A formal retraction and apology (Rush Limbaugh)


Apr 23, 2009
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everywhere and nowhere
Okay, I'm going to have to retract my comments regarding {Rush Limbaugh}, save for the ones about him generally being an arrogant ass (not in of itself a problem), pending confirmation of words attributed to him and/or listening for a bit again and giving Rush a second chance.

I will post again if I am able to confirm the words attributed to mister Limbaugh or otherwise hear him say things to confirm the opinion I have held (which now appears to be unfairly held and possible influenced by media spin by his opponents).

I apologize to mister Limbaugh for my earlier comments and and any unfair characterizations I might have forwarded.
Okay, I'm going to have to retract my comments regarding {Rush Limbaugh}, save for the ones about him generally being an arrogant ass (not in of itself a problem), pending confirmation of words attributed to him and/or listening for a bit again and giving Rush a second chance.

I will post again if I am able to confirm the words attributed to mister Limbaugh or otherwise hear him say things to confirm the opinion I have held (which now appears to be unfairly held and possible influenced by media spin by his opponents).

I apologize to mister Limbaugh for my earlier comments and and any unfair characterizations I might have forwarded.

Ok, so what are these words that are turning your world upside down?

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

Sounds reasonable to me.
If only everyone was able to take a long hard look in the mirror and reflect on their beliefs.

I'm proud to know you and consider making this a class - call it self reflection, the dying fad of polarized America.

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

You can say that Limbaugh is fat and talks too much. There is a lot of proof of that.
You can say that Limbaugh is fat and talks too much. There is a lot of proof of that.

Yeah, but to condemn him for being an overweight loudmouth with no sense of tact would be a tad hypocritical :doubt:

Speaking of which, that dumbbell is still sitting on the floor next to me... I really should get around to that, since 'today' ends in half an hour :doubt:

1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn

2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

Gee, how could anyone consider LimpBoy SEXIST after his "Spirited Defense of Women."

Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
September 24, 2007
RUSH: Like I have my iPhone or I have my computer. It's not enough for me to be able to use it. I want to know how it works so if something goes wrong I can fix it, or I can describe to the tech what it's doing wrong so he can fix it fast. Women don't care. It better come on when you turn it on, and if it doesn't, there will be hell to pay. There won't be any curiosity about why it doesn't work. There will just be anger.

RUSH: By the way, this spirited defense of women that I just gave, when it was a woman that said, "Yeah, men are smarter," what I did was a spirited defense of women.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #6: Women Without Men Favor Obama Over McCain
July 22, 2008
RUSH: But if single, divorced, separated, and widowed women -- in other words, women without men -- support Obama over McCain 61-29%, does this prove that when men are around, women get smarter and that when men leave, women get stupid? I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

Despicable Sally Quinn Slams Palin
September 3, 2008
CALLER: And the women are confused, they're confused. They don't know why they're even doing what they're doing.

RUSH: No, they're not confused at all. They have a plan. They are out to destroy traditional values that have defined this country's greatness. They're angry. They're not confused. They're angry as they can be. They've been left out. They're angry at a whole bunch of things, the whole left, whether it's women, whether it's the civil rights coalitions, they're just enraged, they're angry all the time.
With regards to the second (most 'outrage' comment) quote; attacking deliberate single women is not the same as attacking women in general. He's someone with traditional values, and even women with traditional values would support such a comment that something is fundamentally wrong (be it mentally or spiritually or physically) that women who have been divorced (and even widowed) have issues. Such feelings are not only in large part a make up of the Southern feelings of family, but most Asian societies; indeed one could make the fight (fairly well) that people who believe there is nothing wrong with a divorced woman is a large but still a technical minority. I know the comments may have offended some people on the left, those 20% or whatever Gallup said, but it doesn't change the fact that these comments are not really exceptional much less sexist. Unless, of course, you're actively looking for such synthetic, semantic, criticisms of Limbaugh.

All I can say is that him attacking widows was over the line - nothing defensible about that.

His first comment is right on the money, even my girl said he was right. If you don't agree with him on the first comment you just need to spend more time with girls.

The third comment, more of what I first said.

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

You can say that Limbaugh is fat and talks too much. There is a lot of proof of that.

I don't think he's actually fat anymore. He's just sort of moon-faced.....
Sorry, I think those quotes are fricking hilarious.
His first comment is right on the money, even my girl said he was right. If you don't agree with him on the first comment you just need to spend more time with girls.

The third comment, more of what I first said.
Amen, brotha!! :lol:

Based on your comments, I suspect the only "girls" you two have ever had contact with are Patty Palmer and her five sisters. :rofl:
And mostly accurate, you should here my wife when the computer goes on the fritz.
With regards to the second (most 'outrage' comment) quote; attacking deliberate single women is not the same as attacking women in general. He's someone with traditional values, and even women with traditional values would support such a comment that something is fundamentally wrong (be it mentally or spiritually or physically) that women who have been divorced (and even widowed) have issues. Such feelings are not only in large part a make up of the Southern feelings of family, but most Asian societies; indeed one could make the fight (fairly well) that people who believe there is nothing wrong with a divorced woman is a large but still a technical minority. I know the comments may have offended some people on the left, those 20% or whatever Gallup said, but it doesn't change the fact that these comments are not really exceptional much less sexist. Unless, of course, you're actively looking for such synthetic, semantic, criticisms of Limbaugh.

All I can say is that him attacking widows was over the line - nothing defensible about that.

His first comment is right on the money, even my girl said he was right. If you don't agree with him on the first comment you just need to spend more time with girls.

The third comment, more of what I first said.

As I have said many times, CON$ can rationalize anything. In this case getting divorced three times is a "traditional value" and makes the impotent sore loser an expert on women.
At least you concede attacking widows was over the line, .... sort of.

Do you CON$ also blame budget deficits on women getting the vote?

Clintons Plan to Blow Up Convention
August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

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