al-Qaeda Supporters Can't Get a Break From Obama-Sky Robot Ordered to Take Out Top Leader


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
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The top leader of the Afghan Taliban who allied himself with al-Qaeda was ordered to be taken out with an attack by sky robots/aka/Drones inside Pakistan territory where he was hiding.

Afghan officials have confirmed the kill, but US officials are holding back a confirmation.

Mulah Mansour had continued to support al-Qaeda and refused to enter negotiations with Afgan officials for a truce or ceasefire.
Is that the same lamestream media that reported that Barrypuppet had overseen the death of Osama bin Dead and then dumped his body in the ocean afterwards? Al qaeda/ISIS is and always has been a mercenary agent of the CIA...fact.
Is that the same lamestream media that reported that Barrypuppet had overseen the death of Osama bin Dead and then dumped his body in the ocean afterwards? Al qaeda/ISIS is and always has been a mercenary agent of the CIA...fact.
No, what you claim as fact is not a fact at all. Facts have to be proven with provable evidence, not opinion and theory. When a statement can not be proven it is not a fact, no matter how strongly you believe the conspiracy, it remains a conspiracy theory.

A nation can not and should never base its national security and safety of its citizens on unproven theories. National security must be based on proved and known actual facts. Al Qaeda, with Taliban support planned and executed an attack on America and continues to vow to make further attacks. The targeted Taliban leader was a current supporter of al Qaeda. Those are facts. Equipped with those real facts, the President ordered this guy to be found and destroyed. They found him in Pakistan and the President approved and ordered the attack to occur, even though he was in Pakistan.
Is that the same lamestream media that reported that Barrypuppet had overseen the death of Osama bin Dead and then dumped his body in the ocean afterwards? Al qaeda/ISIS is and always has been a mercenary agent of the CIA...fact.
No, what you claim as fact is not a fact at all. Facts have to be proven with provable evidence, not opinion and theory. When a statement can not be proven it is not a fact, no matter how strongly you believe the conspiracy, it remains a conspiracy theory.

A nation can not and should never base its national security and safety of its citizens on unproven theories. National security must be based on proved and known actual facts. Al Qaeda, with Taliban support planned and executed an attack on America and continues to vow to make further attacks. The targeted Taliban leader was a current supporter of al Qaeda. Those are facts. Equipped with those real facts, the President ordered this guy to be found and destroyed. They found him in Pakistan and the President approved and ordered the attack to occur, even though he was in Pakistan.

It is a proven fucking fact that the CIA has provided funding for them so has MI6, so has Saudi Intel, the MOSSAD. They have been busted numerous times air dropping equipment and other essential supplies to them. Military whistle blower Scott Bennet even revealed the 11,000 plus Swiss bank accounts that they are using and tried to reveal it to Holder, Clinton, Barrypuppet and finally the IRS. You know what his Swiss banker pal that helped him gather got for his trouble? A year in jail for revealing personal banking information...seriously, you can't make this shit up. Bennett was arrested on a bogus charge as well.
But please, by all means....keep believing in your fraudulent and beloved "gubermint" if it helps you sleep better.
Granny says, "Dat's right - like dey say...

... 'All is fair...

... in love and war'.
I love it.

But why are anti war libs now so.......not anti war?
I love it.

But why are anti war libs now so.......not anti war?
Anti-war does not mean what you think it does. Your narrow interpretation implies you are one of those low information uneducated types that rely on quick and easy talking points.
Is that the same lamestream media that reported that Barrypuppet had overseen the death of Osama bin Dead and then dumped his body in the ocean afterwards? Al qaeda/ISIS is and always has been a mercenary agent of the CIA...fact.

He giveth with one hand (Get back to work all you Gitmo detainees)
and taketh away with the other (boom. got one.)

They win.
I thought Al-Queda and the Liberals were allies?
Well, you are obviously very stupid. The liberal Obama has been consistently killing members of al Qaeda for seven years.

Him personally? The fucker can even operate a goddamned can opener without 14 secret service agents lending a hand, dingbat
Don't mind SeniorChief's tears. He's mourning the death of his Taliban buddy. Whether it's ISIS, Al Qaeda or Taliban dying, you'll find Senior crying over the loss of his ideological brethren.
Don't mind SeniorChief's tears. He's mourning the death of his Taliban buddy. Whether it's ISIS, Al Qaeda or Taliban dying, you'll find Senior crying over the loss of his ideological brethren.

I can handle tears, but if Chief doesn't change that avie, I'm going to have to poke my eyes out.
Is that the same lamestream media that reported that Barrypuppet had overseen the death of Osama bin Dead and then dumped his body in the ocean afterwards? Al qaeda/ISIS is and always has been a mercenary agent of the CIA...fact.
No, what you claim as fact is not a fact at all. Facts have to be proven with provable evidence, not opinion and theory. When a statement can not be proven it is not a fact, no matter how strongly you believe the conspiracy, it remains a conspiracy theory.

A nation can not and should never base its national security and safety of its citizens on unproven theories. National security must be based on proved and known actual facts. Al Qaeda, with Taliban support planned and executed an attack on America and continues to vow to make further attacks. The targeted Taliban leader was a current supporter of al Qaeda. Those are facts. Equipped with those real facts, the President ordered this guy to be found and destroyed. They found him in Pakistan and the President approved and ordered the attack to occur, even though he was in Pakistan.

It is a proven fucking fact that the CIA has provided funding for them so has MI6, so has Saudi Intel, the MOSSAD. They have been busted numerous times air dropping equipment and other essential supplies to them. Military whistle blower Scott Bennet even revealed the 11,000 plus Swiss bank accounts that they are using and tried to reveal it to Holder, Clinton, Barrypuppet and finally the IRS. You know what his Swiss banker pal that helped him gather got for his trouble? A year in jail for revealing personal banking information...seriously, you can't make this shit up. Bennett was arrested on a bogus charge as well.
But please, by all means....keep believing in your fraudulent and beloved "gubermint" if it helps you sleep better.
If what you claim was a proven fact you would not have a problem posting reliable objective links proving they were fact. You can not. You can not because your claims are based on bullshit. You know nothing about air dropping supplies and equipment and how parachute drift can cause the first of last pallets to drift outside of the drop zone. You are taking a few pallets missing the drop zone and have turned it into this huge conspiracy theory.
Is that the same lamestream media that reported that Barrypuppet had overseen the death of Osama bin Dead and then dumped his body in the ocean afterwards? Al qaeda/ISIS is and always has been a mercenary agent of the CIA...fact.
No, what you claim as fact is not a fact at all. Facts have to be proven with provable evidence, not opinion and theory. When a statement can not be proven it is not a fact, no matter how strongly you believe the conspiracy, it remains a conspiracy theory.

A nation can not and should never base its national security and safety of its citizens on unproven theories. National security must be based on proved and known actual facts. Al Qaeda, with Taliban support planned and executed an attack on America and continues to vow to make further attacks. The targeted Taliban leader was a current supporter of al Qaeda. Those are facts. Equipped with those real facts, the President ordered this guy to be found and destroyed. They found him in Pakistan and the President approved and ordered the attack to occur, even though he was in Pakistan.

It is a proven fucking fact that the CIA has provided funding for them so has MI6, so has Saudi Intel, the MOSSAD. They have been busted numerous times air dropping equipment and other essential supplies to them. Military whistle blower Scott Bennet even revealed the 11,000 plus Swiss bank accounts that they are using and tried to reveal it to Holder, Clinton, Barrypuppet and finally the IRS. You know what his Swiss banker pal that helped him gather got for his trouble? A year in jail for revealing personal banking information...seriously, you can't make this shit up. Bennett was arrested on a bogus charge as well.
But please, by all means....keep believing in your fraudulent and beloved "gubermint" if it helps you sleep better.
If what you claim was a proven fact you would not have a problem posting reliable objective links proving they were fact. You can not. You can not because your claims are based on bullshit. You know nothing about air dropping supplies and equipment and how parachute drift can cause the first of last pallets to drift outside of the drop zone. You are taking a few pallets missing the drop zone and have turned it into this huge conspiracy theory.

I can post links all day long. Did you do a search on Scott Bennett and the shit he has been put through? I doubt it.

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