About the dangers of tea and beer

These are not real cowboys.

How the fuck do you know what is or isn't a real cowboy?

"Cowboys in the old American West worked cattle drives and on ranches alike, master horsemen from all walks of life that dedicated themselves to the herd. Cowboy life in the 1800s was full of hard work, danger, and monotonous tasks with a heaping helping of dust, bugs, and beans on the side."
How the fuck do you know what is or isn't a real cowboy?

"Cowboys in the old American West worked cattle drives and on ranches alike, master horsemen from all walks of life that dedicated themselves to the herd. Cowboy life in the 1800s was full of hard work, danger, and monotonous tasks with a heaping helping of dust, bugs, and beans on the side."
This is a lie of the pseudo-historians of Stalin's servants
Obviously not. The American cowboys of the old west were not warriors. They worked hard in dangerous situations. They liked to drink beer and whiskey.
You're lying again. horse riding arts is a purely military tradition. Slaves didn't do it.

Cowboys have horseback riding and rodeos.
This is a lie of the pseudo-historians of Stalin's servants

Let's review, shall we?

I have quoted experts in the history the old west. I have known real cowboys. I live in America and know it's history.

You live in some hellhole on the Asian continent. You have never actually met a cowboy. And you reply of movies and fantasies for your "information".
You're lying again. horse riding arts is a purely military tradition. Slaves didn't do it.

Cowboys have horseback riding and rodeos.

Riding is not purely a military tradition. And rodeos have absolutely nothing to do with military tradition.

Cowboys were not slaves. They were also not military and did not have an easy job.
Even assuming that the slaves had mustangs, they could only use them instead of a tractor.
You're lying again. Slaves and peasants do not need it. None of them have been able to do it yet.

Your claim has no basis in truth. Either you are lying or you are ignorant on the topic. I'll let you choose.

Riding on a horse was the main form of transportation for centuries. Maybe where you live they were too stupid to learn to ride. But here, everyone knew how to ride a horse before the automobile was commonplace.

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