A picture that is an example of White Supremacy


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

What's the difference between a white racist and a black racist?


To the far left blacks can not be racists, only whites!

And the people protesting this are the far left groups.
I just read an article about an effort to take down Lord Nelson's statue. Under the comments section, one young black commenter wrote: "take it down, end racism in my lifetime."

Taking down these statues amounts to turf-marking. The morph from "anti-white supremacy" to "anti-white" is happening faster than expected. Get ready to be raped, and NEVER forget the primary role Jews have played and are continuing to play in this catastrophe.
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At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

What's the difference between a white racist and a black racist?


Evidently the Libtard clowns at the ACLU thinks a White toddler holding an American flag is a "White Supremacist".

Maybe if that child had been Black the ACLU would have accused it of being an Uncle Tom, or something.
Probably not the best picture for the ACLU to post after their starring role in Charlottesville in the support of the white nationalists.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’


Those ACLU "idiots" helped the NaziKlanners secure their permit in Charlottesville shoog.
gee -

an inflammatory post on HOTAIR.com begging for clicks to pay the rent.

and what do we do?
That's Horrible. There are a lot or RACISTS on THE LEFT. The kid was wearing a "FREE SPEECH" ACLU shirt and waving an AMERICAN FLAG!
What does the Child's RACE have anything to do with it?
Are they mad because this baby was born instead of having Planned Parenthood run him through their Chop Shops to farm out the child's bloody baby body parts?

And on another matter.... THE PRESIDENT....WAS RIGHT..........AGAIN!

Well, now I guess If you are a SCOTUS judge, and someone did not like some of your rulings, they are removing your statue.
Never mind that you had made thousands of correct rulings and had a distinguished career, and the fact that Judges WERE NOT ACTIVISTS like they are now.
And I don't have to be for a man's BAD decisions to say that. It was just the way things were. Judges did not legislate from the bench and should not legislate from the bench.

Crews Remove Taney Statue From Maryland State House Overnight

And People are calling for the removal of Columbus statues, and they want Grant Statues, and Grant's Tomb removed.

Where were all of these OUTRAGEOUS requests when Obama was in office?

This isn't about people being offended....

The Left has nothing to offer THE PEOPLE but BUTT HURT, and Character Assassination, so they are trying to CREATE a RACIAL WEDGE ISSUE to GIN UP THEIR BASE.

At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
The outrage over this shit isnt "getting there" its completely regressive.
I just read an article about an effort to take down Lord Nelson's statue. Under the comments section, one young black commenter wrote: "take it down, end racism in my lifetime."

Taking down these statues amounts to turf-marking. The morph from "anti-white supremacy" to "anti-white" is happening faster than expected. Get ready to be raped, and NEVER forget the primary role Jews have played and are continuing to play in this catastrophe.
Lord Nelson? Wrong war, wasn't it?
Any relation?
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
The outrage over this shit isnt "getting there" its completely regressive.
TN my speed reader.
I heartily disagree, but tell me what is regressive about being more inclusive?
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
The outrage over this shit isnt "getting there" its completely regressive.
TN my speed reader.
I heartily disagree, but tell me what is regressive about being more inclusive?
this outrage isnt about being "inclusive" Thats ridiculous.
These assholes literally want to change our form of governing.

If you equate a 3 year old waving the American flag to some White Supremacy movement, you should probably move up into the mountains and stop bothering people.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
The outrage over this shit isnt "getting there" its completely regressive.
TN my speed reader.
I heartily disagree, but tell me what is regressive about being more inclusive?
this outrage isnt about being "inclusive" Thats ridiculous.
I think "outrage" might be a bit of an exaggeration on someone's part, but anyway, MY point was about inclusion. Argue with someone else about whatever you think it's about.
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I'm glad we've moved forward in this discussion to the point where questions are being raised and major institutions are sensitive to the fact that not JUST white beautiful babies are American. Until 30 years ago--maybe even 20 years ago--this would not have raised an eyebrow anywhere. The black community of course was completely used to it.
So while there is nothing wrong with a pic of a white kid representing hopes for America, I'm glad there is sensitivity now to the fact that there are a lot of kids who don't look like that who are absolutely American too, and part of our future.
We're getting there.
The outrage over this shit isnt "getting there" its completely regressive.
TN my speed reader.
I heartily disagree, but tell me what is regressive about being more inclusive?
this outrage isnt about being "inclusive" Thats ridiculous.
I think "outrage" might be a bit of an exaggeration on someone's part, but anyway, MY point was about inclusion. Argue with someone else about whatever you think it's about.
Nothign wrong with inclusion. People were comparing this to white supremacy OL. I mean, damn
At least hose idiots in the ACLU though so.

We ridicule the Moon Bats for being morons and this is a great of why we do it.

That baby is a real Hitler meannie, isn't he?

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows 'white supremacy is everywhere' - Hot Air

ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’


Those ACLU "idiots" helped the NaziKlanners secure their permit in Charlottesville shoog.

........ secure their first amendment rights.

Fixed it for you.

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