Adequan is back!


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
If you haven't heard about Adequan, it is a prescription intramuscular joint treatment/supplement used in treatment of arthritis/degenerative joint disease.

Originally used for horses, it is now also available for dogs. And in my opinion and experience, it is amazing!

Thing is, it was taken off the market by the FDA due to some "issues" at the Luitpold Pharmaceuticals plant where the stuff is manufactured. Which was a big deal to those of us who use it because it meant our animals' condition would begin to deteriorate without it.

But it's back after a few months of being unavailable.

If you have an arthritic dog you should check it out! My vet had put my dog Greta on pain pills to help with her arthritis. I researched and found out about this Adequan, at which point my vet agreed to write a prescription and teach me how to give the shots.

First we had to do a loading dose, two shots a week for four weeks! After that just one shot a month is all it takes to keep her condition from reverting back (this depends on the animal).

She was showing evidence of the arthritis by holding her front elbow out at an awkward angle when she would sit, and sometimes not even want to sit at all. The pain pills helped with that a lot, but they have quite a few possible side effects, you know. Once I had administered the loading dose of Adequan, I started backing off the pain pills...and hallelujah! She didn't need the pain pills anymore. Amazing.

The Adequan will actually reverse some of the degeneration that has taken place and strengthen the joint. Pain pills don't to that. And Adequan seems to be free of side effects, unless of course the animal has an allergy to it.

I highly recommend it. And I've gotten quite skilled at administering the injections!
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