All Violent Felony Antifa 2017 Trump Inauguration Protest Charges Dismissed, Peaceful J6 Protester Gets 15 Years

"If we just make up enough crazy stories, our violent fascist traitor brethren will be set free!"

Sorry, Trump cult traitors, that's not how the legal system works. Your violence fascist douche pals will keep rotting in prison, no matter how many lies you tell.

And Traitor Ashli? She's still freezing in Hell. That cheers me up every time I think about it.

By the way, can you all settle on one idiot conspiracy theory? Half of you are saying Jan 6 was staged by paid liberal actors, now you're saying they were loyal conservatives.
Another retarded lib ^^^
Here’s the argument based on common sense and facts.

The rioters referenced had charges dropped because they couldn’t be prosecuted. The DoJ attempted to prosecute two groups of these rioters but both prosecutions failed because they couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt the identities of those who were committing crimes. The rioters were all wearing similar clothing and masks, making it very difficult. After two failed prosecutions, the DoJ gave up since it was going to keep happening.

Conversely, the January 6th rioters were no so concerned with concealing their identities or could be identified much easier based on their prolific social media posting. Some of them were even quite proud of their participation and bragged about it, making the prosecution very straightforward. There are, however, still numerous January 6th rioters who can’t be positively identified and are to this day going unpunished.
Excuses, excuses. You SUPPORTED the BLM/AntiFAG riots.
Fucking excuses. Businesses burned, 47 people murdered including law enforcement and nary a peep from you assholes.
This thread is about the prosecution of rioters during Trump’s inauguration. No one was killed that day.

You’re changing the subject.
Non-violent J6 prisoner Zachary Rehl, 38, who walked through the Capitol peacefully for 20 minutes, took a selfie, and left, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison by a jury which is all from a district which voted 92% for Biden.

Is that what the charges were or are you just making shit up out of thin air?

The treatment of Rehl by federal prosecutors differs markedly from that of transgender woman Eva Warner, who during the Portland riots of 2021 was charged with assault on police officers and other felonies, including pointing a high-powered laser into the eyes of police, which could and did result in eye injuries. A laser was found on Warner on her arrest.

Warner’s charges were dismissed after the prosecutor noted she had performed 30 hours of community service.

PJ Media reports:

Portland Police said Warner directed a high-powered laser into the eyes of law enforcement officers trying to disperse the crowd. Warner resisted arrest, prompting officers to use force, the DOJ said. A laser pointer was found on Warner.

Warner was booked into custody and charged with intentionally obstructing, impeding, interfering with law enforcement officers engaged in official duties but later released without bail.

About a week later, Warner was arrested again and charged with second-degree criminal mischief in connection with another riot. Warner was again released from custody without bail.”

What are the usual charges for using a Lazer pointer?

Rehl’s fate also contrasts sharply to the treatment of Antifa member Tara Walker, another Portland Antifa terrorist who pleaded guilty to felonies including possession of a loaded firearm during a riot. Walker’s charges were dismissed on her day of sentencing.

On March 13, 2020 Portland Police reported:

“On Friday, March 12, 2021 at about 9:00p.m., a group began marching in the street, blocking vehicular traffic, from Jamison Park, 810 Northwest 11th Avenue. They were advised by loudspeaker that the street was open to vehicular traffic, but the crowd continued to march in the street.

At about 9:15p.m., at Northwest 15th Avenue and Northwest Overton Street, some in the crowd began breaking windows (photo). Officers moved in to address the criminal behavior. They created a perimeter around the group on Northwest Marshall Street between Northwest 13th Avenue and Northwest 14th Avenue.

The group was advised that they were being detained for investigation of crimes, they were not free to leave, and they should comply with officers’ lawful orders…Some refused to comply…

Officers discovered numerous items left behind by people inside the perimeter, including a crowbar, hammers, bear spray, slugging weapon with rocks, high impact slingshot, and knives (photos).

As the event unfolded, groups formed on the outside and physically challenged officers. Some threw rocks and full cans of beer at officers (photo). Officers deployed some OC (pepper) spray and one impact munition. Arrests were made, including two suspects carrying firearms, wearing body armor and helmets.”

Tara Walker was among those resisting arrest.


In March of 2021 Law Enforcement Today reported that federal prosecutors had by that time quietly dismissed one third of cases, including both misdemeanor and felony charges, against downtown Portland rioters of the previous summer.

What was Tara Walkers crimes?

Law Enforcement Today wrote:

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters battled with federal agents in Portland for weeks, costing the city at least $2.3 million. The courthouse and four other federal properties were damaged, fires were set, windows were broken, and commercial-grade fireworks were used against law enforcement.

More than 113 federal officers received eye injuries because of protesters’ use of lasers during the Portland violence.

One Department of Homeland Security officer deployed to protect the courthouse in Portland described the protesters as “catatonic with hate.”

Portland Antifa also that summer set fire to a courthouse, with people inside.

Eva Warner


What did Eva do? You posted his picture but I don't see an specific reference in your post. What was he arrested for?

In July 2018 federal prosecutors dropped all charges against the last of more than 190 indicted, 2016, Washington DC inauguration protesters, whose goal was to reach the inauguration procession and stop the inauguration of President Trump. The protesters set numerous fires including a limo. Six police officers were injured as Antifa protesters hurled bricks and rocks.

USA Today reported on January 20, 2017:

“… limo driver Luis Villarroel of Virginia said he was dropping off passengers near the Washington Post building when he saw “hundreds of masked men” coming his way.

“They threw food at me,” he said, adding that they pounded the vehicle and then threw a flare inside the car.”

USA Today wrote:

“….protesters yelled in defiance as Trump was sworn in, with some carrying signs of support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Within moments of the 45th president being sworn in, rain began to fall on the crowd.”

Protesters held signs saying “Trump Lost” and “Not My President.”

Below: Limo set on fire by Trump inauguration protesters, January 2017,

Your thread is a mess. It is difficult to figure out which links go with what pictures and no info on what the charges that were dropped are so it is difficult to verify your false equivalencies.

If you are going to use gish gallop at least try to make it more organized. Tell Vlad logical fallacies make you look weak.

What abuse?
Jailing people for 15-20 years for non-lethal, minimally destructive trespassing/rioting… especially when arsonists and far more violent rioters from BLM are getting like 2-4 years tops, even when they rushed government buildings and police stations

The Democrats are over sentencing for political reasons… abusing their power. If someone steals a candy bar and gets 4 years in jail, that’s abuse against the thief, even though it’s wrong to be a petty thief

Americans should be angry at a government that does this. Democrats are oddly cheering it on.
Jailing people for 15-20 years for non-lethal, minimally destructive trespassing/rioting…

That isn't what the convictions were for though.

You are using rhetoric to marginalize the actual convictions which are far more serious then..."non-lethal, minimally destructive trespassing/rioting…"

especially when arsonists and far more violent rioters from BLM are getting like 2-4 years tops, even when they rushed government buildings and police stations

Can you be more specific? Which BLM member do you think got off easy?

The Democrats are over sentencing for political reasons… abusing their power. If someone steals a candy bar and gets 4 years in jail, that’s abuse against the thief, even though it’s wrong to be a petty thief

Sedition is not the same as stealing a candy bar.

Americans should be angry at a government that does this. Democrats are oddly cheering it on.
The government isn't doing it. A jury of their peers did it.
Conservative demonstrators turned into felons because of DeepState fear and Democrat hysteria and vindictiveness.

Ugly beyond words.
What I don't understand is why aren't the cowards who were to scared to act holding rallies and raising money for these folks you claim are being falsely incarcerated. Innocent black folks are incarcerated everyday and none of you folks thought there was anything wrong with the Justice System. Now that Trump and Trump Humpers are being indicted and incarcerated the system is crooked all of a sudden.
That isn't what the convictions were for though.
The convictions were also clearly abuse… there was no threat of any of the hyperbole the left is throwing out.. democracy was not under attack, the chamber resumed business hours later.

these were just either people who were largely rioting outside or more calm people being led around the chambers of the capitol by police, of which we have video evidence. Also, people who didn’t even enter the Capitol are being charged with massive sentences.

This is political theatre, our democracy wasn’t under attack, there was no threat of it falling. They didn’t have the means to do it, and it was just a bunch of random people with no plan, which the FBI investigation determined.

The convictions were also clearly abuse… there was no threat of any of the hyperbole the left is throwing out.. democracy was not under attack, the chamber resumed business hours later.

Yes, democracy was under attack by a bunch of seditious conspirators and their usefull idiots while Trump sat in his fat ass for three hours watching on TV.

these were just either people who were largely rioting outside or more calm people being led around the chambers of the capitol by police, of which we have video evidence. Also, people who didn’t even enter the Capitol are being charged with massive sentences.

What sentences are people outside being charged with? Be specific please.

Nobody was convicted of being led around by capital police so your point is moot.

When people rob a bank their will be video of them just walking into the bank. Does that mean they didn't rob the bank?

This is political theatre, our democracy wasn’t under attack, there was no threat of it falling. They didn’t have the means to do it, and it was just a bunch of random people with no plan, which the FBI investigation determined.
Obviously you are detached from reality as you hide in your media bubble.

It was proven that people did have a plan.

Try to catch up.

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