A quick review...the lie that created Black Lives Matter, the lie that they use to gain power and money.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Black lives matter is a movement created by a lie, perpetuated by a lie and movement that only cares about power and money.....they don't care about real Black lives....

Black Lives Matter was founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri police killing of an 18-year-old black American named Michael Brown. Before the investigation of the fatal incident had barely begun, Al Sharpton, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers on race, rushed to Ferguson, where he helped spread an unconfirmed rumor that Brown was killed with his hands in the air while trying to surrender to the police officer who shot him.

With all due respect to the bike-riding protesters, "hands up, don't shoot" is political propaganda of the most poisonous kind. As a matter of fact:

● Multiple witnesses deemed to be credible saw the killing in real time.

● Of that group, none was white; all were black.

● A lone witness testified that Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him. That witness was Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store shortly before he was killed. Johnson's testimony was deemed not to be credible by both the grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice.

● Multiple other black witnesses, all of whom were deemed credible by the investigating authorities, testified that Michael Brown (1) charged Officer Wilson after refusing to obey Wilson's commands and (2) reached inside Wilson's patrol car and fought with Wilson for control of Wilson's service revolver. Brown was shot and killed during that altercation.

● Wilson was fully exonerated by the grand jury and the Obama Department of Justice.

Black Lives Matter was founded on a lie. I do not say that to be inflammatory — I say it because it's true. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened.

Yet the chant is still being promoted by the group as a rallying cry that heightens racial hatred of the police, and of America itself, which BLM labels as an incurably racist nation where things can be made right only by upending the whole system and starting over.

Black Lives Matter is a violent group whose members are believed to have played an instrumental role in the nationwide rioting and looting following George Floyd's murder. The picture below shows an elderly black woman confronting BLM rioters who destroyed her small store in New York City. See video here.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/06/where_black_lives_dont_matter.html[/URL]
Hey, lying gets them stuff.

The whole Ferguson rioting and lawlessness was built on a lie from the get-go when the dead thug’s partner in crime, Dorian Johnson, immediately got the gathering crowd stirred up when he lied about Michael Brown on his knees, hands up, begging for his life until the cop shot him in the head anyway. After that it was just a cascading waterfall of lies until finally the fires started, the looting and property destruction was on, and it was all the fault of the police.
Black lives matter is a movement created by a lie, perpetuated by a lie and movement that only cares about power and money.....they don't care about real Black lives....

Black Lives Matter was founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri police killing of an 18-year-old black American named Michael Brown. Before the investigation of the fatal incident had barely begun, Al Sharpton, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers on race, rushed to Ferguson, where he helped spread an unconfirmed rumor that Brown was killed with his hands in the air while trying to surrender to the police officer who shot him.

With all due respect to the bike-riding protesters, "hands up, don't shoot" is political propaganda of the most poisonous kind. As a matter of fact:

● Multiple witnesses deemed to be credible saw the killing in real time.

● Of that group, none was white; all were black.

● A lone witness testified that Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him. That witness was Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store shortly before he was killed. Johnson's testimony was deemed not to be credible by both the grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice.

● Multiple other black witnesses, all of whom were deemed credible by the investigating authorities, testified that Michael Brown (1) charged Officer Wilson after refusing to obey Wilson's commands and (2) reached inside Wilson's patrol car and fought with Wilson for control of Wilson's service revolver. Brown was shot and killed during that altercation.

● Wilson was fully exonerated by the grand jury and the Obama Department of Justice.

Black Lives Matter was founded on a lie. I do not say that to be inflammatory — I say it because it's true. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened.

Yet the chant is still being promoted by the group as a rallying cry that heightens racial hatred of the police, and of America itself, which BLM labels as an incurably racist nation where things can be made right only by upending the whole system and starting over.

Black Lives Matter is a violent group whose members are believed to have played an instrumental role in the nationwide rioting and looting following George Floyd's murder. The picture below shows an elderly black woman confronting BLM rioters who destroyed her small store in New York City. See video here.

unfurl="true"]Where Black Lives Don't Matter[/URL]
FAKE NEWS from the American Stinker.
Black lives matter is a movement created by a lie, perpetuated by a lie and movement that only cares about power and money.....they don't care about real Black lives....

Black Lives Matter was founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri police killing of an 18-year-old black American named Michael Brown. Before the investigation of the fatal incident had barely begun, Al Sharpton, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers on race, rushed to Ferguson, where he helped spread an unconfirmed rumor that Brown was killed with his hands in the air while trying to surrender to the police officer who shot him.

With all due respect to the bike-riding protesters, "hands up, don't shoot" is political propaganda of the most poisonous kind. As a matter of fact:

● Multiple witnesses deemed to be credible saw the killing in real time.

● Of that group, none was white; all were black.

● A lone witness testified that Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him. That witness was Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store shortly before he was killed. Johnson's testimony was deemed not to be credible by both the grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice.

● Multiple other black witnesses, all of whom were deemed credible by the investigating authorities, testified that Michael Brown (1) charged Officer Wilson after refusing to obey Wilson's commands and (2) reached inside Wilson's patrol car and fought with Wilson for control of Wilson's service revolver. Brown was shot and killed during that altercation.

● Wilson was fully exonerated by the grand jury and the Obama Department of Justice.

Black Lives Matter was founded on a lie. I do not say that to be inflammatory — I say it because it's true. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened.

Yet the chant is still being promoted by the group as a rallying cry that heightens racial hatred of the police, and of America itself, which BLM labels as an incurably racist nation where things can be made right only by upending the whole system and starting over.

Black Lives Matter is a violent group whose members are believed to have played an instrumental role in the nationwide rioting and looting following George Floyd's murder. The picture below shows an elderly black woman confronting BLM rioters who destroyed her small store in New York City. See video here.

unfurl="true"]Where Black Lives Don't Matter[/URL]
FAKE NEWS from the American Stinker.

Translation: I can't address the article itself, therefore call it names and feel better for it.
The State of Missouri, the Democrat Country Prosecutor, the FBI and Department of Justice all agree that Officer Wilson had legitimate self defense claims, none of them pursue legal action against him.

This is what BLM was funded on, a gigantic lie, one easily exposed to be a lie, yet we have a lot of racist blacks willing to run on this lie, which they have been doing for 6 years now. It is why they are slowly going down in flames as their over the top hate gets well exposed to the public.
Black lives matter is a movement created by a lie, perpetuated by a lie and movement that only cares about power and money.....they don't care about real Black lives....

Black Lives Matter was founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri police killing of an 18-year-old black American named Michael Brown. Before the investigation of the fatal incident had barely begun, Al Sharpton, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers on race, rushed to Ferguson, where he helped spread an unconfirmed rumor that Brown was killed with his hands in the air while trying to surrender to the police officer who shot him.

With all due respect to the bike-riding protesters, "hands up, don't shoot" is political propaganda of the most poisonous kind. As a matter of fact:

● Multiple witnesses deemed to be credible saw the killing in real time.

● Of that group, none was white; all were black.

● A lone witness testified that Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him. That witness was Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store shortly before he was killed. Johnson's testimony was deemed not to be credible by both the grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice.

● Multiple other black witnesses, all of whom were deemed credible by the investigating authorities, testified that Michael Brown (1) charged Officer Wilson after refusing to obey Wilson's commands and (2) reached inside Wilson's patrol car and fought with Wilson for control of Wilson's service revolver. Brown was shot and killed during that altercation.

● Wilson was fully exonerated by the grand jury and the Obama Department of Justice.

Black Lives Matter was founded on a lie. I do not say that to be inflammatory — I say it because it's true. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened.

Yet the chant is still being promoted by the group as a rallying cry that heightens racial hatred of the police, and of America itself, which BLM labels as an incurably racist nation where things can be made right only by upending the whole system and starting over.

Black Lives Matter is a violent group whose members are believed to have played an instrumental role in the nationwide rioting and looting following George Floyd's murder. The picture below shows an elderly black woman confronting BLM rioters who destroyed her small store in New York City. See video here.

unfurl="true"]Where Black Lives Don't Matter[/URL]

Exactly like Roe v. Wade, founded on the perjured testimony of Norma McCorvey that she had been raped. That was a lie and the decision should be thrown out due to the perjured testimony. If only women who were raped were entitled to get abortions, some 1,0000,000 innocent unborn babies would be saved annually.


Unborn Lives Matter
Black lives matter is a movement created by a lie, perpetuated by a lie and movement that only cares about power and money.....they don't care about real Black lives....

Black Lives Matter was founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri police killing of an 18-year-old black American named Michael Brown. Before the investigation of the fatal incident had barely begun, Al Sharpton, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers on race, rushed to Ferguson, where he helped spread an unconfirmed rumor that Brown was killed with his hands in the air while trying to surrender to the police officer who shot him.

With all due respect to the bike-riding protesters, "hands up, don't shoot" is political propaganda of the most poisonous kind. As a matter of fact:

● Multiple witnesses deemed to be credible saw the killing in real time.

● Of that group, none was white; all were black.

● A lone witness testified that Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him. That witness was Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store shortly before he was killed. Johnson's testimony was deemed not to be credible by both the grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice.

● Multiple other black witnesses, all of whom were deemed credible by the investigating authorities, testified that Michael Brown (1) charged Officer Wilson after refusing to obey Wilson's commands and (2) reached inside Wilson's patrol car and fought with Wilson for control of Wilson's service revolver. Brown was shot and killed during that altercation.

● Wilson was fully exonerated by the grand jury and the Obama Department of Justice.

Black Lives Matter was founded on a lie. I do not say that to be inflammatory — I say it because it's true. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened.

Yet the chant is still being promoted by the group as a rallying cry that heightens racial hatred of the police, and of America itself, which BLM labels as an incurably racist nation where things can be made right only by upending the whole system and starting over.

Black Lives Matter is a violent group whose members are believed to have played an instrumental role in the nationwide rioting and looting following George Floyd's murder. The picture below shows an elderly black woman confronting BLM rioters who destroyed her small store in New York City. See video here.

unfurl="true"]Where Black Lives Don't Matter[/URL]

Exactly like Roe v. Wade, founded on the perjured testimony of Norma McCorvey that she had been raped. That was a lie and the decision should be thrown out due to the perjured testimony. If only women who were raped were entitled to get abortions, some 1,0000,000 innocent unborn babies would be saved annually.


Unborn Lives Matter

You know that racism as an institution does not exist since everyone of the current "Civil Rights" groups are based on lies......and 99% of their "martyrs" are thugs who were engaged in violent crime at the time of their deaths.
Black lives matter is a movement created by a lie, perpetuated by a lie and movement that only cares about power and money.....they don't care about real Black lives....

Black Lives Matter was founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson, Missouri police killing of an 18-year-old black American named Michael Brown. Before the investigation of the fatal incident had barely begun, Al Sharpton, one of President Obama's most trusted advisers on race, rushed to Ferguson, where he helped spread an unconfirmed rumor that Brown was killed with his hands in the air while trying to surrender to the police officer who shot him.

With all due respect to the bike-riding protesters, "hands up, don't shoot" is political propaganda of the most poisonous kind. As a matter of fact:

● Multiple witnesses deemed to be credible saw the killing in real time.

● Of that group, none was white; all were black.

● A lone witness testified that Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him. That witness was Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store shortly before he was killed. Johnson's testimony was deemed not to be credible by both the grand jury and the U.S. Department of Justice.

● Multiple other black witnesses, all of whom were deemed credible by the investigating authorities, testified that Michael Brown (1) charged Officer Wilson after refusing to obey Wilson's commands and (2) reached inside Wilson's patrol car and fought with Wilson for control of Wilson's service revolver. Brown was shot and killed during that altercation.

● Wilson was fully exonerated by the grand jury and the Obama Department of Justice.

Black Lives Matter was founded on a lie. I do not say that to be inflammatory — I say it because it's true. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened.

Yet the chant is still being promoted by the group as a rallying cry that heightens racial hatred of the police, and of America itself, which BLM labels as an incurably racist nation where things can be made right only by upending the whole system and starting over.

Black Lives Matter is a violent group whose members are believed to have played an instrumental role in the nationwide rioting and looting following George Floyd's murder. The picture below shows an elderly black woman confronting BLM rioters who destroyed her small store in New York City. See video here.

unfurl="true"]Where Black Lives Don't Matter[/URL]
FAKE NEWS from the American Stinker.

Translation: I can't address the article itself, therefore call it names and feel better for it.
IOW, I'm being presidential!
Thank you.

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