Inspired by my almost-attendance at my high school reunion last night.
1) Do you actively seek out the people you were mean to back in the day?
1a) If you do, do you try to apologize for how you acted back in the day, or do you let bygones be bygones and not even mention it?
2) For some unknown reason, they opt to not have alcohol at your five year reunion. Someone spikes the punch. Is this cool?
2a) Are you the one who spikes the punch?
2b) Is it just as cool if this happens at your ten year reunion?
3) Say, by some remarkable circumstance, you are the only person out of your entire graduating class who has changed at all since high school. Do you spend most of your time with the same people you hung around with in high school, or do you seek out a different clique?
3a) If you opt to seek out different people, what clique would that be (keeping in mind that nobody has changed except you)?
4) You go into the bathroom and find a couple of your old high school buddies smoking a joint in one of the stalls. Do you join in? Do you not join in, but not care? Do you get upset? Do you tell on them?
4a) What if they were doing some harder stuff?
5) There was one guy or girl who treated you like absolute dogcrap all through high school. You get to the reunion and find he or she is a complete and pathetic loser. Are you happy that all their torment has finally paid off karmically, or do you feel bad for them?
6) Same guy or girl seems to be doing okay and tries to make amends and be cool with you. Do you let the past be the past or do you continue to hold a grudge?
7) They have some sort of weird lottery that you win. You can either win $1000 yourself or you and all of your ex-classmates get $100. Which would you go for?
8) For nostalgia, the DJ is playing songs that were popular when you graduated. Name three of these songs.
1) Do you actively seek out the people you were mean to back in the day?
1a) If you do, do you try to apologize for how you acted back in the day, or do you let bygones be bygones and not even mention it?
2) For some unknown reason, they opt to not have alcohol at your five year reunion. Someone spikes the punch. Is this cool?
2a) Are you the one who spikes the punch?
2b) Is it just as cool if this happens at your ten year reunion?
3) Say, by some remarkable circumstance, you are the only person out of your entire graduating class who has changed at all since high school. Do you spend most of your time with the same people you hung around with in high school, or do you seek out a different clique?
3a) If you opt to seek out different people, what clique would that be (keeping in mind that nobody has changed except you)?
4) You go into the bathroom and find a couple of your old high school buddies smoking a joint in one of the stalls. Do you join in? Do you not join in, but not care? Do you get upset? Do you tell on them?
4a) What if they were doing some harder stuff?
5) There was one guy or girl who treated you like absolute dogcrap all through high school. You get to the reunion and find he or she is a complete and pathetic loser. Are you happy that all their torment has finally paid off karmically, or do you feel bad for them?
6) Same guy or girl seems to be doing okay and tries to make amends and be cool with you. Do you let the past be the past or do you continue to hold a grudge?
7) They have some sort of weird lottery that you win. You can either win $1000 yourself or you and all of your ex-classmates get $100. Which would you go for?
8) For nostalgia, the DJ is playing songs that were popular when you graduated. Name three of these songs.