Anti-lockdown rioters clash with Dutch police in two cities in the Netherlands


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Not all peoples let to be fooled by NWO and Covid-1984 fairy-tale. The resistance to the fascist tyranny is growing in many countries, hopefully in 2021 the Corona fake scamdemic will end and presstitutes together with corrupted politicians will have the same sad fate like Hitler& Co in 1945.
All cops in all countries who supported Covid - 1985 genocide shall be sued like former SS thugs.

I'm a regular visitor to Holland and you know tension is high & things have got to a crucial point when the Dutch start doing this. Especially in Eindhoven - it's such a relaxed and friendly town.

I'm mixed on it all though.

I don't like the fairy tale/hoax tag attached to it and the Covid-deniers aren't helpful. It's real. I've personally known 3 people who has died from it (and not died from something else and Covid was mentioned on the death report like some conspiracies purport).

However, there has to be a balancing act.

I don't know why the whole word has to be shut down as a result and our liberties & freedoms removed for something that statistically speaking you have to be very unlucky to die from.

Why can't we have a compromise approach that the vulnerable (older folk/folk with severe illness) stick to these restrictions such as lockdown, isolating and get vaccinated and the rest of the population can get on with their life?

Different people in different sections of societies will be affected differently by Covid-19, so why do we have a one-size-fits-all blanket approach for the whole of our respective societies?

In my country Scotland our hospitality industry (bars and eateries) have been shut since the start of October and numbers have kept rising. So what's the point? businesses are getting ruined for no good reason.

Before the bars and eateries closed in early October they had strict operating protocols - stand at the door wait to be seated, sign in (for track and trace purposes), one way system to a seat, table service only, all tables at least 2 metres apart, mask on with entrance/exit and going to the toilet, card payments only, no TV or music on, windows open, regular deep cleans from professional companies.

How much more can they realistically do?

At the start I didn't mind these measures because it was all new to us and there was always going to be trial and error involved - but now we need to re-evaluate things and come up with a fairer system.
I'm a regular visitor to Holland and you know tension is high & things have got to a crucial point when the Dutch start doing this. Especially in Eindhoven - it's such a relaxed and friendly town.

I'm mixed on it all though.

I don't like the fairy tale/hoax tag attached to it and the Covid-deniers aren't helpful. It's real. I've personally known 3 people who has died from it (and not died from something else and Covid was mentioned on the death report like some conspiracies purport).

However, there has to be a balancing act.

I don't know why the whole word has to be shut down as a result and our liberties & freedoms removed for something that statistically speaking you have to be very unlucky to die from.

Why can't we have a compromise approach that the vulnerable (older folk/folk with severe illness) stick to these restrictions such as lockdown, isolating and get vaccinated and the rest of the population can get on with their life?

Different people in different sections of societies will be affected differently by Covid-19, so why do we have a one-size-fits-all blanket approach for the whole of our respective societies?

In my country Scotland our hospitality industry (bars and eateries) have been shut since the start of October and numbers have kept rising. So what's the point? businesses are getting ruined for no good reason.

Before the bars and eateries closed in early October they had strict operating protocols - stand at the door wait to be seated, sign in (for track and trace purposes), one way system to a seat, table service only, all tables at least 2 metres apart, mask on with entrance/exit and going to the toilet, card payments only, no TV or music on, windows open, regular deep cleans from professional companies.

How much more can they realistically do?

At the start I didn't mind these measures because it was all new to us and there was always going to be trial and error involved - but now we need to re-evaluate things and come up with a fairer system.

IT will be no re-evaluation because they destroy our economies to force us to the 'vaccination'
Why, there are many opinions but I tend to believe so-called 'conspiracy theorists' as governments and presstitutes
I'm a regular visitor to Holland and you know tension is high & things have got to a crucial point when the Dutch start doing this. Especially in Eindhoven - it's such a relaxed and friendly town.

I'm mixed on it all though.

I don't like the fairy tale/hoax tag attached to it and the Covid-deniers aren't helpful. It's real. I've personally known 3 people who has died from it (and not died from something else and Covid was mentioned on the death report like some conspiracies purport).

However, there has to be a balancing act.

I don't know why the whole word has to be shut down as a result and our liberties & freedoms removed for something that statistically speaking you have to be very unlucky to die from.

Why can't we have a compromise approach that the vulnerable (older folk/folk with severe illness) stick to these restrictions such as lockdown, isolating and get vaccinated and the rest of the population can get on with their life?

Different people in different sections of societies will be affected differently by Covid-19, so why do we have a one-size-fits-all blanket approach for the whole of our respective societies?

In my country Scotland our hospitality industry (bars and eateries) have been shut since the start of October and numbers have kept rising. So what's the point? businesses are getting ruined for no good reason.

Before the bars and eateries closed in early October they had strict operating protocols - stand at the door wait to be seated, sign in (for track and trace purposes), one way system to a seat, table service only, all tables at least 2 metres apart, mask on with entrance/exit and going to the toilet, card payments only, no TV or music on, windows open, regular deep cleans from professional companies.

How much more can they realistically do?

At the start I didn't mind these measures because it was all new to us and there was always going to be trial and error involved - but now we need to re-evaluate things and come up with a fairer system.

IT will be no re-evaluation because they destroy our economies to force us to the 'vaccination'
Why, there are many opinions but I tend to believe so-called 'conspiracy theorists' as governments and presstitutes

Don't get me wrong, for me the real quandary in all this is the fact I'm also strongly in the camp of "don't believe everything you hear either"

It's dangerous to just be a sheep and believe everything that's fed to you, but that doesn't mean everything's a hoax/conspiracy or about Government population control especially when the Covid evidence is there.

There's without doubt a proper debate to be had regards the proportionality of it all and if the measures can be tweaked and refined so that the general world populous doesn't feel like their rights and liberties have just been swiped out from under their feet. That feeling breeds this sort of contempt and anti-establishment sentiment. It's understandable.

Governments and politicians are not be trusted. Any of them. Sure we have our preferences like Republican or Democrat and have beliefs that are right or left but I feel they're essentially all the same deep down and just take up sides as part of the game.

I just think the response to Covid has to be a lot more measured to try and get the world back to normal. There's no reason why both areas can't be covered (people who need protected, protected and our rights and life's return at the same time).

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