A Good Example Of Not Getting It


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
USS Abraham Lincoln
Ralph Peters (who has emerged as my favorite op-ed columnist) is sadly the best example of someone not getting the big picture on what's happening in Denmark and around the world. He puts his contempt for the Europeans before his good reason.
We must remember that the "bigotry" being whipped up now is in response to the violent, vile threats of Islamists.
If the Islamists want a war in the streets of Europe, they will get it.




February 7, 2006 -- RIOTS scorch the Islamic world as maddened believers protest Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. Embassies burn, demonstrators die, crazed threats resound. Far more Muslims fill the streets than protested the invasion of Iraq.
Astonished Europeans insist on their right to press freedom. Muslims are outraged at the willful violation of a widespread Islamic belief: The Prophet's image must not be depicted.

Now the confrontation's gone too far for either side to back down. And both sides are wrong.

First, consider the Europeans. The Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons last September was not standing up courageously for freedom of expression. The editors and cartoonists were so oblivious to any reality beyond their Copenhagen coffee bars that they just thought they were pulling an attention-getting prank.

They got attention, all right. As did the papers elsewhere in Europe that reprinted the offending cartoons last week. In the name of press freedom, of course.

The problem is that with freedom comes responsibility, a quality to which Europe's become allergic (nothing is ever a European's fault). Breaking a well-known taboo of Islam was irresponsible. No other word for it.

There's plenty to criticize in the failed civilization of Middle Eastern Islam. But the European press avoids the serious issues. They could've run cartoons about al-Zarqawi's savagery, al-Jazeera's hypocrisy or the oppression of women. Instead, they attacked a religion's heart. Gratuitously.

Those cartoons said more about Europe's own arrogance toward religious believers and intolerance of faith than they do about Islam. Today's Europeans consider religious belief as beneath their sophistication. They've come so far that they no longer grasp how intense faith can be — and how furiously the faithful can react.

Through their clumsiness and vanity, the Europeans have made this an all-or-nothing issue. What began as a nasty little Danish problem has been globalized. If the Europeans appear to capitulate now, it will only encourage Muslim extremists around the world.

Wasn't it those oh-so-clever Europeans who complained about a heavy U.S. hand in the Middle East? Who made excuses for 9/11, the Madrid bombings, street murders, terrorist kidnappings and beheadings, the London bombings, French suburbs aflame and no end of hate speech? Then treated Islam the way a dog treats a fire hydrant?

That's Europe for you: A continent of cowards who start fights they can't finish themselves. Thanks, Hans. Merci, Pierre.

Of course, the blame doesn't fall solely on the Eurotrash. The over-reaction within the Muslim world is psychotic — yet another indication of the spiritual and practical collapse of the Middle East and realms beyond. Will the Europeans figure it out this time? How many corpses, cracked heads, arrests, boycotts and smoldering embassies will it take before Europe realizes that militant Islam isn't benign?

The Arab world, especially, is a pile of tinder waiting for random sparks. And the alacrity with which regional governments and Islamist groups have moved to blow up the cartoon issue into a conflagration is as tactically astute as it is despicable.

What we're seeing in the Middle East is strategic theater, benefit performances for the Syrian government (now playing the Islam card), Hezbollah, Hamas and every tough customer in the neighborhood.

No accident that the largest number of demonstrators busted in Beirut were Syrian nationals. And does anyone really believe that Syria's police and security services couldn't control those crowds in Damascus?

Meanwhile, the nuts-for-Allah boys in Tehran are using the issue to whip up support for Shia nukes. Kashmiri separatists are milking the controversy, as are the remnants of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The protests stretch from Indonesia to England.

Expect more blood.

It's hard not to feel a certain amount of Schadenfreude after enduring endless lectures from Europeans about how the Middle East's problems were all made in America. It will be fascinating to watch the Europeans attempt to come to grips with fanaticism.

Even a French philosopher can't forever glorify a civilization that puts more energy into calling for death to cartoonists than it does into human rights, education or good government.

For once, we Americans can sit back and watch the fight (pass the popcorn, please). The Europeans are going to get a few more teeth knocked out. As for the Islamist bigots intent on destroying what's left of their own decayed societies, they'll lose at least a few of their European apologists — the sort who make excuses for terrorists, as long as they only kill Americans (or Muslims).

Looking at the pigheaded intolerance driving the Europeans and Islamist fanatics alike, the healthy response is, "A plague on both your houses."

Ralph Peters' latest book is "New Glory: Expanding America's Global Supremacy."
I differ from many right-wing columnists, Peters included, in that I don't hate Europeans, I feel bad for them. They're addicted to welfare. That's what socialism does: it drains your spirit. Its infected that continent like AIDS, and Islamism is the pnuemonia coming to finish them off.

But some are starting to wake up and warn others of the impending disaster, and kudos to them. Here is what I find downright offensive:

First, consider the Europeans. The Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons last September was not standing up courageously for freedom of expression. The editors and cartoonists were so oblivious to any reality beyond their Copenhagen coffee bars that they just thought they were pulling an attention-getting prank.

They got attention, all right. As did the papers elsewhere in Europe that reprinted the offending cartoons last week. In the name of press freedom, of course.

The problem is that with freedom comes responsibility, a quality to which Europe's become allergic (nothing is ever a European's fault). Breaking a well-known taboo of Islam was irresponsible. No other word for it.

Trope worthy of a leftist. It's those damn Europeans again! Everyone knows that's offensive to Muslims! But he goes one better:

Those cartoons said more about Europe's own arrogance toward religious believers and intolerance of faith than they do about Islam. Today's Europeans consider religious belief as beneath their sophistication. They've come so far that they no longer grasp how intense faith can be — and how furiously the faithful can react.

Hold on, pal. First, this isn't about religions in general, this is about Islam in particular. When someone writes a play about Jesus having gay sex with Judas, stern letters get written and some protests are held. When someone draws an innocent cartoon (For Muslim nations to complain about these after what appears in their newspapers is rank hypocrisy of the highest order) of Mohammed, death-threats are sent and embassies torched.

I regard this is an almost blame-the-victim mentality. The simple point is cartoons are not equal to violence and bombing. Period. End of story. The plague on both their houses BS has to end and people need to see this for what it is. Europeans aren't racist towards Muslims. For the love of Christ they're bending over backwards for them so far they may as well pass a Sharia Bill.

If Muslims are as completely batshit insane as they are making themselves out to be, whose fault is that? Is Europe just supposed to bend over and take it? Just avoid ever criticising them for fear of reprisals?
theim posts:

I differ from many right-wing columnists, Peters included, in that I don't hate Europeans, I feel bad for them. They're addicted to welfare. That's what socialism does: it drains your spirit. Its infected that continent like AIDS, and Islamism is the pnuemonia coming to finish them off.

Well said.

Europeans have welcomed radicals with open arms for decades, now, look at the rewards for that kind of policy.

No good deed shall go unrewarded.

:piss2: radicals......
theim said:
I differ from many right-wing columnists, Peters included, in that I don't hate Europeans, I feel bad for them. They're addicted to welfare. That's what socialism does: it drains your spirit. Its infected that continent like AIDS, and Islamism is the pnuemonia coming to finish them off.
theim said:
Your statement belies your paranoia. Are Euopeans addicted to welfare? In short, NO. Socialism does a lot of things but "drains your spirit" is not one of them. Can you please clarify?

I'm no socialist, but I believe a society of humanity requires a certain looking out for one another as a basic tenet of it's existence. The favor of business over the rights of the consumer is flat out, as evidensed by thousands of American court desicions, wrong. The favor of corporations is doubly wrong.

The entire concept of Corporation is to exclude individuals from liability in the case of corporate liability even though a decision by an individual may cause great distress upon the society or individual it offends.

Take the case of the Union Carbide accident in Bhophal, India. Thousands were KILLED. Thousands more were injured. To date, not one cent has been spent in any retribution to the most assuredly were afflicted. I call this a failure of society to properly protect it's electorate and citizenship. The current corporate advertisements of Asbestos legislation right here in America also aim to deny the afflicted even in our own society of their due.

Islamism is no threat to Europe or the United States of America. Corporatism, it's lawful immunity from responsibility, and it's connection with American Christian religion is a threat to everyone, including you.

As a Christian, I find your comparison of Islamism with Aids and pnuemonia quite offensive. I don't believe that my Lord Jesus Christ taught such a message. Please correct me if I misinterpret the scripture or your writings.


Psychoblues said:
theim said:
I differ from many right-wing columnists, Peters included, in that I don't hate Europeans, I feel bad for them. They're addicted to welfare. That's what socialism does: it drains your spirit. Its infected that continent like AIDS, and Islamism is the pnuemonia coming to finish them off.
theim said:
Your statement belies your paranoia. Are Euopeans addicted to welfare? In short, NO. Socialism does a lot of things but "drains your spirit" is not one of them. Can you please clarify?

I'm no socialist, but I believe a society of humanity requires a certain looking out for one another as a basic tenet of it's existence. The favor of business over the rights of the consumer is flat out, as evidensed by thousands of American court desicions, wrong. The favor of corporations is doubly wrong.

The entire concept of Corporation is to exclude individuals from liability in the case of corporate liability even though a decision by an individual may cause great distress upon the society or individual it offends.

Take the case of the Union Carbide accident in Bhophal, India. Thousands were KILLED. Thousands more were injured. To date, not one cent has been spent in any retribution to the most assuredly were afflicted. I call this a failure of society to properly protect it's electorate and citizenship. The current corporate advertisements of Asbestos legislation right here in America also aim to deny the afflicted even in our own society of their due.

Islamism is no threat to Europe or the United States of America. Corporatism, it's lawful immunity from responsibility, and it's connection with American Christian religion is a threat to everyone, including you.

As a Christian, I find your comparison of Islamism with Aids and pnuemonia quite offensive. I don't believe that my Lord Jesus Christ taught such a message. Please correct me if I misinterpret the scripture or your writings.



People wouldn't take the risk of starting a business without some measure of protection. Go clean piss. Quit befouling christ with your fetid allegiance.
rtwngAvngr said:
Psychoblues said:
theim said:
I differ from many right-wing columnists, Peters included, in that I don't hate Europeans, I feel bad for them. They're addicted to welfare. That's what socialism does: it drains your spirit. Its infected that continent like AIDS, and Islamism is the pnuemonia coming to finish them off.

People wouldn't take the risk of starting a business without some measure of protection. Go clean piss. Quit befouling christ with your fetid allegiance.

I certainly started mine with a paid for insurance policy. I wasn't guaranteed success nor was I guarunteed protection. I succeeded and I failed. I continue to enjoy the peace of mind generated through my successes. I continue to resent the obstacles set before me by my better connected competitors.

I can clean piss today just as I have been able to do all my years. I am not the drug induced and immoral human being that you reich wingers so wish us lefties to be. I have a responsibility beyond myself as an American. That said, entertain yourself.

Psychoblues said:
rtwngAvngr said:
Psychoblues said:
I certainly started mine with a paid for insurance policy. I wasn't guaranteed success nor was I guarunteed protection. I succeeded and I failed. I continue to enjoy the peace of mind generated through my successes. I continue to resent the obstacles set before me by my better connected competitors.

I can clean piss today just as I have been able to do all my years. I am not the drug induced and immoral human being that you reich wingers so wish us lefties to be. I have a responsibility beyond myself as an American. That said, entertain yourself.


Yet your willing to subvert all known forms of morality with theft en masse, also called socialism.
rtwngAvngr said:
Psychoblues said:
rtwngAvngr said:
Yet your willing to subvert all known forms of morality with theft en masse, also called socialism.

I don't know how old you are, rtwngAvngr, nor do I know your political experience. I certainly know your political persuasion. I also know that you are so self-screwed and so self sacrosanct that anything I might say would be offensive to you that you would attack me, even personally, regardless the integrity of my reasoning.

I have not subverted all known forms of morality but I could suggest that you have, even done so inadvertantly. My most horrible fear is exactly "theft'. I fear the present administration has stolen the integrity, the finance and the business acumen that most Americans have lived and died to preserve for the general interests of DEMOCRACY. Do you have a quarrel with that?

I was ridiculed here in USMB for my statements about there being no WMD's in Iraq. I was further ridiculed concerning my statements concerning the statements of the administration leading up to the WAR in IRAQ. I was correct. Even the pResident admits that, now.

I may stand alone, but I will stand.


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