A time for Americans to Bind Together


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Ok guys, in a very non-partisan kind of way it's time that American's, liberal or conservative bind together as one in our on-going effort on the war on terror.

It's a time for reaching across the isle to fellow Americans regardless of race, religion, or sexuality. Heck, even the hard-core libs hate Terrorists...

I hope we can use today as a day to move forward as one united country in our resolve and in our commitment to our Constitutional values that have made us great.

Republicans, I call on you to now put down your political sunglasses in order to see that we still have a LOT of work to not only continue to keep America safe but to also make things better here at home.

-Seal up our borders
-Reform perscription drugs
-Continue to grow the economy
-Keep the taxes low

Democrats - we need you now more than ever to move with us in the war on terror and get over the fact that your man lost this round - keep your chin up as I'm sure you can vote for Billary in 2008.

That said, let's keep up some decent spirited debates on key issues moving forward and lets make sure we can continue to disagree without contempt for one another because at the end of the day I'd still be willing to die for any fellow American in the face of harms way of a Terrorist or other threats to our national security.

Remember, if we have no security we have no jobs, no economy and ultimately no country!
-Cp said:
Ok guys, in a very non-partisan kind of way it's time that American's, liberal or conservative bind together as one in our on-going effort on the war on terror.

It's a time for reaching across the isle to fellow Americans regardless of race, religion, or sexuality. Heck, even the hard-core libs hate Terrorists...

I hope we can use today as a day to move forward as one united country in our resolve and in our commitment to our Constitutional values that have made us great.

Republicans, I call on you to now put down your political sunglasses in order to see that we still have a LOT of work to not only continue to keep America safe but to also make things better here at home.

-Seal up our borders
-Reform perscription drugs
-Continue to grow the economy
-Keep the taxes low

Democrats - we need you now more than ever to move with us in the war on terror and get over the fact that your man lost this round - keep your chin up as I'm sure you can vote for Billary in 2008.

That said, let's keep up some decent spirited debates on key issues moving forward and lets make sure we can continue to disagree without contempt for one another because at the end of the day I'd stil lbe willing to die for any fellow American in the face of harms way of a Terrorist or other threats to our national security.

Remember, if we have no security we have no jobs, no economy and ultimately no country!

I applaud your patriotism.......I have hopes and concerns about our future.
i like that -cp- and if i may add a post from andrew sullivan (noted kerry supporter) about the need to unite behind president bush

But the most fundamental fact of this campaign - and one of the reasons it has been so bitter - is that we are at war. Our opponents at home are not our enemies. The real enemy is the Jihadist terror network that, even now, is murdering innocents and coalition soldiers in Iraq. Our job now - all of us - is to support this president in that war, to back those troops, and to pray for victory. We saw yesterday, in the cold-blooded murder of a Dutch film-maker for his open criticism of Islamist misogyny, that the enemy is still at large; and aiming directly at our freedoms and security. In Fallujah, our troops are poised for a vital battle against terrorists and theocrats intent on derailing a free future for Iraq. Democracy is on the line there and throughout the world. I've been more than a little frustrated by the president's handling of this war in the past year; but we have to draw a line under that now. The past is the past. And George W. Bush is our president. He deserves a fresh start, a chance to prove himself again, and the constructive criticism of those of us who decided to back his opponent. He needs our prayers and our support for the enormous tasks still ahead of him. He has mine. Unequivocally.
I agree, now that the election is over we need to support Bush in his actions and hope for the best.
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