A Legal System Corrupted


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Politics has been inserted into our judicial system....it began decades ago and has continued to get worse.

It is to the point now that what is on display in many of these high profile trials is eerily similar to the soviet show trials back in the days of Stalin....nothing more than political show trials.

The simple fact that the democrats want to "pack the USSC" is proof that politics could infect the judicial branch.
The Kavanaugh hearing was further proof that qualifications are no longer enough. The fact that leftist RBG got 98 votes shows that the "new normal" has political views as a criteria.
The simple fact that the democrats want to "pack the USSC" is proof that politics could infect the judicial branch.
The Kavanaugh hearing was further proof that qualifications are no longer enough. The fact that leftist RBG got 98 votes shows that the "new normal" has political views as a criteria.
Then why did Pelosi kill the idea of the SC packing?
The simple fact that the democrats want to "pack the USSC" is proof that politics could infect the judicial branch.
The Kavanaugh hearing was further proof that qualifications are no longer enough. The fact that leftist RBG got 98 votes shows that the "new normal" has political views as a criteria.
Then why did Pelosi kill the idea of the SC packing?
Because Sen. Manchin said NFW
The simple fact that the democrats want to "pack the USSC" is proof that politics could infect the judicial branch.
The Kavanaugh hearing was further proof that qualifications are no longer enough. The fact that leftist RBG got 98 votes shows that the "new normal" has political views as a criteria.
Then why did Pelosi kill the idea of the SC packing?
Because Sen. Manchin said NFW
So, I see you agree that the Dems are not going to pack or stack Pringles er the Supreme Court.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
insourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
The simple fact that the democrats want to "pack the USSC" is proof that politics could infect the judicial branch.
The Kavanaugh hearing was further proof that qualifications are no longer enough. The fact that leftist RBG got 98 votes shows that the "new normal" has political views as a criteria.
Then why did Pelosi kill the idea of the SC packing?
Because Sen. Manchin said NFW
So, I see you agree that the Dems are not going to pack or stack Pringles er the Supreme Court.
The democrats have a lot of stuff on their "wish list". Problem is, they can't do most of them, thank God:
1. Pack the USSC
2. Make DC a state
3. Make PR a state
4. Change election law from Electoral College to Popular Vote
5. Open Borders and loax immigration policies
6. New Energy policies, The Green New Deal
7. Relaxed Military posture
8. "Wokeness"
9. Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
10. Pass HR-1, power grab for one-party rule

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