Afraid to talk about it


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
Reno, NV

The reason illegal immigration has become the biggest problem facing Americans is because of people who are afraid to talk about it because they may be labeled a racist. Hating illegal immigration has nothing to do with race but every thing to do with what it is costing American taxpayers. They are overcrowding schools, our legal and law enforcement system, draining our social services system such as welfare, healthcare, housing and food stamps. 5 million defaulted on the home loans contributing to that problem. Using our health care system freely contributing to long waits in emergency, waits for hospital beds, high cost of hospital fees and health care to make up for those who do and will not pay, taking jobs and lowering wages. Every aspect of AmericanÂ’s lives are affected and people are afraid to talk about the problem and it continues to grow. One of the biggest contribution to the failing of our economy.
It is going to get bigger because Obama wants to give them all amnesty which is more costly than deportation. 20 million will grow to 30 million when they bring family member here to be put into the system without ever paying into the system. Like elderly parents.
Can you imagine the cost of 30 million people being added health system Obama has planned?
Americans rather talk about other peopleÂ’s problem half way across the world.
Welcome to my world, lil ol lady. I don't know were to go with that Obama stuff, though. Obama flip- flops like a beached trout. So, who knows what he will end up doing on Amnesty for illegals. I think he has a pro-amnesty stance, and, looking at him as a human being, I can understand why. I hope he can look at the facts and make the right decision, and not allow himself to be biased for personal reasons. 2 wrongs, or 12 million wrongs, don't make a right. I hope he is wise enough to see that.
What about the huge new tax revenue you gain by giving these people amnesty? they start paying income, sales, property taxes as well as becoming a relatively cheap source of labor. Money is not going be the issue that drives amnesty one way or another.
What about the huge new tax revenue you gain by giving these people amnesty? they start paying income, sales, property taxes as well as becoming a relatively cheap source of labor. Money is not going be the issue that drives amnesty one way or another.


well enlighten me then. I'm all about numbers. What do you know that I don't?
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