Anti-White Rap

White men have been bowing to all other races for a long time now.
William Joyce said:

This outfit has put a billboard all across the South featuring a black rapper burning a Confederate flag and forcing white men to bow to him.

Actually, he's forcing Ku Klux Klan members to bow to him. When will people stop being intolerant of white supremecists!?! Lawd lawd lawd!! Could we call this anti-white-supremacy instead of anti-white?
No, because it's a distinction that the anti-whites hide behind while peddling their anti-white message. What if I burned a black nationalist flag? Nobody would say I'm just "anti-black-supremacist."

I don't have a problem with groups that say they don't like other groups. That's honest enough. Just don't lie about it and say otherwise.
Who cares? If they want to waste their time and "talents" hating others and being stupid racists, let them.
nakedemperor said:
Actually, he's forcing Ku Klux Klan members to bow to him. When will people stop being intolerant of white supremecists!?! Lawd lawd lawd!! Could we call this anti-white-supremacy instead of anti-white?

Why? Theres no anti Black supremecay distinction when people scream racist at a white man.

I'm far from a racist. I feel that blacks or whites have the right to speak there minds. So if a black man is praised for calling the white man names then the white man shouldnt be thrown in jail for hate crimes when he speaks his mind.

Freedom of Speech is what it comes down to. People's feelings are gonna get hurt no matter what anybody says. But your feelings are not a right. Freedom from persecution for your opinion is a right. There are limits to free speech but calling a black man a ****** or a white man a cracker are not one of them.
William Joyce said:
No, because it's a distinction that the anti-whites hide behind while peddling their anti-white message. What if I burned a black nationalist flag? Nobody would say I'm just "anti-black-supremacist."

I don't have a problem with groups that say they don't like other groups. That's honest enough. Just don't lie about it and say otherwise.

What's a black nationalist flag? I don't think there's a black supremacy group with the membership, coverage, prominence, funding, or organization anywhere NEAR that of the Ku Klux Klan. But if there was, I wouldn't be bothered by images of white people abhorring it. I think criticism of the Ku Klux Klan is healthy and just.
nakedemperor said:
What's a black nationalist flag? I don't think there's a black supremacy group with the membership, coverage, prominence, funding, or organization anywhere NEAR that of the Ku Klux Klan. But if there was, I wouldn't be bothered by images of white people abhorring it. I think criticism of the Ku Klux Klan is healthy and just.

It is because its your right to free speech. They too though have their right to free speech. However, when they arrest these people for speaking their opinions because they are white is just as wrong as when they arrested blacks for being black in the early 20th century.
nakedemperor said:
What's a black nationalist flag? I don't think there's a black supremacy group with the membership, coverage, prominence, funding, or organization anywhere NEAR that of the Ku Klux Klan. But if there was, I wouldn't be bothered by images of white people abhorring it. I think criticism of the Ku Klux Klan is healthy and just.

Dude, what do you call the "Nation of Islam" and that wacko group? They are well funded, get good coverage (plus they hassle you to death here in Vegas when you stop at red lights near downtown), organization, etc. and they have been tied to assasinations, etc. Sure, they don't have the rep the KKK has (because of the KKK's old days, no lynching taking place under their name these days) but they have a pretty nasty rep themselves. Farrakan is a friggin nut case.

BTW: The "Nation of Islam" guys here in Vegas, when they approach your car, this is how they start their spiel, "hi, you aren't racist are you?" then they hit you up for donations.

Now what kind of question is that? Is that like asking, "have you stopped beating your wife?"?
nakedemperor said:
And when the Nation of Islam becomes overtly racist, it deserves to be abhorred.

Where's the problem?

What do you mean "when it becomes"? They teach about "white devils"; it's an inherently racist organization. When I was in college I took a comparative religion class , we were assigned to go to a muslim mosque and take notes. I called the Nation of Islam here in atlanta, not realizing that it's really not true islam at all, and was told point blank not to come, for my own safety. You need to wake up and smell the hate.
nakedemperor said:
I don't think there's a black supremacy group with the membership, coverage, prominence, funding, or organization anywhere NEAR that of the Ku Klux Klan.

Please. The KKK has "membership, coverage, prominence, funding and organization"? I WISH! The KKK doesn't have six members nationwide and there aren't 20 teeth and two working trucks between them. So give me a break. Meanwhile, every other group has huge groups and organization and funding. Look at the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, AIPAC, the Southern Poverty Law Center, an anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Republican group funded by Jews, the NAACP, all the Hispanic groups, the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund... I could go on for days. And let's not forget the Democrat Party, which is basically an interest group for minorities.

White people need to fight back.
William Joyce said:
Please. The KKK has "membership, coverage, prominence, funding and organization"? I WISH! The KKK doesn't have six members nationwide and there aren't 20 teeth and two working trucks between them. So give me a break.
White people need to fight back.


You, sir, have no idea what you're talking about. But if you wanna keep feeling like a victim..whatever,,
No? The KKK is a nationwide organization with lots of judges and members of Congress in power? If so, how come we haven't heard of it? Because brother, if it is, I need to sign up. Tell me what group I can join, with lots of money and power, that sticks up for white people.
William Joyce said:
No? The KKK is a nationwide organization with lots of judges and members of Congress in power? If so, how come we haven't heard of it? Because brother, if it is, I need to sign up. Tell me what group I can join, with lots of money and power, that sticks up for white people.

There isn't one, and the fag knows it. But the time is ripe for one. Just look at that guy up in Michigan was it, that you posted about not long ago. He had an openly white agenda, and people were shocked with how much support he got.
Do some research about Minister Louis Farrakhan. You will see why the nation of Islam is racist.

hell just google his name, and this is the third site on the list:

It advises people to throw out their white man name and gives you an AFrican name. Obviously anti white.
What is really funny about it is that if you type in his name, it tells you to throw out that name and replace it with another. Ironic.
Pale Rider said:
There isn't one, and the fag knows it. But the time is ripe for one. Just look at that guy up in Michigan was it, that you posted about not long ago. He had an openly white agenda, and people were shocked with how much support he got.

Is it too much to ask for a moderator to reprimand Pale Rider for calling me a fag, for the dozenth or so time? Isn't that against the rules in some form?
nakedemperor said:
Is it too much to ask for a moderator to reprimand Pale Rider for calling me a fag, for the dozenth or so time? Isn't that against the rules in some form?

If the shoe fits... wear it.

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