oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.
Gee, how could anyone consider LimpBoy SEXIST after his "Spirited Defense of Women."
Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
September 24, 2007
RUSH: Like I have my iPhone or I have my computer. It's not enough for me to be able to use it. I want to know how it works so if something goes wrong I can fix it, or I can describe to the tech what it's doing wrong so he can fix it fast. Women don't care. It better come on when you turn it on, and if it doesn't,
there will be hell to pay. There won't be any curiosity about why it doesn't work.
There will just be anger.
RUSH: By the way, this spirited defense of women that I just gave, when it was a woman that said, "Yeah, men are smarter," what I did was a spirited defense of women.
Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #6: Women Without Men Favor Obama Over McCain
July 22, 2008
RUSH: But if single, divorced, separated, and widowed women -- in other words, women without men -- support Obama over McCain 61-29%, does this prove that
when men are around, women get smarter and that when men leave, women get stupid? I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So
women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative.
Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.
Despicable Sally Quinn Slams Palin
September 3, 2008
CALLER: And the women are confused, they're confused. They don't know why they're even doing what they're doing.
RUSH: No, they're not confused at all.
They have a plan. They are out to destroy traditional values that have defined this country's greatness.
They're angry. They're not confused. They're angry as they can be. They've been left out.
They're angry at a whole bunch of things, the whole left, whether it's women, whether it's the civil rights coalitions,
they're just enraged, they're angry all the time.