According to globalist woke and now broke espn, the Dodgers should all be dead now due to covid.

Hundreds of players and coaches have been infected with the Rona over the past 3 months. No one died, I dont think anyone even was hospitalized. They had a cold for a few days.

Approximately 606,000 Americans will die of cancer this year. Where are the lockdowns and anti-smoking mandates put into place to save them? And how many of them would have survived if doctors weren't playing along with the COVID hoax?

You are a fascist! You dont want government mandated lockdowns! - idiot libs

Here in Maryland the lockdown madness is hitting the fan. We are on constant alert to grab our "go" bags and get out before there's no more getting out. It is not a very enjoyable existence, but we do not want to get caught in miles long traffic jams on 95, 40, 7 or 24. I am certain if the lockdowns go full European we'll see similar attempted mass exodus from Baltimore as from Paris. If that happens and we're still here we'll be walking out.

Are you in a DC burb? I lived in Fairfax county VA for many years. NOVA is crowded As hell.

We are, as the crow flies, about eleven miles from downtown Baltimore. We moved here so I could be close to my National Guard unit. When I left the Army in October, we decided to stay by base for another year. Now we just want to get the hell out.

I lived in Great Falls, VA from the age of 4 to 14. Moved back at 27 and only lasted 3 years....after living in Miami for 13 years, I couldnt take the winters.

Plus the cost of living is insane.

I encourage you to move down here to Florida. We love our servicepeople and its very free down here!

Thank you. We had been considering Maine and Alaska. But my wife works for a local based pharmaceutical company and while she works from home most days, she must go into the office one day per week. If we can get them to allow her to work totally from home a move might happen in the near future. My small business is also tied to the Baltimore/D.C. area. I've got family who lives in Lakeland, FL and they're always asking me to come down for a week. My wife has family in Europe, but that's a shithole of COVID at the moment. We'll figure something out.

I am about an hour from Lakeland. Its nice, but if you do move to Florida, I suggest moving close to the water.

I would be all over Alaska. I hear its gorgeous.

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