After 2020 tumult, K Street turns to possible deals on Capitol Hill


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The nation’s 10 biggest federal lobbying players, rocked by COVID-19 and the political tumult of an election year, disclosed shelling out more than $300 million on influence campaigns in 2020, as K Street now turns its focus to potential legislative deals of the new Congress and administration.

The National Association of Realtors disclosed spending $83.9 million on its advocacy and influence efforts, edging out the long-dominant U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which disclosed $81.3 million last year, according to recently filed lobbying reports. Technology interests, led by Facebook and Amazon, increased their investments in federal lobbying, and medical groups reported spending less in 2020 than in 2019, the reports show.

COVID-19 relief was a top priority of such lobbying groups, and it continues at the forefront of K Street’s agenda as the incoming Biden administration and Democrat-led House and Senate grapple with the health and economic ramifications of the pandemic.

“Securing protections for our Realtor members in COVID-19 relief legislation was our focus throughout much of 2020 and remains critical to NAR’s advocacy efforts in the months ahead,” said Wesley Shaw, a spokesperson for the real estate lobby. The group is also working with the Biden administration and lawmakers on measures that “promote fair housing and racial equity,” he added.

You see where Amazon is, right?
IOW The same old game is back in town. That is why they worked so hard to defeat Trump.

The money spigot is wide open again and the People will suffer for it, as Biden has already shown with all the jobs he has in just a few days crushed with his pathetic EO's.
Yep, and going for amnesty. The Democratic Party is going to make absolutely sure the people don't recover.

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