforcement.
former competitive speed skater who participated in the 2018 Olympic trials. He is no fan of institutional politics — “I’ve never voted,” he admits, “because I don’t believe in the two-party system” — but he found purpose in the street protests that followed the killing of George Floyd, even founding an activist group called Insurgence USA that fights for racial justice. Sullivan’s activism has brought him legal trouble: He faces riot and criminal mischief charges stemming from a BLM protest in Provo, Utah, last June. He says he’s also become a target of far-right militants he calls “chuds.”
John Sullivan, Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Death at Capitol, Opens Up - Rolling Stone
Facebook posts wrongly claim left-wing activist, antifa ‘incited’ US Capitol mob

Our ruling
A Facebook post claimed Sullivan "incited (the) insurgence of (the) US Capitol."

Sullivan joined the mob of Trump supporters that entered the Capitol, filming the events as they transpired and posting his videos online. But he was one person among thousands. There’s no evidence that he "incited" the violence himself or led the charge into the Capitol.

Sullivan denied any affiliation with antifa, although he has posted related hashtags on Twitter.

We rate this statement Mostly False.

PolitiFact | Facebook posts wrongly claim left-wing activist, antifa ‘incited’ US Capitol mob
Has anyone ever noticed that the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left including Penelope never compare Trump to the greatest murderers on Earth, Mao Zedong or Joe Stalin. Reason, these two are their idols and ideological leaders.
Meanwhile we presently have more U.S. Troops in Washington D.C. than we have stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined....
This is without a doubt martial law folks.... The Capital has been fenced off with fences embedded in concrete and soon so will the White House. it's a coup d' etat by the 46th president that claims he's the most liked and most electoally voted president.
Has anyone ever noticed that the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left including Penelope never compare Trump to the greatest murderers on Earth, Mao Zedong or Joe Stalin. Reason, these two are their idols and ideological leaders.
Meanwhile we presently have more U.S. Troops in Washington D.C. than we have stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined....
This is without a doubt martial law folks.... The Capital has been fenced off with fences embedded in concrete and soon so will the White House. it's a coup d' etat by the 46th president that claims he's the most liked and most electoally voted president.
Would any of these troops stop burn loot murder from setting fires to buildings? Would they be stopped from destroying any monument. No. That would be allowed to continue unopposed.
Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots - Conservative News Outlet (
15 Jan 2021

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s discord shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.
Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.
“It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week.
Yet, in footage streamed to followers on his discord server, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window.
“If we don’t get in, we’re going to burn this shit down,” he gloats. “Let’s go! This shit’s ours. Fuck yeah. I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this shit. We did this shit together.”
“I didn’t know I hit it [the window] that hard. No one got that on camera,” he continues. “Fuck the blue! Fuck the blue!”

This footage comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons.
Moments after near Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!”
“You were right! We did it,” she boasts.
“Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”
While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a ‘big camera’ at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.
“It’s all fake,” he explains. “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today,” he says. “I was wearing a Trump hat at the last Trump rally, at that Trump rally during the daytime because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.
“Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time,” he continues. “‘Yeah I’m just a journalist. I am just recording. I’ve got my camera on my shoulder.’ Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here.”
Sullivan’s Insurgence USA, which describes itself as “the revolution,” hosted a “Kick These Fascists out of DC” on Jan. 6, around the same time a pro-Trump rally was slated near the National Mall.
The mainstream media refuses to report this fact. The FBI continues to ignore this fact, too

“The phonies were pretending to be Deplorable Patriots.” Let’s push it. Pay for ads if the networks refuse to air this story.
Why hasn't this guy been arrested and interrogated to get the others involved.... John Sullivan and the other roaches need to be considered terrorists. If he was prsent and instigated the damages at the Capital Building surely like the roaches they are there were hundreds involved.
However, we all know that he's one of the protected classes.
This is PROVING both CNN and Antifa were inside the Capitol stoking the riot.
The is a typical type of Flase Flag tactic of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left
It was mostly Antifa that stormed the Capital
Too bad they did not burn it to ash
See thats where I think they totally went wrong to ....they should of started dragging mofos out to lamp posts and started stringing em up

I'm just saying

Thiers 20,000 troops in DC
Youre in the middle of a coup back by the military...for the moment ......and take a wild guess who the threat to our democWacy is.....

You have the fbi breathing fire down patriots necks ...its gonna get real bad soon

The entire establishment will be looking to smash us and the normies ...its a coming...

Take 5 with ya See em in hell

View attachment 443143

This is a bad dude

As DC BLM journalist @blackhousenew explained to me, Sullivan has been banished by activist communities across the country. He's considered a dangerous provocateur & is the subject of deep suspicion. This thread details some of his history..

Citizen free press has bunch of stuff up

Blm even hates him...dudes a bad dude

John Sullivan, a.k.a. Jayden X, is a civil rights activist and crowdfunded video journalist. On January 6th, he donned a bulletproof vest and embedded himself in the masses that President Trump had incited to storm the Capitol. Sullivan scrambled up scaffolding and repeatedly weaved through a crush of rioters to record clashes between the mob and law enforcement.
former competitive speed skater who participated in the 2018 Olympic trials. He is no fan of institutional politics — “I’ve never voted,” he admits, “because I don’t believe in the two-party system” — but he found purpose in the street protests that followed the killing of George Floyd, even founding an activist group called Insurgence USA that fights for racial justice. Sullivan’s activism has brought him legal trouble: He faces riot and criminal mischief charges stemming from a BLM protest in Provo, Utah, last June. He says he’s also become a target of far-right militants he calls “chuds.”
John Sullivan, Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Death at Capitol, Opens Up - Rolling Stone

Facebook posts wrongly claim left-wing activist, antifa ‘incited’ US Capitol mob

Our ruling
A Facebook post claimed Sullivan "incited (the) insurgence of (the) US Capitol."

Sullivan joined the mob of Trump supporters that entered the Capitol, filming the events as they transpired and posting his videos online. But he was one person among thousands. There’s no evidence that he "incited" the violence himself or led the charge into the Capitol.

Sullivan denied any affiliation with antifa, although he has posted related hashtags on Twitter.

We rate this statement Mostly False.

PolitiFact | Facebook posts wrongly claim left-wing activist, antifa ‘incited’ US Capitol mob

Um, when the crowd was up against the doors, Sullivan is on video offering use of his knife, video cuts and when it picks up again the windows to the doors are broken and Sullivan is at the front of the crowd...why are you guys continuing to defend this terrorist is beyond all understanding.

The in your face double standard of Pogressive Justice. Another insult to real Justice in America...
I'm wondering if Princess Nancy Pelosi's Jan 6 Commission will allow much discussion of this low-life POS and his instigation of rioting and MURDER COMMITTED BY LEROY BYRD, A CAPITOL POLICE GOON at the Capitol.

He's been arrested again.

According to the court filings, Sullivan portrayed himself as an independent journalist who was reporting on the chaos, but actually encouraged other participants to "burn" the building and engage in violence.

Sullivan recorded video of the confrontation between rioters and police just outside the U.S. House of Representatives chamber that included the shooting of protester Ashli Babbitt and, according to court filings, boasted to an unnamed witness that "my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars."

Sullivan sold that footage to several news outlets for a total of $90,000, according to a seizure warrant. The news outlets were redacted from the warrant.

Last edited:
Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots - Conservative News Outlet (
15 Jan 2021

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s discord shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.
Sullivan has maintained in multiple interviews that he regularly attends protests only to record what’s going on, but did not actively partake in the insurgence in Washington.
“It’s just recording, solely, and not being active in it,” he told Fox News last week.
Yet, in footage streamed to followers on his discord server, Sullivan, who uses the Discord name “Jayden X”, can be heard inciting violence from inside the U.S. Capitol and boasting about breaking a window.
“If we don’t get in, we’re going to burn this shit down,” he gloats. “Let’s go! This shit’s ours. Fuck yeah. I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this shit. We did this shit together.”
“I didn’t know I hit it [the window] that hard. No one got that on camera,” he continues. “Fuck the blue! Fuck the blue!”

This footage comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons.
Moments after near Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!”
“You were right! We did it,” she boasts.
“Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”
While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a ‘big camera’ at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.
“It’s all fake,” he explains. “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today,” he says. “I was wearing a Trump hat at the last Trump rally, at that Trump rally during the daytime because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.
“Oh yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time,” he continues. “‘Yeah I’m just a journalist. I am just recording. I’ve got my camera on my shoulder.’ Literally, I have my big ass camera on my shoulder right here.”
Sullivan’s Insurgence USA, which describes itself as “the revolution,” hosted a “Kick These Fascists out of DC” on Jan. 6, around the same time a pro-Trump rally was slated near the National Mall.
The mainstream media refuses to report this fact. The FBI continues to ignore this fact, too

“The phonies were pretending to be Deplorable Patriots.” Let’s push it. Pay for ads if the networks refuse to air this story.
Why hasn't this guy been arrested and interrogated to get the others involved.... John Sullivan and the other roaches need to be considered terrorists. If he was prsent and instigated the damages at the Capital Building surely like the roaches they are there were hundreds involved.
However, we all know that he's one of the protected classes.
This is PROVING both CNN and Antifa were inside the Capitol stoking the riot.
The is a typical type of Flase Flag tactic of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left
It was mostly Antifa that stormed the Capital
Too bad they did not burn it to ash
See thats where I think they totally went wrong to ....they should of started dragging mofos out to lamp posts and started stringing em up

I'm just saying

Thiers 20,000 troops in DC
Youre in the middle of a coup back by the military...for the moment ......and take a wild guess who the threat to our democWacy is.....

You have the fbi breathing fire down patriots necks ...its gonna get real bad soon

The entire establishment will be looking to smash us and the normies ...its a coming...

Take 5 with ya See em in hell

View attachment 443143

This is a bad dude

As DC BLM journalist @blackhousenew explained to me, Sullivan has been banished by activist communities across the country. He's considered a dangerous provocateur & is the subject of deep suspicion. This thread details some of his history..

Citizen free press has bunch of stuff up

Blm even hates him...dudes a bad dude

I'll never be able to believe DeNiro's tough guy roles again now that he turns out to be a whining pussy.
One!!! and was there to see hx in the making!!

ONE that we know of.
“Some say the riots were caused by antifa. There is absolutely no evidence of that,” McCarthy said. “Conservatives should be the first to say so.”

One!!! and was there to see hx in the making!!

ONE that we know of.
“Some say the riots were caused by antifa. There is absolutely no evidence of that,” McCarthy said. “Conservatives should be the first to say so.”

The accusation has been made that left wing agitators caused the riots. That was dismissed out of hand by most people.

Yet, now we have one such agitator, who is seen on video being one of the few that is actually breaking shit, and really trying to get the situation out of control.

If there was one, how many more were there? This is the type of thing that a real investigation would look into.

Combine this with the way the police left people in, and the Conspiracy Theory version is well within the realm of possibility at this point.

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