American Express CRT training urged staff to adopt a hierarchy, putting 'marginalized' above 'privileged'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Maybe the company should change their name from one that perpetuates their privilege of being American? Change the name to "Global Unexceptional Express" or something.

The irony in some of the guest speakers they hire is that lending money is purely a capitalist endeavour. It's allowed capitalism to flourish when utilized correctly.

If these are the morons in executive positions now, what will we see in 20 years?

American Express subjected its employees to a series of critical race theory training sessions that encouraged staff to rank themselves on a hierarchy of "privilege" and apply that hierarchy in the workplace, with the more "privileged" employees deferring to staff from "marginalized groups."

According to internal documents reviewed by Christopher F. Rufo, a senior fellow at The Manhattan Institute, and first reported in The New York Post, Amex executives created an internal "Anti-Racism Initiative" after the death of George Floyd, subjecting employees to a training program based on CRT tenets, including intersectionality, which categorizes people as "oppressors" or "oppressed" based on racial, gender, sexual, and other identities.

In the trainings, the outside consulting firm Paradigm urged Amex employees to construct their own intersectional identities, mapping their "race, sexual orientation, body type, religion, disability status, age, gender identity [and] citizenship" on an official company worksheet. Employees could then determine whether they have "privilege" or are members of a "marginalized group." Whites, males, heterosexual people, Christians, able-bodied people, and citizens would presumably count as "privileged."
I quit a job recently because they hired in a new director. Was a woman that was white and came in talking about racial sensitivity and critical race theory classes that would be mandatory for all staff. During the meeting no one really said anything, I kept asking why and wouldnt answer me and finally she said if I have a problem with it I need to be quiet and keep it to myself or leave.

So I dropped my keys and ID on the table and left. My boss called me 4 times the past week asking me to come back and I wont. I just keep saying either that bitch leaves or she drops all that nonsense class shit, thats the only two ways Id come back. But its ok I have an interview monday for a job that pays quite a bit more. Hope I get it.

But fuck these people. Im 45 and never been a racist, if I didnt like someone its because who they were as a person. But the past 18 months all these anti racist folks have honestly been turning me into a racist.
I guess the words "skilled" and "motivated" don't count anymore. I Won't depend on American Express to deliver packages promptly anymore but that's OK as long as they will do it in a more racially unbiassed way.
Here is an interesting statistic on the demographics of the Americans who live in poverty.
The largest racial group of people living in poverty are the eeeeeeviiiiilll "privileged" white oppressors.
Left Wingers have dumb stereotypes of who are the oppressors and who are the oppressed.
Helping people based on race is racial discrimination and immoral.

Hmm, maybe they should restructure their interest rates according to a woke scale...the higher risk someone is the lower rate they pay, and forget about due dates, let them pay when ever they get around to it.
I quit a job recently because they hired in a new director. Was a woman that was white and came in talking about racial sensitivity and critical race theory classes that would be mandatory for all staff. During the meeting no one really said anything, I kept asking why and wouldnt answer me and finally she said if I have a problem with it I need to be quiet and keep it to myself or leave.

So I dropped my keys and ID on the table and left. My boss called me 4 times the past week asking me to come back and I wont. I just keep saying either that bitch leaves or she drops all that nonsense class shit, thats the only two ways Id come back. But its ok I have an interview monday for a job that pays quite a bit more. Hope I get it.

But fuck these people. Im 45 and never been a racist, if I didnt like someone its because who they were as a person. But the past 18 months all these anti racist folks have honestly been turning me into a racist.
Bartender jobs are easy to get.
Here is an interesting statistic on the demographics of the Americans who live in poverty.
The largest racial group of people living in poverty are the eeeeeeviiiiilll "privileged" white oppressors.
Left Wingers have dumb stereotypes of who are the oppressors and who are the oppressed.
Helping people based on race is racial discrimination and immoral.

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You seem very confused.
I guess the words "skilled" and "motivated" don't count anymore. I Won't depend on American Express to deliver packages promptly anymore but that's OK as long as they will do it in a more racially unbiassed way.

They've never delivered packages promptly or otherwise. American Express is a credit card company. I think you have them confused with Federal Express.
Maybe the company should change their name from one that perpetuates their privilege of being American? Change the name to "Global Unexceptional Express" or something.

The irony in some of the guest speakers they hire is that lending money is purely a capitalist endeavour. It's allowed capitalism to flourish when utilized correctly.

If these are the morons in executive positions now, what will we see in 20 years?

American Express subjected its employees to a series of critical race theory training sessions that encouraged staff to rank themselves on a hierarchy of "privilege" and apply that hierarchy in the workplace, with the more "privileged" employees deferring to staff from "marginalized groups."

According to internal documents reviewed by Christopher F. Rufo, a senior fellow at The Manhattan Institute, and first reported in The New York Post, Amex executives created an internal "Anti-Racism Initiative" after the death of George Floyd, subjecting employees to a training program based on CRT tenets, including intersectionality, which categorizes people as "oppressors" or "oppressed" based on racial, gender, sexual, and other identities.

In the trainings, the outside consulting firm Paradigm urged Amex employees to construct their own intersectional identities, mapping their "race, sexual orientation, body type, religion, disability status, age, gender identity [and] citizenship" on an official company worksheet. Employees could then determine whether they have "privilege" or are members of a "marginalized group." Whites, males, heterosexual people, Christians, able-bodied people, and citizens would presumably count as "privileged."
American Express, like the dem puppetmasters of blm-antifa, are now dancing black marionettes in Wisconsin to the tune of this current CRT pathology. They ride around town on electric delivery vehicles (company-owned) thinking they are the cutting-edge Stuff. As usual, the capitalist will be owning the means of production, not the black marionette.
American Express, like the dem puppetmasters of blm-antifa, are now dancing black marionettes in Wisconsin to the tune of this current CRT pathology. They ride around town on electric delivery vehicles (company-owned) thinking they are the cutting-edge Stuff. As usual, the capitalist will be owning the means of production, not the black marionette.
They've never delivered packages promptly or otherwise. American Express is a credit card company. I think you have them confused with Federal Express.
Either one, AE or FedEx, still owns the means of production. The black puppet will not be allowed ownership of its territorial franchise, nor will the white puppet.

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