Academic Freedom is withering


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Academic freedom is in crisis on American campuses. Last year, the National Association of Scholars recorded 65 instances of professors being disciplined or fired for protected speech, a fivefold increase from the year before. Yet many of academia’s defenders brush aside worries about dismissal campaigns and the lack of ideological diversity as little more than a collection of anecdotes cherry-picked to feed a right-wing moral panic.

My new report for the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology gives the lie to these claims. Based on eight comprehensive surveys of academic and graduate-student opinion across the U.S., Canada and Britain, it buttresses the findings of numerous studies to provide hard data on the absence of viewpoint diversity and presence of discrimination against conservative and gender-critical scholars. High-profile activist excesses are mere symptoms of a much wider problem of progressive authoritarianism. Roughly 1 in 3 conservative academics and graduate students has been disciplined or threatened with disciplinary action. A progressive monoculture empowers radical activist staff and students to violate the freedom of political minorities like conservatives or “gender-critical” feminists, who believe in the biological basis of womanhood—all in the name of emotional safety or social justice.

Political discrimination is pervasive: 4 in 10 American academics indicated in a survey this summer that they would not hire a known Trump supporter for a job. In Canada, the share is 45%, while in Britain, 1 in 3 academics wouldn’t hire a Brexit supporter. Between one-fifth and half of academics and graduate students are willing to discriminate against right-leaning grant applications, journal submissions and promotion cases. On a four-person panel, this virtually guarantees that a conservative will face discrimination.

Meanwhile, only 28% of American academics say they would be comfortable sitting with a gender-critical scholar over lunch, less even than the 41% who would sit with a Trump-voting colleague. Somehow this has become acceptable in a way it never would be for a person from a religious, as opposed to political, minority.

Some 75% of American and British conservative academics in social sciences and humanities say their departments offer a hostile climate for their beliefs. Nearly 4 in 10 American centrist faculty concur. This produces a chilling effect that results in self-censorship: I found that merely 9% of Trump-supporting academics say they would feel comfortable expressing their political beliefs to a colleague. Their progressive counterparts admit as much, with only 14% of all U.S. academics saying a Trump supporter would feel comfortable expressing his beliefs. In Britain, only 18% of Brexit-supporting academics would feel comfortable sharing their views, even though 52% of the British electorate supported Brexit.

This is not good. Not because I'm on the conservative side, but because in this country no matter what your politics are, you should be able to freely voice them. And in today's America, you can't and that is just plain wrong. And it doesn't look to me like its gonna change either. Liberty and Freedom are under attack IMHO, and fully half the country doesn't seem to mind.
Last year, the National Association of Scholars recorded 65 instances of professors being disciplined or fired for protected speech, a fivefold increase from the year before-article.

"Hitler had the right idea!"
"You're fired, get out of our school"
- fired teachers
Last year, the National Association of Scholars recorded 65 instances of professors being disciplined or fired for protected speech, a fivefold increase from the year before-article.

"Hitler had the right idea!"
"You're fired, get out of our school"
- fired teachers

"Thomas Jefferson had the right idea!"
"You're fired, get out of our school"
- fired teachers

One thing about you Nazis, you crush any idea contrary to the Reich.
This is not good. Not because I'm on the conservative side, but because in this country no matter what your politics are, you should be able to freely voice them. And in today's America, you can't and that is just plain wrong. And it doesn't look to me like its gonna change either. Liberty and Freedom are under attack IMHO, and fully half the country doesn't seem to mind.
It's the trump removal machine at work. It should be finished in just a few more months. In the meantime, voicing conservative political crap is still allowed as far as I can tell. You seem to be doing it in the OP.
Last year, the National Association of Scholars recorded 65 instances of professors being disciplined or fired for protected speech, a fivefold increase from the year before-article.

"Hitler had the right idea!"
"You're fired, get out of our school"
- fired teachers

"Thomas Jefferson had the right idea!"
"You're fired, get out of our school"
- fired teachers

One thing about you Nazis, you crush any idea contrary to the Reich.
Yes, this is actually a good example as well. "That slaveowner guy had the right idea" would indeed probably get you fired in 2021.
Academic freedom is in crisis on American campuses. Last year, the National Association of Scholars recorded 65 instances of professors being disciplined or fired for protected speech, a fivefold increase from the year before. Yet many of academia’s defenders brush aside worries about dismissal campaigns and the lack of ideological diversity as little more than a collection of anecdotes cherry-picked to feed a right-wing moral panic.

My new report for the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology gives the lie to these claims. Based on eight comprehensive surveys of academic and graduate-student opinion across the U.S., Canada and Britain, it buttresses the findings of numerous studies to provide hard data on the absence of viewpoint diversity and presence of discrimination against conservative and gender-critical scholars. High-profile activist excesses are mere symptoms of a much wider problem of progressive authoritarianism. Roughly 1 in 3 conservative academics and graduate students has been disciplined or threatened with disciplinary action. A progressive monoculture empowers radical activist staff and students to violate the freedom of political minorities like conservatives or “gender-critical” feminists, who believe in the biological basis of womanhood—all in the name of emotional safety or social justice.

Political discrimination is pervasive: 4 in 10 American academics indicated in a survey this summer that they would not hire a known Trump supporter for a job. In Canada, the share is 45%, while in Britain, 1 in 3 academics wouldn’t hire a Brexit supporter. Between one-fifth and half of academics and graduate students are willing to discriminate against right-leaning grant applications, journal submissions and promotion cases. On a four-person panel, this virtually guarantees that a conservative will face discrimination.

Meanwhile, only 28% of American academics say they would be comfortable sitting with a gender-critical scholar over lunch, less even than the 41% who would sit with a Trump-voting colleague. Somehow this has become acceptable in a way it never would be for a person from a religious, as opposed to political, minority.

Some 75% of American and British conservative academics in social sciences and humanities say their departments offer a hostile climate for their beliefs. Nearly 4 in 10 American centrist faculty concur. This produces a chilling effect that results in self-censorship: I found that merely 9% of Trump-supporting academics say they would feel comfortable expressing their political beliefs to a colleague. Their progressive counterparts admit as much, with only 14% of all U.S. academics saying a Trump supporter would feel comfortable expressing his beliefs. In Britain, only 18% of Brexit-supporting academics would feel comfortable sharing their views, even though 52% of the British electorate supported Brexit.

This is not good. Not because I'm on the conservative side, but because in this country no matter what your politics are, you should be able to freely voice them. And in today's America, you can't and that is just plain wrong. And it doesn't look to me like its gonna change either. Liberty and Freedom are under attack IMHO, and fully half the country doesn't seem to mind.
Just watch the movie, "No safe spaces"

It's a movie by Dennis Prager that shows the Nazi like PC you are speaking of that is occurring in universities all around the country.
"Hitler had the right idea!"
"You're fired, get out of our school"
- fired teachers
You clearly do not understand the concept of free speech.
There is a difference between caring and understanding.

The Left cares as much about the First Amendment as they do the second. In fact, half of Americans now want to repeal the First Amendment, which means about half of America leans Left
This is not good. Not because I'm on the conservative side, but because in this country no matter what your politics are, you should be able to freely voice them. And in today's America, you can't and that is just plain wrong. And it doesn't look to me like its gonna change either. Liberty and Freedom are under attack IMHO, and fully half the country doesn't seem to mind.
Yeah, I don’t know. Seems the right was more than happy to engage in “cancel culture” right up until the point that it started to bite them in the ass.
Academic freedom is in crisis on American campuses. Last year, the National Association of Scholars recorded 65 instances of professors being disciplined or fired for protected speech, a fivefold increase from the year before. Yet many of academia’s defenders brush aside worries about dismissal campaigns and the lack of ideological diversity as little more than a collection of anecdotes cherry-picked to feed a right-wing moral panic.

My new report for the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology gives the lie to these claims. Based on eight comprehensive surveys of academic and graduate-student opinion across the U.S., Canada and Britain, it buttresses the findings of numerous studies to provide hard data on the absence of viewpoint diversity and presence of discrimination against conservative and gender-critical scholars. High-profile activist excesses are mere symptoms of a much wider problem of progressive authoritarianism. Roughly 1 in 3 conservative academics and graduate students has been disciplined or threatened with disciplinary action. A progressive monoculture empowers radical activist staff and students to violate the freedom of political minorities like conservatives or “gender-critical” feminists, who believe in the biological basis of womanhood—all in the name of emotional safety or social justice.

Political discrimination is pervasive: 4 in 10 American academics indicated in a survey this summer that they would not hire a known Trump supporter for a job. In Canada, the share is 45%, while in Britain, 1 in 3 academics wouldn’t hire a Brexit supporter. Between one-fifth and half of academics and graduate students are willing to discriminate against right-leaning grant applications, journal submissions and promotion cases. On a four-person panel, this virtually guarantees that a conservative will face discrimination.

Meanwhile, only 28% of American academics say they would be comfortable sitting with a gender-critical scholar over lunch, less even than the 41% who would sit with a Trump-voting colleague. Somehow this has become acceptable in a way it never would be for a person from a religious, as opposed to political, minority.

Some 75% of American and British conservative academics in social sciences and humanities say their departments offer a hostile climate for their beliefs. Nearly 4 in 10 American centrist faculty concur. This produces a chilling effect that results in self-censorship: I found that merely 9% of Trump-supporting academics say they would feel comfortable expressing their political beliefs to a colleague. Their progressive counterparts admit as much, with only 14% of all U.S. academics saying a Trump supporter would feel comfortable expressing his beliefs. In Britain, only 18% of Brexit-supporting academics would feel comfortable sharing their views, even though 52% of the British electorate supported Brexit.

This is not good. Not because I'm on the conservative side, but because in this country no matter what your politics are, you should be able to freely voice them. And in today's America, you can't and that is just plain wrong. And it doesn't look to me like its gonna change either. Liberty and Freedom are under attack IMHO, and fully half the country doesn't seem to mind.
freedom of speech is the bane of liberals and dictators
It's the trump removal machine at work. It should be finished in just a few more months. In the meantime, voicing conservative political crap is still allowed as far as I can tell. You seem to be doing it in the OP.

You HONESTLY think you can murder 74 million Americans in "just a few more months?" :eek-52:
This is not good. Not because I'm on the conservative side, but because in this country no matter what your politics are, you should be able to freely voice them. And in today's America, you can't and that is just plain wrong. And it doesn't look to me like its gonna change either. Liberty and Freedom are under attack IMHO, and fully half the country doesn't seem to mind.
It's the trump removal machine at work. It should be finished in just a few more months. In the meantime, voicing conservative political crap is still allowed as far as I can tell. You seem to be doing it in the OP.

And, why not?
Hint: It's called FREEDOM, dummy.
BOTH sides of the aisle, in the District of Criminals subscribe to and fund our "system"

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