Adult Children of Gay Couples Suffer Poorer Outcomes

As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes

Some interesting results there. However, I think that the stigma of being gay was significant enough for the majority of the lifespan of the respondents that their lower socioeconomic status is most likely derived from that fact. If you can't get a good job because you're gay or lesbian, you are going to be forced to take Public Assistance in many cases so that result is neither surprising, nor concerning.

The other effects though I can see and that is no doubt due to parenting styles rather than sexual preference. But, not having seen the actual study, I am merely postulating.
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes

Even if this nonsense is true...

So what?

It's not. It's been panned 12 ways to Sunday.

It's been "panned" by homosexual activists who formed an organization specifically for the purpose of discrediting the study. These are the same cranks who support "studies" that supposedly show no difference between the children of homosexuals and the children of heterosexuals.

Nope. The paper that originally posted it had to go back and issue corrections. It has been universally panned for its serious flaws.

Controversial Gay-Parenting Study Is Severely Flawed, Journal’s Audit Finds – Percolator - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

A study so flawed it was literally laughed out of court.
Ask her what MEXICANS do to homos they encounter. They're even more ruthless than the rag heads.

I work with dozens of Mexican Americans everyday. Not a single one has treated me poorly let alone caused me physical harm.

Why not ask me yourself? Are you pretending to ignore me?
Is that supposed to be relevant? Your anecdotal lies?

It's more relevant than you posting about other countries. The discussion is about the United States.



Right, the gay couple raises dysfunctional kids...What a Dumb Ass Study

"Most conclusions about same-sex parenting have been drawn from small, convenience samples, not larger, random ones," Regnerus said. "The results of that approach have often led family scholars to conclude that there are no differences between children raised in same-sex households and those raised in other types of families.[ /QUOTE]



Photoshop is fun, isn't it?

Really ? Try watching the video and learn something today because it is true.

How Young Is Too Young to Learn Hate?

Oh we're pretending westoboro's 2 dozen members represent all Christians, I see what you did there.



Right, the gay couple raises dysfunctional kids...What a Dumb Ass Study

"Most conclusions about same-sex parenting have been drawn from small, convenience samples, not larger, random ones," Regnerus said. "The results of that approach have often led family scholars to conclude that there are no differences between children raised in same-sex households and those raised in other types of families.[ /QUOTE]



Photoshop is fun, isn't it?

Really ? Try watching the video and learn something today because it is true.

How Young Is Too Young to Learn Hate?

Oh we're pretending westoboro's 2 dozen members represent all Christians, I see what you did there.

Why not? You pretend Muslims in other countries represent all Muslims. (Or Mexicans for that matter)
It doesn't matter one bit which home environment is good better or best.

Raising children in America is a pass/fail proposition. You either have the right to custody of children, or you don't.

Strange. YOu did not answer my question. YOu dodged it.

Why are you afraid?

Now, Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?

A homosexual couple with a child is a nuclear family.

Take the inaccuracy and homophobic bias out of your question and I might answer it.

YOu have well internalized the Orwellian liberal tactic of taking control of the language as a dishonest tool of Power.

But, save it for someone who might be fooled.

I haven't forgotten that you refuse to answer a very simple yes or no question.

Now, Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?

I have no idea what your question is asking. I fully support the right of gays to marry, to have children, to adopt children.

Work it out for yourself.

Don't play stupid.

It's a simple question.

I think the answer is yes. You do know of such a couple, someone close to you. That's why you are playing dumb.

And it didn't work out very well. And that's why you want to change the subject so bad.

Because you know the facts are not on your side of this issue.

Oh that's utter bullshit. I KNOW 2 gay couple WITH KIDS & they are intelligent, well adjusted & certainly thriving little boys. ALL 5 of them.

Could have said that when I first asked, not when I finally gave up on getting an answer...

Odd that....
I think it is important for people to have good information when making decisions.

IMO, the vast myth that Single Moms are just as good as the Traditional Family has led millions of women to make bad choices and screw up their lives.

Nobody says that. In fact, all studies show that children do best in two PARENT households.
Single mothers 'do just as good a job as couples'

Your post doesn't disprove what I said. Children do best in homes with two parents. That's undisputed.

Remember the way Dan Quayle was savaged by the media for slamming Murphy Brown?

Here is what he said that outraged the pop culture talking heads.

"Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong. Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong and we must be unequivocal about this. It doesn’t help matters when primetime TV has Murphy Brown, a character who supposedly epitomizes today’s intelligent, highly paid professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another lifestyle choice. I know it’s not fashionable to talk about moral values, but we need to do it! Even though our cultural leaders in Hollywood, network TV and the national newspapers routinely jeer at them, I think most of us in this room know that some things are good and other things are wrong. And now, it’s time to make the discussion public. It’s time to talk again about the family, hard work, integrity and personal responsibility. We cannot be embarrassed out of our belief that two parents married to each other are better, in most cases, for children than one."

He was figuratively lynched in the media for speaking this heresy.

He was mocked for bitching about a fake character on a TV show more than anything else.


He was figuratively lynched in the media for speaking heresy.

I posted his words about. What to tell me what makes them so wrong? Or want to keep to the Party Line that he was an idiot, instead of being completely right?
So you want to select out all the screwed up gays and only use the few that are no screwed up?

The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples.

It isn't hard to grasp...if you want to.

The instability of same sex relationships is part of the difference, selecting that out would give you false data.

You have nothing but your own bigotry to show same sex relationships are more unstable than straight relationships.

Every other straight marriage ends in divorce, so I would be very careful with your assumptions.

LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

You just described the OP's study.

Nope, I just describe what the critics WANT to do so they can try to gin up good numbers to support their ideology.

Your buddies are making the demand for that right above.

Here cut and pasted for you.

"The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples."


"Regnerus did not compare children raised by stably coupled same-sex parents with children raised by stably coupled opposite-sex parents. "

That's your side of the debate wanting that.

Um yes, the study should compare stable couples gay and straight. Regenerus didn't. That's the problem with his "study".

No, the study should compare the gay and straight couples. That you want to "adjust" the sample to fit your predetermined ideologically driven believe that gay couples are equal to straight couples is not "science" but lying propaganda.
"Homophobia is very widespread in Mexican society. Statisticians show that between 2002 and 2007 along, 1000 persons have been murdered in homophobic crimes, as the Chamber of Deputies revealed in May 2007, making Mexico the county with the second-highest rate of homophobic crimes in the world (after Brazil)."

Homosexuality in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bring those illegals on over. They won't cause any problems!

Hey, the legal Mexican immigrants, our largest source, are bringing that culture too.
So you want to select out all the screwed up gays and only use the few that are no screwed up?

The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples.

It isn't hard to grasp...if you want to.

The instability of same sex relationships is part of the difference, selecting that out would give you false data.

You have nothing but your own bigotry to show same sex relationships are more unstable than straight relationships.

Every other straight marriage ends in divorce, so I would be very careful with your assumptions.

LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

You just described the OP's study.

Nope, I just describe what the critics WANT to do so they can try to gin up good numbers to support their ideology.

Your buddies are making the demand for that right above.

Here cut and pasted for you.

"The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples."


"Regnerus did not compare children raised by stably coupled same-sex parents with children raised by stably coupled opposite-sex parents. "

That's your side of the debate wanting that.
Your own words: "LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on."

The study selected out the unstable straight relationships, thus creating a false picture.

Comparing apples and oranges to just apples.

Link to where the study selected OUT unstable straight relationships.
A homosexual couple with a child is a nuclear family.

Take the inaccuracy and homophobic bias out of your question and I might answer it.

YOu have well internalized the Orwellian liberal tactic of taking control of the language as a dishonest tool of Power.

But, save it for someone who might be fooled.

I haven't forgotten that you refuse to answer a very simple yes or no question.

Now, Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?

I have no idea what your question is asking. I fully support the right of gays to marry, to have children, to adopt children.

Work it out for yourself.

Don't play stupid.

It's a simple question.

I think the answer is yes. You do know of such a couple, someone close to you. That's why you are playing dumb.

And it didn't work out very well. And that's why you want to change the subject so bad.

Because you know the facts are not on your side of this issue.

Oh that's utter bullshit. I KNOW 2 gay couple WITH KIDS & they are intelligent, well adjusted & certainly thriving little boys. ALL 5 of them.

Could have said that when I first asked, not when I finally gave up on getting an answer...

Odd that....

I'm not on any time table here. Odd that.....
YOu have well internalized the Orwellian liberal tactic of taking control of the language as a dishonest tool of Power.

But, save it for someone who might be fooled.

I haven't forgotten that you refuse to answer a very simple yes or no question.

Now, Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?

I have no idea what your question is asking. I fully support the right of gays to marry, to have children, to adopt children.

Work it out for yourself.

Don't play stupid.

It's a simple question.

I think the answer is yes. You do know of such a couple, someone close to you. That's why you are playing dumb.

And it didn't work out very well. And that's why you want to change the subject so bad.

Because you know the facts are not on your side of this issue.

Oh that's utter bullshit. I KNOW 2 gay couple WITH KIDS & they are intelligent, well adjusted & certainly thriving little boys. ALL 5 of them.

Could have said that when I first asked, not when I finally gave up on getting an answer...

Odd that....

I'm not on any time table here. Odd that.....

Nice strawman.

If that was your answer, why did it take so long for you to give it?
How completely stupid to create a thread about an almost four year old study that has been debunked on many levels. The latest slapdown is here

"In an upcoming article, a pair of sociologists are putting what they call the “final nail in the coffin” of the much-criticized study by University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus that purported to show that being raised by gay and lesbian parents harms children. The Regnerus study has become a favorite tool of Religious Right activists seeking to show that households led by same-sex couples are bad for children. At the same time, the study has come under scrutiny for the funding it received from anti-gay groups and for its lack of respondents who were actually raised in same-sex parent households.

Indiana University's Brian Powell and the University of Connecticut’s Simon Cheng didn’t just find methodological flaws in Regnerus’ research — they took the data he collected, cleaned it up, and redid the study, coming to a very different conclusion about families led by same-sex couples. Their article will be published in “Social Science Research,” the same journal that published the Regnerus study.

By eliminating suspect data — for example, a 25-year-old respondent who claimed to be 7’8” tall, 88 pounds, married 8 times and with 8 children, and another who reported having been arrested at age 1 — and correcting what they view as Regnerus’ methodological errors, Cheng and Powell found that Regnerus’ conclusions were so “fragile” that his data could just as easily show that children raised by gay and lesbian parents don’t face negative adult outcomes.

“[W]hen equally plausible and, in our view, preferred methodological decisions are used,” they wrote, “a different conclusion emerges: adult children who lived with same-sex parents show comparable outcome profiles to those from other family types, including intact biological families.”

In other words, as University of Maryland sociologist Philip Cohen put it, “when you clean the data and fix the things that are fixable, the results just don’t hold up.”

Three years ago, Regnerus published an ambitious attempt to quantify how being raised by same-sex parents affects children once they reach adulthood. His findings were dramatic and were quickly seized upon by opponents of LGBT equality around the world: People who had been raised by gay parents, Regnerus said, were more likely to suffer from depression and drug abuse, take part in criminal behavior, develop sexually transmitted infections and were more likely to have been sexually abused as children.

The Regnerus study was promptly scrutinized by fellow social scientists, who pointed out major flaws in his methodology. Many people who he categorized as having been raised by a gay or lesbian parent had spent very little time with that parent or with his or her same-sex partner. Even Regnerus admitted that his data included only two people who said they had been raised for their entire childhoods by a same-sex couple.

Yet, the Regnerus study continues to be cited by opponents of marriage equality and other LGBT rights issues across the globe, and Regnerus himself has even used his research to testify against marriage equality in the courts.

In an amicus brief opposing marriage equality in Louisiana, Regnerus and several other social science professors wrote that despite “the attention and scrutiny” to his study, it “remains in print and subsequent analyses of the (now publicly-accessible) data have revealed no analytic errors.”

“That is no longer true,” Powell told us. “There are major analytic errors in the study.”

Regnerus compared the outcomes of children raised in what he called “intact biological families” (with married biological parents) “lesbian mother” families and “gay father” families, finding differences between “lesbian mother” families and “intact biological families” in 24 of the 40 areas he looked at, and differences between “gay father” families and “intact biological” ones in 19 areas.

But in scrutinizing Regnerus’ data, Cheng and Powell determined that of the 236 respondents whom Regnerus had identified as having been raised by a lesbian mother or gay father, one-tenth had never even lived with the parent in question and an additional one-sixth hadn’t lived with that parent for more than one year. Still more had provided inconsistent or unreliable responses to survey questions, throwing their reliability into doubt. That means, Powell says, that over one-third of the 236 people whom Regnerus classified as having been raised by a lesbian mother or gay father “should absolutely not have ever been considered by Regnerus in this study.”

Reanalyzing Regnerus’ data after eliminating respondents who offered dubious biographical information and recategorizing people who clearly were not raised by gay parents, Cheng and Powell found only three statistically significant differences between the respondents raised by a lesbian mother and those who reported having been raised in “intact biological family” households. Only one of those differences could be considered a negative adult outcome — those respondents were more likely to have had an affair while married or cohabitating. Even that is hardly a smoking gun, says Powell: “If you study 40 different variables or outcomes…just by the law of chance, a few of them should be statistically significant.”

Cheng said that in taking on “one of the most controversial articles published in the history of social science research,” they tried to stay away from the debate about Regnerus’ ideology or the source of his funding. “What we can do is analyze the data,” he said."

- See more at: New Research Further Debunks Regnerus Study On Gay Parenting
I have no idea what your question is asking. I fully support the right of gays to marry, to have children, to adopt children.

Work it out for yourself.

Don't play stupid.

It's a simple question.

I think the answer is yes. You do know of such a couple, someone close to you. That's why you are playing dumb.

And it didn't work out very well. And that's why you want to change the subject so bad.

Because you know the facts are not on your side of this issue.

Oh that's utter bullshit. I KNOW 2 gay couple WITH KIDS & they are intelligent, well adjusted & certainly thriving little boys. ALL 5 of them.

Could have said that when I first asked, not when I finally gave up on getting an answer...

Odd that....

I'm not on any time table here. Odd that.....

Nice strawman.

If that was your answer, why did it take so long for you to give it?

Wtf do you mean 'strawman'?

A) You never asked ME directly, now did you?

B) nor did I even read that posed question until I actually answered it- which WAS rather quickly.

C) get over yourself.

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