A positive note from Syria


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
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The sales manager of my ex-wife's company is Syrian. He moved to the U.S. at around 26 after coming here to be with his father during surgery, because we have the best health care system in the world (and it's not socialized). Anyhoo. He just returned from a two week trip to visit his relatives still in Syria. As he and his whitebread american bride were walking the street in Syria, a man came up to him and requested that Tammam, my ex's sales manager, please translate an important message to his wife, who is obviously an american. Here is the message:

"all the people of Syria love the U.S. for what it is doing. and they are grateful, and the U.S. shouldn't stop in bringing freedom to the mideast."

The people who seemingly hate America most are American liberals and eurosocialists. CNN loved broadcasting Saddam and his hate america rallies, never reporting that these were staged events, but instead rubbing them in the American public's face, as if we should question our values of personal and economic freedom.

I feel ok though. The libs have lost the Senate, The House, and The Presidency.

Good is winning.
god imagine what it must be like to have been under a dictatorship or a military junta your entire life?

that's syria, they've been opressed for 40 odd years haven't they?
Originally posted by NATO AIR
god imagine what it must be like to have been under a dictatorship or a military junta your entire life?

that's syria, they've been opressed for 40 odd years haven't they?

Something like that. I'm thinking of asking the guy to dinner to pick his brain about everything going on. I'll take questions to add to my list from anyone who thinks of a good one. What would you ask?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Something like that. I'm thinking of asking the guy to dinner to pick his brain about everything going on. I'll take questions to add to my list from anyone who thinks of a good one. What would you ask?

Are all the WMD's in Syria?:laugh:
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
Are all the WMD's in Syria?:laugh:

Yes. Good idea. Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all.:D
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