A great President is about to speak

What a great party !!

I have never seen Hillary so happy. She came to the speech and make a cameo appearance.

Bill is happy too. He is thinking, I get to go back to The White House for a 3rd term for my wife.

Kaine and his wife are happy too. They are thinking, we get to be the VP family.
I see the brain dead imbecile known as "ptbw forever" is doing his usual mindless 'funny' ratings again like some kind of monkey on crack.
Obama came in as a rock star, and he just left as a rock star. You could see he just lit a fire in everyone in the room.
Obama is compelling

He understands what America is about and the values it is not about

Really? Like leaving the border unprotected? That's what America is about? Spying on Americans and subjecting them to indefinite detention without due process is what America is all about? Attempting to fast track the TPP which is yet another unfair trade agreement guaranteed to kill what few decent paying jobs remain is what America is all about? Is funding ISIS like they have been doing and lying to us is what America is about? Is patting down passengers at the airports and doing body scans for a war on terror of their creation defines what America is all about? Stealing the wages of it's citizens to pay international bankers that create paper money out of thin air is what America is all about? Looks like you are the one that doesn't realize what America has become...which is one huge plantation.

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