Afghanistan military kills u.s. Troops.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Elite Afghan soldier kills U.S. special forces mentor

Elite Afghan soldier kills U.S. special forces mentor | Reuters

Is that anything like Fast and Furious? We train Afghanis, give them guns and they use that training and guns to kill U.S. troops? Time to get fast and furious the hell out of Afghanistan. How many time do we have to be told to get out before we get the message and get out. Cutting our loses and leaving will be our gain.
And we need to stop giving money to Pakistan who is harboring and protecting Al Qaeda and Taliban.
Stop giving corrupt Mexican government money to help fight drug cartels when drug cartels are growing and spreading across the border and setting up shop in Arizona. They have already taken over parts of Arizona.
We would shoot down any plane that get to close to the white house. Why not planes crossing the border drooping drugs on Arizona desert. Shoot down one and there would be no more.
I bet if our founding fathers were here, not so much as a jack rabbit would get across the border. Who was the president that pushed Mexico back across the border and then took parts of Mexico? We got a bunch of sissies running the country.

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