Another One of Obama's Muslim Fiascos


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The Obama administration has been roundly mocked after State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf
said >> “we cannot kill our way out of this war,” and that the “medium to longer term” strategy for fighting ISIS is to get at its “root causes that leads people to join these groups,” one of which she said is a “lack of opportunity for jobs.” Wow!

This kind of thinking in regard to the Mulsim world has been promoted by President Obama and his administration since it first came into power. One of the more notorious of the administration's outreach attempts was the failed NASA-Muslim outreach initiative.

In July of 2010, NASA chief Charles Bolden said in an interview with Al-Jazeera,

"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things. One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."

Former NASA chief Michael Griffin, who headed the space agency during George W. Bush’s second term, called the Muslim outreach initiative a "perversion" of the mission of NASA:

“NASA was chartered by the 1958 Space Act to develop the arts and sciences of flight in the atmosphere and in space and to go where those technologies will allow us to go,”

Griffin said >> “That’s what NASA does for the country. It is a perversion of NASA’s purpose to conduct activities in order to make the Muslim world feel good about its contributions to science and mathematics.”

Clearly the NASA initiative failed to make enough of the Muslim world "feed good" enough about themselves to stop the rise of extremism. Instead, what has become increasingly apparent is that the more Obama attempts to coddle radical Muslims, the more brazen and violent they get.

Flashback Obama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program Truth Revolt

Want to bet that no one in the Obama administration has ever used this emoticom set-up ? >>>

:salute: :tank: :tank: :Boom2::alirulz: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror:
What did people expect from the son of a Muslim? He will not fully engage Islamists, we will see nothing more than some token drone strikes that are more for keeping up the appearance that he cares about national security than actually keeping the nation safe from Islamists.

The real problem we face is Muslim immigration from these shithole countries, and he is opening the flood gates when it comes to that. What use is there in bombing a few dozen Islamists in the Middle East when you allow thousands to come into our country freely? Who is winning the war of attrition? It certainly isn't the U.S., Obama is making sure it stays that way.
Imagine this.

"We cannot kill our way out of this war!" -- Winston Churchhill

Would we be speaking English or German today?
Imagine this.

"We cannot kill our way out of this war!" -- Winston Churchhill

Would we be speaking English or German today?
He was fighting nations. You are fighting ideas. They aren't killed by bullets and bombs.

The solution to ISIS is Liberalism boys. Now you know.
Imagine this.

"We cannot kill our way out of this war!" -- Winston Churchhill

Would we be speaking English or German today?
He was fighting nations. You are fighting ideas. They aren't killed by bullets and bombs.

The solution to ISIS is Liberalism boys. Now you know.
ISIS is people. Deranged ones who need to go from alive to DEAD. Liberalism, right now, is the biggest obstacle to defeating (exterminating) ISIS.
You people don`t belong in the U.S.A., you`re all sick individuals, and that`s being nice! Go find a Socialist Country you can be happy in!!! Maybe Hugo Chavez old Country?
When Bush said much the same thing you people didn't make a peep. why is it different when Obama tries to make the case that we are not at war with Islam but are fighting heretics who have perverted it for their own violent ends? Bush constantly pushed this christian ideal and I give him full credit for being right on this, you reactionaries need to remember back when you agreed with and respected a republican president for having the exact same philosophy towards Islamic extremism Obama does.
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Imagine this.

"We cannot kill our way out of this war!" -- Winston Churchhill

Would we be speaking English or German today?
He was fighting nations. You are fighting ideas. They aren't killed by bullets and bombs.

The solution to ISIS is Liberalism boys. Now you know.
ISIS is liberalism. The control of people by an oppressive government.
Nope, it's conservatism gone wild, your conservative ideals has more in common with their ideals of enforced morality than you would ever admit here.
I only wish that our beloved Pres. Obama could run for a third term. ..... :cool:
As do all the other Islamist jihadists like yourself.
Pres. Obama is a brilliant man and knows what is best for his subjects and country..

To obey him is to feel safe and secure in his wisdom. ..... :cool:
NONSENSE!! He's an Islamist traitor to America. He has Muslim Brotherhood operatives in his White House, and he has a long list of actions taken to facilitate jihad in America, while doing little or nothing to oppose it. You like him because you're a jihadist too.
Imagine this.

"We cannot kill our way out of this war!" -- Winston Churchhill

Would we be speaking English or German today?
He was fighting nations. You are fighting ideas. They aren't killed by bullets and bombs.

The solution to ISIS is Liberalism boys. Now you know.
ISIS is liberalism. The control of people by an oppressive government.
Nope, it's conservatism gone wild, your conservative ideals has more in common with their ideals of enforced morality than you would ever admit here.
ISIS is the antithesis of conservatism. ISIS is the epitome of progressivism, sacrificing people for the greater good, imposing their views of what is acceptable behavior.
Imagine this.

"We cannot kill our way out of this war!" -- Winston Churchhill

Would we be speaking English or German today?
He was fighting nations. You are fighting ideas. They aren't killed by bullets and bombs.

The solution to ISIS is Liberalism boys. Now you know.

I thought he was fighting fascism. Isn't that an idea? It seems he proved you can kill an idea with bullets and bombs.

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