Alaska's Two Top Newspapers question Palin's fitness

Red Dawn

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Jul 19, 2008
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Liberal Socialist Paradise
2 Top Alaska Newspapers Question Palin's Fitness


For the past 24 hours, the pages and web sites of the two leading papers up there have raised all sorts of issues surrounding Palin, from her ethics problems to general lack of readiness for this big step up. ........

A reporter for the Anchorage daily, Gregg Erickson, even did an online chat with the Washington Post, in which he revealed that Palin's approval rating in the state was not the much-touted 80%, but 65% and sinking -- and that among journalists who followed her it might be in the "teens." He added: "I have a hard time seeing how her qualifications stack up against the duties and responsibilities of being president.... I expect her to stick with simple truths. When asked about continued American troop presence in Iraq, she said she knows only one thing about that (I paraphrase): no one has attacked the American homeland since George Bush took the war to Iraq."

His paper found a number of leading Republican officeholders in the state who mocked Palin's qualifications. "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" said Lyda Green, the president of the State Senate, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla. "Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"

Another top Republican, John Harris, the speaker of the House, when asked about her qualifications for Veep, replied with this: "She's old enough. She's a U.S. citizen."

Greg Mitchell: 2 Top Alaska Newspapers Question Palin's Fitness
We're relying on the opinion of JOURNALISTS to decide who should run?

The only candidate they'd approve is Karl Fucking Marx.

On Aug. 10, 2005, Palin sent an angry, three-page e-mail to Col. Julia Grimes, head of the state police. "My concern is that the public's faith in the Troopers will continue to diminish as more residents express concerns regarding the apparent lack of action towards a Trooper whom is described by many as 'a ticking time bomb' and a 'loose cannon.' "

Palin noted, "Wooten is my brother-in-law, but this information is forwarded to you objectively," and asked Grimes to treat the information objectively.

Keeping Wooten on the police force, Palin wrote, "would lead a rational person to believe there is a problem inside the organization."

She characterized Wooten as a hard-drinking bully who held himself above the law and threatened her family.
"Wooten was counseled by my husband to join Molly in acting civilly and with maturity during their divorce -- for the sake of the nine kids they and Wooten's girlfriend have between them all -- and who are adversely affected by their circumstances. Wooten evidently took umbrage with the advice and that day told Molly she'd better 'put a leash on your sister' or he'd 'bring Sarah Palin down.' "

Palin added: "I feel strongly that Wooten is a loose cannon. He's a ticking time bomb, as others describe him, and I am afraid his actions do not merely reflect poorly on the State, but his actions may cause someone terrible harm . . .

"Is it acceptable for an Alaska State Trooper to use his badge and power in these aforementioned ways?"

She concluded, "Our faith is waning."
She characterized Wooten as a hard-drinking bully who held himself above the law and threatened her family.

On March 1, 2006, Grimes sustained the allegations, saying, "The record clearly indicates a serious and concentrated pattern of unacceptable and at times, illegal activity occurring over a lengthy period, which establishes a course of conduct totally at odds with the ethics of our profession." Wooten was suspended for five days.
We're relying on the opinion of JOURNALISTS to decide who should run?

The only candidate they'd approve is Karl Fucking Marx.


Everything you think you know, a journalist or the media told you. Now you want to demonize them? How else do you know what's going on in georgia or alaska.

so remember, not every rumor you hear about obama is true and not evrything the mainstream/corporate media tells you is true.

you believed the media about wmd's but not when the told us bush lied about wmd's? you sound bias.

so what about obama's speedh? pretty good huh?
Everything you think you know, a journalist or the media told you. Now you want to demonize them? How else do you know what's going on in georgia or alaska.

This is not as true as it once was. The Internet means that we have many more sources of information. This includes a measure of original source material, aside from blogger spin on mainstream news.

In the Georgia situation, for instance, relying on the MSM would lead you to believe "Russia bad, Georgia good." But there are alternative sources showing the opposite, and the reasons for that.

And I even used to BE a journalist, and I know from very personal experience that they are EXTREMELY liberal and will labor to CENSOR information that does not fit their agenda. So, I may not know what that precise information is, but I know there's a likelihood I'm not getting the full story.
Was there a liberal slant in the MSM during the lead up to the invasion of Iraq?
imagine that! journalists with an agenda! shocking!
Imagine that! Local journalists who are better informed about the actual record of a local politician than we who are not from that area! Shocking!

This woman may be the ideal Republican VP, I really do not know.

Apparently, however, people whose jobs it is to pay attention to her career aren't quite so impressed.

I think most of us are not qualified to evalute her worth, because until a fews days ago I suspect most of us had never even heard of her.
But she said she never tried to get her brother in law fired???

Exactly. Many of these defenders make me sick because they don't even know what's going on. But even when they find out, they'll defend her. They'll belive the trooper was a bad guy, just like saddam needed to go. And apparently, by any means necessary. Heck, if they can exxagerate the threat saddam posed to us and these people still believe and defend the gop's agenda, I don't expect this is a deal breaker.

Unless these gop dummies start seeing the pattern.

nah. they are too far brainwashed. wakey wakey!
Exactly. Many of these defenders make me sick because they don't even know what's going on. But even when they find out, they'll defend her. They'll belive the trooper was a bad guy, just like saddam needed to go. And apparently, by any means necessary. Heck, if they can exxagerate the threat saddam posed to us and these people still believe and defend the gop's agenda, I don't expect this is a deal breaker.

Unless these gop dummies start seeing the pattern.

nah. they are too far brainwashed. wakey wakey!
wow, what irony
Drip....drip....drip...this canidate is looking more like a disaster every minute! More evidence that at the very least she lied! Read whole article though.

The Attorney General's investigation quickly turned up evidence that Palin's initial denials were false. Multiple members of her staff had raised Wooten's employment with Monegan. Indeed, the state police had a recording of one of her deputies pushing Monegan to fire Wooten. That evidence forced Palin to change her story. Palin said that this was the first she'd heard of it and insisted the deputy wasn't acting at her behest, even though the trascript of the recorded call clearly suggested that he was. (Hear the audio here.)

Just yesterday, Monegan gave an interview to the Washington Post in which he said that not only Palin's aides, but Palin's husband and Palin herself had repeatedly raised the Wooten issue with him and pressured him to fire him. And now he says he has emails that Palin sent him about the matter. (In an interesting sidelight, that may end up telling us a lot, Monegan says no one from the McCain campaign ever contacted him in the vetting process.)
Talking Points Memo | Getting Real About Palin
We rely on elected officials not to use the power of their office to pursue personal agendas or vendettas. It's called an abuse of power. There is ample evidence that Palin used her power as governor to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. When his boss refused to fire him, she fired his boss. She first denied Monegan's claims of pressure to fire Wooten and then had to amend her story when evidence proved otherwise. The available evidence now suggests that she 1) tried to have an ex-relative fired from his job for personal reasons, something that was clearly inappropriate, and perhaps illegal, though possibly understandable in human terms, 2) fired a state official for not himself acting inappropriately by firing the relative, 3) lied to the public about what happened and 4) continues to lie about what happened.

But she said she never tried to get her brother in law fired???

Then she lied. This is beginning to smell more and more like Eagleton. She would not even carry her own state?

The "gimmick" pick may be beginning to unravel.
Unless these ... dummies start seeing the pattern.

nah. they are too far brainwashed. wakey wakey!

:rofl: speaking of irony... :eusa_whistle:

they'll defend her. They'll believe the trooper was a bad guy, just like saddam needed to go.

:lol: yeah, sure...just like saddam... :lol: and nixon! :lol: and, and, and..i can't remember, ask kirk, i'm sure he knows... :rofl:

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