Another Benefit Of The Trump Presidency


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. When one views the irrational "woke" anti-scientific, anti-American, anti-freedom, doctrines promoted by the Democrat Party one be pleased that America has the chance for sanity, before the election was stolen.

The Democrats certainly can mandate all sorts of unfair, detrimental policies as they have cemented their power in government, and now we have no real border, we house and support illegals, no doubt they will be able to fulfill Obama's orders for them to vote.

But every once in a while, in a news cycle, a hint of real America reveals itself, and more often than not, it has Donald Trump's signature on it.

2. "Professor can't be punished for not using transgender student's pronouns, appeals court rules
Judge had asked university if it would also force Jewish professor to address student as "My Fuhrer."

3. A public university violated a professor's constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday.
In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a Supreme Court short-lister for former President Trump, the court compared the Ohio university's behavior to a "McCarthy era" law against "subversive" government employees.

4. Philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether, a "devout Christian," sought an accommodation under which he would not have to address the student as a woman in classroom discussions, which often touched on gender identity as a cultural controversy.... University officials belatedly ordered Meriwether to stop addressing the student only by name and instead use female pronouns. They also shot down his offer to tell students in the syllabus that he was being forced to use preferred pronouns.

5. The court was particularly critical of the school's shifting explanation for threatening to fire Meriwether if he again failed to address the student as a woman."

I fear we will see fewer and fewer of such brave professors, and brave judges, with the, Democrats, wielding the iron fist of totalitarian power.
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1. When one views the irrational "woke" anti-scientific, anti-American, anti-freedom, doctrines promoted by the Democrat Party one be pleased that America has the chance for sanity, before the election was stolen.

The Democrats certainly can mandate all sorts of unfair, detrimental policies as they have cemented their power in government, and now we have no real border, we house and support illegals, no doubt they will be able to fulfill Obama's orders for them to vote.

But every once in a while, in a news cycle, a hint of real America reveals itself, and more often than not, it has Donald Trump's signature on it.

2. "Professor can't be punished for not using transgender student's pronouns, appeals court rules
Judge had asked university if it would also force Jewish professor to address student as "My Fuhrer."

3. A public university violated a professor's constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday.
In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a Supreme Court short-lister for former President Trump, the court compared the Ohio university's behavior to a "McCarthy era" law against "subversive" government employees.

4. Philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether, a "devout Christian," sought an accommodation under which he would not have to address the student as a woman in classroom discussions, which often touched on gender identity as a cultural controversy.... University officials belatedly ordered Meriwether to stop addressing the student only by name and instead use female pronouns. They also shot down his offer to tell students in the syllabus that he was being forced to use preferred pronouns.

5. The court was particularly critical of the school's shifting explanation for threatening to fire Meriwether if he again failed to address the student as a woman."

I fear we will see fewer and fewer of such brave professors, and brave judges, with the, Democrats, wielding the iron fist of totalitarian power.
So they want us to change speech patterns ingrained for centuries and deprogram it. So we must think carefully for each pronoun. And if we fuck up once, The Pronoun Police will get ya

HEY!!!...Pronoun Police.I invented something today. Come to badlands and join my Pronoun Police thread.
Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.
Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.

1. When one views the irrational "woke" anti-scientific, anti-American, anti-freedom, doctrines promoted by the Democrat Party one be pleased that America has the chance for sanity, before the election was stolen.

The Democrats certainly can mandate all sorts of unfair, detrimental policies as they have cemented their power in government, and now we have no real border, we house and support illegals, no doubt they will be able to fulfill Obama's orders for them to vote.

But every once in a while, in a news cycle, a hint of real America reveals itself, and more often than not, it has Donald Trump's signature on it.

2. "Professor can't be punished for not using transgender student's pronouns, appeals court rules
Judge had asked university if it would also force Jewish professor to address student as "My Fuhrer."

3. A public university violated a professor's constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday.
In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a Supreme Court short-lister for former President Trump, the court compared the Ohio university's behavior to a "McCarthy era" law against "subversive" government employees.

4. Philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether, a "devout Christian," sought an accommodation under which he would not have to address the student as a woman in classroom discussions, which often touched on gender identity as a cultural controversy.... University officials belatedly ordered Meriwether to stop addressing the student only by name and instead use female pronouns. They also shot down his offer to tell students in the syllabus that he was being forced to use preferred pronouns.

5. The court was particularly critical of the school's shifting explanation for threatening to fire Meriwether if he again failed to address the student as a woman."

I fear we will see fewer and fewer of such brave professors, and brave judges, with the, Democrats, wielding the iron fist of totalitarian power.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
1. When one views the irrational "woke" anti-scientific, anti-American, anti-freedom, doctrines promoted by the Democrat Party one be pleased that America has the chance for sanity, before the election was stolen.

The Democrats certainly can mandate all sorts of unfair, detrimental policies as they have cemented their power in government, and now we have no real border, we house and support illegals, no doubt they will be able to fulfill Obama's orders for them to vote.

But every once in a while, in a news cycle, a hint of real America reveals itself, and more often than not, it has Donald Trump's signature on it.

2. "Professor can't be punished for not using transgender student's pronouns, appeals court rules
Judge had asked university if it would also force Jewish professor to address student as "My Fuhrer."

3. A public university violated a professor's constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday.
In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a Supreme Court short-lister for former President Trump, the court compared the Ohio university's behavior to a "McCarthy era" law against "subversive" government employees.

4. Philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether, a "devout Christian," sought an accommodation under which he would not have to address the student as a woman in classroom discussions, which often touched on gender identity as a cultural controversy.... University officials belatedly ordered Meriwether to stop addressing the student only by name and instead use female pronouns. They also shot down his offer to tell students in the syllabus that he was being forced to use preferred pronouns.

5. The court was particularly critical of the school's shifting explanation for threatening to fire Meriwether if he again failed to address the student as a woman."

I fear we will see fewer and fewer of such brave professors, and brave judges, with the, Democrats, wielding the iron fist of totalitarian power.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
Whenever posters use that funny button without a corresponding explanation I put them on ignore.
Continuing the proof of how valuable Trump was as President......

.....did you see this in WaPo?

"China’s state media outlets call for boycott of H&M for avoiding Xinjiang cotton

SEOUL — Fashion giant H&M has come under official attack in China, with state media outlets calling for consumers to boycott the brand, online shopping platforms pulling products and Chinese celebrities canceling their endorsement deals.

The coordinated attacks on H&M signaled Beijing’s new strategy to respond to growing sanctions from Western countries on Xinjiang, the source of 87 percent of China’s cotton. H&M and other brands that have cut off Xinjiang suppliers, including Nike, are being targeted."

Guess who imposed sanctions on products using slave labor.

"The Trump administration is banning imports of clothing, certain cotton products and computer parts from a region of China where more than a million Muslim-minority Uighurs are being held in detention camps because of concerns about forced labor, according to reports.

Customs and Border Protection on Monday issued “Withhold Release Orders” halting imports from companies that make apparel, cotton and linen fabrics, hair products and computer parts in the Xinjiang region."

"LeBron James has deep, lucrative ties to China because of his partnership with Nike, which does considerable business there, both as a manufacturer and apparel seller.

The global superstar who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers has traveled to the country 15 times since he signed with the sports apparel company 16 years ago and has visited several Chinese cities promoting physical fitness, education, basketball as a unifier and of course Nike.

It has been a beneficial relationship. The face of the NBA has been careful not to upset the Chinese - going so far as to call out Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey for the timing of his pro-Hong Kong protesters tweet days before the Lakers and Brooklyn Nets traveled to China for two preseason games. James also said earlier this week that "we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative things that come with that too," and “I also don’t think every issue should be everybody’s problem."

LeBron James certainly opposed Trump.....

....could this be why?
Trump strikes a blow against slavery......that taking place in China, Biden's employer......

.....and LeBron James stands up for the Democrats, the party that engaged in a war to maintain slavery.

Vote for the slavery party......"or you ain't black!!"

"LeBron James has deep, lucrative ties to China because of his partnership with Nike, which does considerable business there, both as a manufacturer and apparel seller.

The global superstar who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers has traveled to the country 15 times since he signed with the sports apparel company 16 years ago and has visited several Chinese cities promoting physical fitness, education, basketball as a unifier and of course Nike.

It has been a beneficial relationship. The face of the NBA has been careful not to upset the Chinese - going so far as to call out Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey for the timing of his pro-Hong Kong protesters tweet days before the Lakers and Brooklyn Nets traveled to China for two preseason games. James also said earlier this week that "we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative things that come with that too," and “I also don’t think every issue should be everybody’s problem."

LeBron James certainly opposed Trump.....

....could this be why?
No, he’s not that smart. But once it’s explained to him...
"LeBron James has deep, lucrative ties to China because of his partnership with Nike, which does considerable business there, both as a manufacturer and apparel seller.

The global superstar who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers has traveled to the country 15 times since he signed with the sports apparel company 16 years ago and has visited several Chinese cities promoting physical fitness, education, basketball as a unifier and of course Nike.

It has been a beneficial relationship. The face of the NBA has been careful not to upset the Chinese - going so far as to call out Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey for the timing of his pro-Hong Kong protesters tweet days before the Lakers and Brooklyn Nets traveled to China for two preseason games. James also said earlier this week that "we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative things that come with that too," and “I also don’t think every issue should be everybody’s problem."

LeBron James certainly opposed Trump.....

....could this be why?
No, he’s not that smart. But once it’s explained to him...

It appears to me that it has less to do with 'smart' than it does to the hate-America indoctrination of government school and the media.

"LeBron James has deep, lucrative ties to China because of his partnership with Nike, which does considerable business there, both as a manufacturer and apparel seller.

The global superstar who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers has traveled to the country 15 times since he signed with the sports apparel company 16 years ago and has visited several Chinese cities promoting physical fitness, education, basketball as a unifier and of course Nike.

It has been a beneficial relationship. The face of the NBA has been careful not to upset the Chinese - going so far as to call out Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey for the timing of his pro-Hong Kong protesters tweet days before the Lakers and Brooklyn Nets traveled to China for two preseason games. James also said earlier this week that "we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative things that come with that too," and “I also don’t think every issue should be everybody’s problem."

LeBron James certainly opposed Trump.....

....could this be why?
No, he’s not that smart. But once it’s explained to him...

It appears to me that it has less to do with 'smart' than it does to the hate-America indoctrination of government school and the media.

View attachment 473180
But at some point, a smart person would recognize the indoctrination.
"LeBron James has deep, lucrative ties to China because of his partnership with Nike, which does considerable business there, both as a manufacturer and apparel seller.

The global superstar who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers has traveled to the country 15 times since he signed with the sports apparel company 16 years ago and has visited several Chinese cities promoting physical fitness, education, basketball as a unifier and of course Nike.

It has been a beneficial relationship. The face of the NBA has been careful not to upset the Chinese - going so far as to call out Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey for the timing of his pro-Hong Kong protesters tweet days before the Lakers and Brooklyn Nets traveled to China for two preseason games. James also said earlier this week that "we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative things that come with that too," and “I also don’t think every issue should be everybody’s problem."

LeBron James certainly opposed Trump.....

....could this be why?
No, he’s not that smart. But once it’s explained to him...

It appears to me that it has less to do with 'smart' than it does to the hate-America indoctrination of government school and the media.

View attachment 473180
But at some point, a smart person would recognize the indoctrination.

There are a lot of Democrats......

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